Saturday 4 June 2011

How has the Technology in cricket changed in the past 50 years?

I am doing a School Assignent on Technology in Cricket and one of the Focus Questions I have is how has Technology changed in the past 50 years? can some1 please give me a detailed Answer??|||snikko: This technology uses sound waves indicate sharp waves for ball hitting hard objects like a bat and a more flatt wave for the ball hitting softer objects like the body or pads.

Hot Spot: Is a thermal imaging camera that shows hot spots of where the ball hits (developed by the military)

Hawkeye: Can project the predicted path of the ball to aid 3rd umpires in leg before wicket appeals.

super slow motion cameras : This technology aids with line calls in run outs and stumpings and doubtful catches.

appeal system: This new appeal system designed to negate umpire error (Brisbane test match now).

Gear improvements: New materials mean better and more streamlined helmets, pads, protective gear and also clothing, new clothing materials designed to draw sweat from the body and keep the wearer cooler in the hot weather

Stump camera: Gives the viewer a ground eye view of pitch

stump mike: lets spectators hear what%26#039;s going on, also picks up some of the abuse players throw at each other to aid hearings for reprimanded players|||They used to sell only fish and chips at the cricket,now you can get kebabs!|||Television

Lights (night cricket)

Camera angles

Stump Cam

Beaver Cam





Technology is changing the way we read and yet it is not.?

How relevant is this essay today, given our evolution toward electronic media?|||Technology is clearly bringing a world of facts and information literally to our fingertips. However, it is an unedited world. More than ever, readers need critical reading.

Here is a critical reading site, beginning with an exerpt from Avi%26#039;s Nothing But the Truth.鈥?/a>

If this or any other answer to your question helps you resolve this issue, please select a %26quot;best answer.%26quot; This motivates people to help you and rewards their research in your behalf.


Bruce|||As a school teacher who has taught reading for 17 years, this is a really relevant question. With electronic media we are reading a vast amount of information over the internet. It is essential that we are able to discern fact from opinion or fiction masquerading as fact. The Wickepedia web site is an excellent example.

Good luck with your school essay. Birdie

Show how the new technology changed architectural design in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?

show how the new technology changed architectural design in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, focusing on Garnier, Sullivan and Wright. How does form follow function? Why is the Paris Opera a triumph of historicism, and how do Sullivan and Wright treat the organic and inorganic?|||One of the single most important %26quot;new technologies%26quot; was the development of the elevator safety brake by Otis in 1852. It made tall buildings possible.

Is anyone Know, Describe How Technology is changing Human Resource Management?

Technology has changed many aspects of human resource management. The staffing function of HR has been almost completely computerized. Resumes are now scanned by computers, interview schedules and results are tracked electronically, and pre-employment testing can be administered electronically.

Employee records management is now performed using HRIS (human resource information systems) that are computerized. All employee information from training records to performance evaluations can be stored in these systems and retrieved through canned or custom reporting.

Compensation and benefits management has been revolutionized by technology. Employees can now be paid by direct deposit, pay and benefit information is tracked electronically, and payroll can be processed more quickly.

Training has changed with technology as many training programs are now computer-based. Computers can store training information and the results of tests, quizzes, and certification exams.

How has computer technology changed in the last 30 years ?

My ICT homework is to find out how computer technology has changed in the last 30 years. Like whats different that wasnt there 30 years ago. Please help! thanks :)|||I dont get the grade so Im not doing YOUR work...its called look it up|||HAHAHAHA|||Here you go you should get top marks in your project using this info|||There are to many to count here, but the most important ones in my opinion are:

1. 30 years ago there were no computers in homes (they were too big)

2. Obviously the internet and it%26#039;s evolution (this is subject on its own - email, social networks, connectivity 24/7365, education in developing countries etc)

3. Computer sizes mean today you can carry almost a fully functional PC in your hand (smartphones, tablets etc)

4. There are tons more but far less important (Printers, digital media and much much more)|||Tracy, that is one heck of a question, as it covers a such a vast number of related technologies.

The main change in computing is capability, ie: what we are capable of achieving or carrying out with computer technology, as it has filtered into many industrial, commercial, educational, scientific and domestic applications within society over the last 30 years

The reasons for these changes again are many, but the main reason is the continual miniaturisation of electronic components which allows more electronics in a smaller space, which also reduces the cost of mass production, giving you more bang for your buck ($). Check out %26quot;Moore%26#039;s Law%26quot; 1970.

This continual miniatrisation has allowed greater innovation and integration of other technologies, thus expanding computing power and the capabilities of computers.

One of the first attachments to the computer was a monitor (VDU), some even used TV%26#039;s by including a uhf decoder (ariel output to TV) to see the results visually, printers were added to gain a hard copy of results, print letters etc. These out output devices. Input devices such as a mouse, scanner, graphics tablet were added. This bolt on attitude to computing has continued throughout, leaving us with the modern computer which will continue to grow in capability as the years pass by.

By connecting the telephone network to the computer, we had computer faxing, the internet was devloped, allowing emails, video conferencing, global banking and other communicational abilities like remote control off site to equipment (the Thames barrier is remotely controlled from India).

Computer development, though not the cause of globalisation, have certainly aided it, allowing us to accomplish far more with greater efficiency on a global scale. This is obvious with the advent of social networkig sites such as bebo, facebook, msn, twitter etc.

There is also an increasing social trend to place more faith and trust in the modern computer as our familiarity with computers increases.

With regards to the technology itself, take a look at the history of the CPU chip. Start with the z80, the 8080, 8086, 286, 386, 486 and pentium chips from Intel

The 6500, 6502, (6510 commodore 64), 6000 series from motorola

The ARM RISC chip and Cambridge Technologies transputer chip (the first true parallel computing chip in the world)

The above mentioned cover the 8 bit, 16 bit going into the 32 bit computer chips. Currently we are using 64 bit and 128 bit architecture in modern computers.

In the early days, we started with hundreds of thousands of instructions per second in the old 8 bit CPU%26#039;s, then we went to MIPS (millions of Instructions Per Second), BIPS (Billions of Instructions Per Second) and the progression will continue.

In recent years with miniaturisation, we have attained much greater speeds, but this has created a problem with overheating. To work around this problem, chip manufacturers limited the speed of the CPU%26#039;s, but have increased the number of CPU cores on each chip to divide the workload and control the heat build-up.

Early processors started about 1 megahertz (.96, .97Mhz), current processors average 3-4 Gigahertz but have multiple CPU cores to overcome the speed limitations.

Hope this has been useful, it should at least give you a starting point in your research.

How has technology change our government?

Intelligence is a good thing. It solves our problems and secures our borders. Technology in a sense is positive entropy in that it makes things easier for us. But for every positive reaction there is a negative reaction. The sad part is that we are unaware of any negative reaction that comes along with emerging science and innovation.|||This problem has been addressed by a philosopher called Martin Heidegger.

He realized that technology needs to be controlled and therefore also will be a very political thing.

Personally I see Technology as a progress like Evolution, but its side effects leading to manipulation of society, confusion and destruction.

If you like Techno Music you might like the clip I made on this issue:鈥?/a>|||go and watch dvd enemy of the state when the government dislike u totally. hee hee.||| gave us cars that is polluting but in the effects with government it makes it easier for them to spy on people tap phone calls, but hey, now CSPAN has a youtube account so you can watch videos filmed on CSPAN|||It creates ways to analyze predicaments better and gives huge assistance in modern warfare.

How has technology changed our World? Have the changes been positive orhave they been negative?why orwhy not?

Because of the techonology, the world is now very different from the way it was in the past. How has technology changed our world? have the changes been positive or have they been negative? Explain your answer.|||*Very* loaded question there. I think there are plenty of arguments for positive and negative, and they are mostly interrelated.

Thinking about technology related to health. Finding cures, developing technology like pacemakers, gastric bypass surgery, MRIs, chemotherapy, all mean that people are living longer. Great, we get to have our loved ones with us for that much longer.

But having only one Earth with such a limited amount of gets more and more crowded. People are living longer, and are thus using up more resources. Deforestation, air and water pollution, and in some cases involution...this all comes back to the fact that there are more people living in the world today than there have been in the past.

How does technology change the way business operate?

How does technology effects the way business operate, also how is technology used in business?|||New technology chances everything. It impacts almost everything about our lives. It changes how we do things around our house and around the office. It also sharply affects how we do business. Here are some ways how it does.

How is science technology changing law enforcement?

The most important advance was DNA testing. Many people that were in prison were found to be innocent when the evidence against them was dna tested. Unfortunately the evidence was not available for all people so it is a fact that many innocent people are in a cage still. One of our founding fathers said that it was better for 10 guilty men to go free than 1 innocent man to go to jail. Unfortunately this seems to be the opposite of criminal justice in our country mainly due to the plea-bargain system, which is mainly used to speed up the the processing of the accused in today%26#039;s overflowing courts.. A fact of life that many do not believe or refuse to admit is the more money you have the more justice you can buy. If you have been through the system you can speak from experience as I am now.|||tazers tear gas to just name a few|||More homework...|||Where do you start?








Police have traditionally embraced technology that helps them do their job more safely and efficiently. There have been so many advancements in the last 25 years its almost a different job. It will continue to evolve as new technology becomes available.

Poll: How is technology changing your life?

Is technology moving in the right path at the right speed?

I think technology is great, and I leech on the news of scietists and engineers etc pushing technology to it%26#039;s limit. But what I find so outstanding is how fast portae technology is changing.

In the past, the best portable device was cellphones, then blackberries came in and were the top tech, now there are iPhones, Android Eris, HTC%26#039;s, I mean it%26#039;s just unbelievable what these things can do.

I personally have a modded iPod touch 3G and I use it as my own ultra portable laptop, since it now has 2GB ram (512Mb real ram, 1.5GB virtual ram) 32GB storage, and a 1Ghz arm processor.

So it%26#039;s basically an all in one, and I love it to death.

The only thing I wish that could advance is batterie technology..

I know the latest advance is methane fuel chargers but I want something crazy like atomic cells or some kind of blue star energy battery, you know?

I only complain because I have to charge all my devices pretty much every day, and it gets to be a bit annoying|||Here%26#039;s the latest:…

I am predicting that all of this will be possible in a device so small, that it will become integrated into our minds, wiring it to the neural net. Then all will become one again.

I didn%26#039;t own video games or a cell phone when I was little, I was born in 1981. I had a great time. Technology is kind of stressfull, but its addicting. I always want to know the latest and greatest. Have you seen the Large Hydron Collider?

I mean, recreating the Big Bang? wow!|||Of course, technology is changing faster but we are slow in coping with it.|||Fire has been holding its end up for 20, 000 years.|||Much much easier.

Technology changing our lives?

Is Technology changing our lives??

i know this is long but please read it!!!!!!!

wow we are in class now talkin about how everyone would die if their cell phones got taken away.

(and im 16 by the way) and my phone got taken 2 years ago. and i havent had it since! at first i thought i would die! but thn after aout a month i was over it! things have been rocky at my house and i dont thin kmy parents ar ereally in the right situation to afford for me to have on eright now.

but ive learned that cell phone and technology arent everything.

and when i see my friends and how everyone%26#039;s so into %26quot;oh leeme text%26quot; and all of that im just like...%26quot;wow imagine them without their phones%26quot;

basically im jus tsayin that the world is definately changing.

and if everything keeps getting s digital then their willl be less jobs and no one will be able to support their families and pay their bills.

i mean look at apple. it practically changed the music industry for the better and now they have this new iPAD tablet thing. im just in an aww at how much our world has changed us. i cant wait to see the world about 50 years from now.

im a very wise 16 year old and i think i might be just one of a few teens left without a phone. but i just wanna hear your thoughts|||Our lives change technology. Technology is just fancy gadgets based out of supply and demand. Without facebook/myspace... ppl would just stand by the water coolers at work (or gather in groups at school). Without computer games, geeks would sit in their rooms playing dungeons %26amp; dragons (or playing with their Star Wars action figures). Without cars ppl would travel on horseback or ride a bike. Go to Lancaster, PA or rural Texas. Ppl can live without technology. Technology fills a void in our lives...sometimes, the easy access of technology causes us to fill our voids with cheap stuff rather than quality stuff. This stuff can be spending time with family and friends face to face rather than over a computer chat -- or playing with a real life pet rather than raising a virtual pet on a computer. So my answer would be no, technology does not change our lives. We (our lives) change technology.

Technology changing a country??

How do you think technology is changing a counrty....?

Is it making them better or worser...?

what are the advantages and dis-advantages?

Is it affecting global warming...!

What your personal opinion...!|||Yes it is changing a country. Technology has enabled invasion of privacy. I do hope tho, that we continue to use technology but that the %26quot;pendulum%26quot; will soon swing the other way as to privacy invasion|||Is not really opinion, it is a fact. The growth of technology has had a huge macroeconomical impact on the U.S. and all around the world.

Technology Changing a Country?

How do you think technology is changing a counrty....?

Is it making them better or worser...?

what are the advantages and dis-advantages?

Is it affecting global warming...!

What your personal opinion...!|||Pollutions is #1 on my list,and it is getting worst and nobody cares or helps the problem.. Don%26#039;t you agree....

State the law of diminishing marginal returns. Is this law applicable if technology changes?

State the law of diminishing marginal returns. Is this law applicable if technology changes? Why or why not?

Cite ways in which computers and other new information technology are changing culture in the U.s? Help Please

Cite several ways in which computers and other new information technology are changing culture in the United States. Specifically, does this technology help link us to our cultural heritage, or does it separate us from our past? Why?|||computers are allowing people to integrate knowledge into their minds,it connects us to the knowledge of our cultural past by giving us the power to correct our errors that adds to our pasts greatness,or our futures allows other cultures to study our mistakes that add to their success.through computers we can we can gain greater understanding of our feelings,because,feeling is the power that sets the machinery of thought and will to work.

Comments on how information technology is changing our traditional patterns of personal communication?

information technology changing traditional communication|||One thing I%26#039;ve noticed is that people are becoming a lot less patient when it comes to communication. Before the internet, you would wait for a phone call or snail mail. People didn%26#039;t call you while in line at the grocery store to tell you what they read about Britney. These days, if people don%26#039;t get an answer within minutes they become very anxious. You can call someone anytime, write text messages, instant emails, even order a pizza from your multi-media cell phone/mp3 player. The wait time for correspondence has gone from hours or days to seconds or minutes. Although this has far more benefits than not, but there are times when I wish people would slow down and relax a litte. It%26#039;s common these days for people to be texting while on a date?! Just one point of view. =)|||ipod and myspace %26lt;3

i can order pills from india now. woot.

How modern technology is changing the transportation?

Fuel efficiency, hybrids, hydrogen powered vehicles, fuel cells, electric vehicles, lightweight composite materials, GPS guidance systems and high speed rail, e.g., magnetically levitating trains are several examples.|||the transportation of what?

omg dude, get a clue|||We travel faster.

How is technology changing and/or affecting our society?

It is leaving thousands of older people behind! Our society is experiencing a widening gap between the techno savvy and those that do not, will not, do tech stuff. And then there are many many more people like myself that only do the surface stuff. Like on the computer, like on the cell phone, I don%26#039;t know how to do half the stuff you can do. I don%26#039;t do My Space or You Tube. I don%26#039;t do call waiting or conference calling. It is just too complicated and I don%26#039;t have time to figure it all out. Why is there so much new stuff? I think as long as I live I will only have time for a small portion of all the gadgets out there.

One big problem that the tech gap causes is that kids are doing a lot of communicating that their folks don%26#039;t understand and can%26#039;t monitor, and this drives kids and their folks apart, and folks loose control of the kids.

We need to have a new type of training, a branch of communications science, where experts find ways to bring us all back together and help us to use technology in a way that is beneficial to all.|||Omg come on.

communication, tv, blogs.

Its made it a small world, but then again a global society.

People can travel quickly or talk to anyone.

think about it.

Why is it important for all entrepreneurs to be prepared for changing technology?

please help!!!!|||Well for instance when the cash registers were the noise making kind with the big when you go into a store everything is computers, scanners, laser...

Credit cards used to be swiped and hand written then wed have to call in for authorization. Now we swipe and wait...

Could you imagine waiting on line for the clerk to call for authorization on credit cards for every customer in front of you...used to be that way!

In order to have more efficient businesses and to keep up with the competition, we must be up to date on technology..

We cant get on yahoo on a Commodore 64, we will need a point and click environment (ie: Windows)|||money and always read the news to see what new technolgy is coming out. newer technolgy is key to being ahead.

Do you find that technology is changing so fast you feel like a fossil if your software is over 4 years old?

The same question pertains to electronic devices. It is not only the financial burden that can be overwhelming, but also learning how to operate them.|||Yes, but for no good reason. It is the result of advertising and the whole keeping up with the Joneses culture. I have only met one person that actually needed to upgrade- once. The vast vast majority of people never come near using the capacity of the devices they own so upgrading for them is stupid. Common, showing off, bragging, and stupid.

Worse, the companies frequently offer incrementally improved devices that intentionally make their preceding product obsolete. Some, like Microsoft, refuse to continue customer support for their products forcing you to upgrade or struggle for support through the Web.

But in reality almost nobody needs computers better than what was available even ten years ago, provided they can add memory. You do not really need it, you just have been convinced you need it and that is good enough to keep sales up.

THis is true for most household devices too. The only improvement in many devices is lower energy costs.

T.V., DVD and all their spin offs do offer some real differences and some improvements but again, for most people it is not worth the price. We pay the price because we are limited in options.

|||Thanks for the answer. It is a good one. I am sorry I let it slip by before it went to the vote.

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How is digital technology changing movies?

i think its weird

300 %26amp; 10,000 bc. as if it really looked like that. they could make historic movies on a $10,000 budget but itd still be REALISTIC not all futuristic looking. i think its a waste of money. to try to be historically accurate yet spend so much money on special effects to make it look like it definetly didnt.

How do you think journalism and media will evolve with changing technology?

do you think print media will ever be obsolete because people will just want to read it on the internet, i know some people can but i just couldn%26#039;t read a newspaper or magazine on the computer, it has to be tangible for me to get my full attention|||print media will never be obsolete , not everybody has access or knows how to use the internet

I buy less newspapers since i got the internet 9 years ago

i can read my local newspaper online now

the tabloids don%26#039;t have news in them now just nasty gossip

some people Read books online but i wouldn%26#039;t|||yes, newspaper will not obsolete, since not all can access in the internet, and at the same time not all people can afford to buy those expensive stuffs like computers, am I correct???

(anyway, thank you guys for some of your;s my defend tomorrow,,and thats the exact topic)

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How is technology changing relationships?

The use of instant messaging, online social networks, email and other forms of electronic communication has become increasingly common among people of all ages. How do these new technologies affect the way we socialize and build relationships? position with reasons and examples from your own experience, observations,|||The internet is the best and worst thing to ever happen to gay folk. It is the best thing because no matter where you live, the gay world is at your fingertips. You don%26#039;t have to feel so alone. I remember when I was a teenager and it felt like I was the only non straight person for 100 miles around. That was never the case. But it sure felt that way.

Before the internet, meeting other gay folk for possible love was very hard. There were hardcopy personal ads that you could run in gay newspapers. But the turnaround time and circulation of the ad was very limited.

But the Internet is not a 100 percent good thing either. I think the Internet allows some weaker minded people to behave badly. Examples of this include breaking up by e-mail or text message. That%26#039;s a rather cold way to treat someone.

Another issue with the internet is the concept of long distance relationships. I am in one and I enjoy it a lot! I should, I%26#039;ve been at it for 8 years. But, long distance relationships are not for everyone. In fact, for nearly everyone they are a bad idea. Only a small group of people have what it takes to love someone over many miles.

Finally, communication is an art and it is expressed in many ways. One can perfect their cyber communication skills to a fine edge. But we also have to be able to deal with people face to face. That too is a skill that is learned through repitition. The less we communicate face to face, the less good we become at it.|||Look at the Facts and Arguments essay in today%26#039;s Globe and Mail - how Facebook ruined my high school reunion.

I could write volumes on this topic and so have others. Google it.

What impacts may changing technology have on lawyers?

If any, what are they?

What about technology is changing to allow more to be done in smaller packages?

For example a SD card that holds like 2GB of memory today is about the same size of one that held 256 MB a few years ago. Another example is the Game boy cartridges they used to be pretty large now their all condensed into a chip.|||Moore%26#039;s Law describes a long-term trend in the history of computing hardware. Rather than being a naturally-occurring %26quot;law%26quot; that cannot be controlled, however, Moore%26#039;s Law is effectively a business practice in which the advancement of transistor counts in some chips (such as processors) occurs at a fixed rate. [see image]

Since the invention of the integrated circuit in 1958, the number of transistors that can be placed inexpensively on an integrated circuit has increased exponentially, doubling approximately every two years.

Simply put, every year semiconductors including flash memory become more dense (read: higher capacity) and cheaper to manufacture.|||Well, one of the factors is falling production costs of these technologies. They had 2GB cards a few years ago; they just were so expensive that they weren%26#039;t popular, so companies didn%26#039;t advertise them as much. For example, right now there are 128GB USB thumbdrives, but nobody buys them because they are ridiculously expensive. As for the gameboy cartridges, the ones for the gameboy advance are mostly plastic. They shrunk them by eliminating most of the plastic, as well as switching to an interface that requires less pins.|||This has been the trend in history in science and technology. Prior to the creation of desktop computers during the idea of the father of modern computers Charles Babbage, mechanical and electro-mechanical devices were created for data processing. Mark1, a calculator used by Jon von Neumann to speed up the census would stand as big as a classroom, compare to calculators now are only accessories to a very small multi-tasking cell phone smaller than a palm of a hand.

Hope this will help. God bless!

Could you suggest a good book for research on how technology is changing how we live?

Just to help you understand what I鈥檓 looking for a little more, I want a book that shows how technology has changed in the past 30鈥?0 years and how it鈥檚 changed us.

How technology is changing how we learn, communicate, commerce, etc.|||The lexus and the Olive tree

written in 1990%26#039;s but very enlightening

Could you suggest a good book for research on how technology is changing how we live?

Just to help you understand what I鈥檓 looking for a little more, I want a book that shows how technology has changed in the past 30鈥?0 years and how it鈥檚 changed us.

How technology is changing how we learn, communicate, commerce, etc.|||The lexus and the Olive tree

written in 1990%26#039;s but very enlightening

Explain changing technology in Australia throughout the past 50 years?

I%26#039;ve been asked to Explain changing technology in Australia throughout the past 50 years and I%26#039;ve gone completely blank.... it%26#039;s supposed to be between 10-15 lines if not more. Thanks for your help|||ya mad

Should we be concerned that technology is changing our ability to communicate?

Why SHOULD we be concerned that technology is holding some of us back from talking to people face to face in reality?

Any real life examples? or anything.

Thanks. :)|||we should be..first,many of us is now using this modern technology to swine other people.second,we now agree into something just by clicking on the computer key pads without even seeing the person`s face or knowing if his or her public profile is real or in the first stage is just like magic for us,it can do things which we couldn`t do in our presence.the question now is that,does this modern technology really helping us or putting us in a dangerous world?|||Good points , thanks

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|||Technology will turn around and kick our @sses one day....|||Change always seems bad at first, but it is how we advance things. Perhaps the changing way in which we communicate is busy building a better social construct.|||Of course technology is changing... that is what happens when times change. things become more efficient and life styles are different. that doesn%26#039;t necessarily mean it is negative.

I am sure people acted this way after the telephone was invented...

Is technology changing for the worse the people interact with one another?

Well yes and no.

In essence have a hope and do not get bogged down by seeing the negative effects and usage of technology.

Technology also helps serve better purposes.

In a long run good things are going to happen even through advancement and usage of technologies.

Social responsibility and consideration of others combined with the right kind of thinking and way of life will increase good usage of techologies and reduce bad effects of technologies.|||Abso-frickin-lutely. Teenagers cannot communicate with adults without mumbling and grunting and staring at their feet, but they can text and IM at light speed. I can tell you right now that I would not hire any of the teenagers I know because they are incapable of face-to-face human interaction. My stepson is a perfect example. I asked him to get me directions from Mapquest to one of his stupid friend%26#039;s houses, but he claimed he was unable to relay those directions to me because the printer was out of ink. I suggested a pencil and paper to transcribe what he saw on the screen, but the idea completely baffled him. Not only is technology changing for the worse the way people interact with each other, it is making humans completely stupid. I pray every night for the military draft to be reinstated so that we can straighten out or weed out the current crop of idiot teenagers who cannot exist without texting or IMing.

Are economic depressions caused by the different pace people adapt to changing technology?

Accepting the affirmative of my question, would it also be accepted that war is not a necessity to escape a depression, but that an education that teaches people to adapt to change is the requirement to prevent and escape depressions of any type.|||For my experience economic depression due by crazy war, loss of jobs. Loss of jobs means less purchases of large items. Economic depression in the usa as i see it is caused by exporting american jobs to other countries. Unfair. I also believe that ppl are becoming more selfish, just thinking about (((me))) YES, as moral value change, people adapt in different ways and pace to changing technology Many use technology for betterment of life; others misuse technology. Great intelligent question|||yes thats the point.|||sure|||this all depends- people who had hearts and conscience are missing.every one cares for himself only.No one is interested IN any other person even his own brother or neighbour.There won%26#039;t be any depression or wanting if the have %26#039;s distribute and share with the have nots.The whole world can be in peace and not in pieces.this is my opinion|||No. Economic depressions were more common in the 19th century (1800%26#039;s) when technology changed slower and there was less need to adapt. They were rarer is the late 20th century (1950-2000) when technology changed faster and there was more need to adapt.

What is the good and bad way technology is changing our live?

please.... tell me some good and bad way technology is changing our live?|||good = things like comunication we are able to do big global projects because we can talk to any one any time

a bad thing is we rely on it too much and the human race has forgoten basic survival skills...|||Good -- Transportation, Computing, Entertainment, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology(up and forthcoming)

Bad -- Weapons, Many harmful chemicals hurt the environment|||Good: Goods are produced at a faster rate (machines in factories)

Faster cars

Communication (internet, telephone)

World becomes globalised

Genetically modified food? Able to harvest throughout the year.

Bad: Stuck behind the computer screen which makes the person less sociable

Bombs? Nuclear bombs are bad.|||i have only one thing to say:

if it was not for technology i would be sitting in your gutter right now. i would have no job no future (in other words it gives people job opportunities and helps boost the economy)|||One fine example internet.

you can use this one for good one as well as bad.

How is technology changing our society?

Genetically modified foods

stem cell research

super computer



weight gain|||Stupid asinine cell phone conversations that I have to listen to are driving me to run somewhere and live in a cave , all alone .

Is technology changing or advancing too quickly?

For instance is it worth buying a tech item if it is out of date within a few months? Example: iPod, cell phones|||For your first question, the answer is yes, technology is advancing and changing too quickly.

For your second question, you don%26#039;t have a choice. Most big companies already have the next unit on the drawing board when they release the %26quot;new%26quot; unit.

Find a good tech item, and stay with it for a couple of years.

Don%26#039;t give them a reason to keep making new ones, and expecting you to keep buying them.

Is there anytime of free voice changing technology?

I need some type of free technology that will allow me to sing but at the same time change my voice to make it sound good, and up-to-par. Also technology must be FREE.|||It%26#039;s not free, but there%26#039;s some awesome Japanese programs called Vocaloids. Go listen to some of their songs on youtube :3

Is technology changing the world too fast?

i have to held a speech for 3 minutes about this question.

can you gimme some ideas please ..

thank you very much in advanced|||We all know how much technology influences us, but few understand how dramatically technological innovations are affecting our world. The Barna Research Group recently conducted a study that gives some insight into how newer technology is perceived by age groups and how that technology is being utilized. One interesting perspective that the study found was this:

%26quot;All Americans are increasingly dependent on new digital technologies to acquire entertainment, products, content, information and stimulation. However, older adults tend to use technology for information and convenience. Younger adults rely on technology to facilitate their search for meaning and connection. These technologies have begun to rewire the ways in which people - especially the young - meet, express themselves, use content and stay connected.%26quot;

Although most Americans have adapted to the use of newer technology like the Internet, cell phones and iPods, not everyone uses them in the same way. These differences are likely no more apparent than among those our ministry reaches out to -- college students. College students seek and share information, connect with current friends, make new acquaintances, find entertainment outlets and even search for answers to life%26#039;s deepest questions through modern technology.

The world is rapidly changing and it is hard to keep up with all the new gadgets and updates that seem to come out on a monthly basis. For us, it is imperative that we learn about current technology and the role that it plays in the lives of people of all generations. A resistance to adapt to modern technology will only lead to one thing -- irrelevance.

heres a video for your help tooo…

Changing Technology World

Max Frisch said, %26quot;Technology is the knack of so arranging the world that we do not experience it%26quot;. The changing technology world seems to support his claim. Life is becoming mechanical as it is fast-paced. Movies like Matrix and Matrix Reloaded and the Terminator Trilogy demonstrate the possible threats to humanity by “intelligent machines”. Advanced technology produces a host of social, ethical and moral issues like cloning humans, creating humanoids who would soon replace human companions, performing and using genetic tests and many more.

Theodosius Dobzansky says, %26quot;There is no doubt that human survival will continue to depend more and more on human intellect and technology. It is idle to argue whether this is good or bad. The point of no return was passed long ago, before anyone knew it was happening%26quot;. This is unarguably true, especially when we consider the changing technology world. Given below are some examples of present and future innovative technology that will change our perspective and impact our lives significantly.

Global Positioning Satellite System

The global positioning satellite system is a space-based navigation system with 24 artificial satellites orbiting the earth. The GPS provides accurate information about the position, velocity and time of the user anywhere in the world and in any weather condition. Known in the past as Navstar Global Positioning System, it was developed in 1973 and is operated and maintained by the United States Department Of Defense (DOD). The GPS is a system that overcomes the limitations of existing navigation systems and its capabilities are accessible using small inexpensive equipment. The GPS consists of three parts: satellites, control devices on land and receivers that are carried on crafts or in hand.

Space Technology

Space shuttles are used to deploy scientific satellites and transport human and equipment to space stations. The shuttle was to be used as a reusable rocket and spacecraft. Russian and American scientists are also working to complete the International Space Station by the year 2006 hoping that the ISS will provide a more permanent laboratory in space. Shuttles are necessary for the completion of ISS. But the shuttles may retire by 2010, as the scientists are developing new shuttle replacement vehicles after the Columbia tragedy. One such vehicle is the Single Stage To Orbit (SSTO) vehicle with one rocket engine that can be directly sent from earth into orbit. NASA is developing shuttle-like vehicles that may be employed as the shuttle replacement vehicles or shuttle replacement. One such possibility is a space plane that would act as an emergency rescue vehicle.

Innovative Technology

Underwater Robot

Hercules, an underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) equipped with mechanical arms, fingers and a variety of tools like acoustic and visual sensors and high definition television, would conduct the first archaeological excavation of shipwrecks and archaeological sites in the deep sea. Undersea explorer Robert Ballard is heading the exp|||yeah, in these past few years, the internet has been ruling the world. before only the priviledged would have access to computers, phones, etc. now everyone does.|||yes technology is changing the world very fast. examples are internet, 3g system, laptops, web camera, computer sharing. you can elaborate these examples in ur words to support ur speech.

How is technology changing politics?

Like capitalism, do you think current technology is aggregating the sum of what%26#039;s available and what%26#039;s wanted?|||The internet makes campaigning FASTER! The funny thing is, the more information available, the less it tells you anything meaningful about the candidates.|||Absolutely. Not only is information instant, the sources are greatly multiplied (not funneled through the few mass media outlets) and conversations take place across the country, even the world. Expectations have changed. There are many more information sources to track and monitor.

There is also an incredible amount of noise and disinformation, through which one must get his message heard.|||made clinton a winner by cheating|||It%26#039;s finally making the last part of Lincoln%26#039;s statement a fact.

You CAN%26#039;T fool all the people all the time.|||they are able to steal the elections by rigging the machines , before a single vote was ever cast

How was technology changing in Europe during the Renaissance? And how did the technology change Europe?

yeah...|||I think one of the most influential developments was the invention of the printing press. People may disagree, but to me that is what inspired the Renaissance period and drastically altered the dissemination of knowledge in all fields, leading to multi-disciplinary developments.

You%26#039;ll find tonnes of info about the printing press, Gutenburg and their influences across the net.

Is today's technology changing the way we read?

If so, how? For the better or for the worse?|||there is nothing better than reading a good old fashioned book. i like to read the paper backs vs the hardbound because they are smaller and i can break the spine to make reading better. but i%26#039;m not against hardbound, one look at all the bookshelves in my home proves that.

to answer your question: no, i don%26#039;t think it will change it either way.|||Yes because more things are becoming updated. Look at the newer computers. They don%26#039;t have the huge butt in the back and there more flat screened. Look at phones. Before they used to be on a cord and now you can walk anywhere in your house with it. Technology is for the better because it makes life so much easier.|||Yes. Now you can read ebooks, or books on the computer. Also many sites have places where you can read books for school.

I think it takes away from the purpose, but it is helpful if u forget ur book at school.|||Well, it%26#039;s certainly changing the way we write!

Can anybody out there spell? does anyone else go back and correct their typos?

Yup. I read off the computer sometimes, and I haven%26#039;t picked up a newspaper in ages! I get it off the computer.|||Maybe and I doubt for the better,but then,I%26#039;m one of those Luddites who like the look,feel and heft of a book in my hand,the crackle of the pages as i turn them and so forth.I nderstand that there%26#039;s an electronic book(I don%26#039;t recall the name)that%26#039;s just out,but I won%26#039;t be lineing up to buy one.!


What are some examples of technology changing over the past 30 years?

i%26#039;m writing a paper and i would like this to be answered by people 50 and older. how has technology changed your life? (i.e. microwave)|||Sure has. 30 years ago there were no cell phones, minicomputers, digital cameras, CDs, VCRs, ATMs and debit cards, LASIK surgery, or car airbags. We did have microwave ovens, though they weren%26#039;t as popular as they are now. We didn%26#039;t have GPS or OnStar in our cars. But I think the biggest change has to be the personal computer, which is now almost ubiquitous.

In the past, we used maps we bought at the gas station. Now we go online for maps and driving directions. Want to plan a trip? Just go online, not to the travel agent down the street. The PC has made almost every part of our lives different -- sometimes for the better, sometimes not.|||Well - for starters - I used to use an ink pen %26amp; paper to write letters!|||There%26#039;s no shortage of new technologies as pointed out by the previous poster. I suspect you%26#039;re looking for examples of technologies that existed 30 years ago and are now very different. Examples abound, of course.

Cameras, phones, and television are prominent examples. The military is also an area that changes rapidly.|||30 years ago my televison wasnt in color, the apparate was a giant monster occupying half my livingroom.

I used to chew tabac nowadays my local dealer doesnt sell this anymore

They way coffee is mad is different, it was with a kettle of water, now this is automated.|||Although I%26#039;m not %26quot;50%26quot;, ( I just want to answer the question) I can give you some examples.

Microwaves/Self-Cleaning Ovens/Toaster Ovens

Touchtone Telephone (instead of Rotary Dialing)

Caller ID/Voice Mail/Call Waiting/*69

Camera Phones/Cell Phone/Cordless Phones

Personal (Home) Computers

Home Computer Games (ex.) Atari,Nintendo,Playstation %26amp; XBox

Cable Television/Sattelite Dish/VCR/DVD

CD%26#039;s/CD Players/iPod/mp3

Portable Car Vaccum Cleaners/Air Bags/Shoulder-Lap Seatbelt

ATM Machines/Debit Cards

Warehouse Shopping (ex.) Sam%26#039;s,Aldi,Ultra Foods

Oh my! There are so many things you can think of! I can say one thing, they have made life easier for the %26quot;Younger Generation!%26quot;. (Smile and good luck on your assignment).

3 examples of how technology changing the environment impacts animal?

The question says it all. Oh, I already have air pollution. Some links to sites would be appreciated.|||extinction

unhealthy water

lower food supply

I want to install a PV solar unit on our house. But with technology changing in this field.Does it make sense?

If I install a PV system today, that has an effeciency rating of 17%

and lets assume that every two years technology will net a 2% increase in efficiency. Does it make sense to get in the game now? Are there any PV systems manufacturers/installers that will replace the old panels with new more efficient ones 5-7 years down the line?|||I doubt you will find any manufacturer that will do a swap after 5 years of use.

You have to calculate the numbers. Cost and savings now, versus costs in 5 years. Will todays design pay for itself in the next 30 years? How about the design of 5 years from now. Will it pay for itself, plus the loses for those 5 years?|||Solar panel installer鈥?/a>

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Is technology changing our lives for good?

Is technology good for us if so how is it good for us?|||everyone is saying techonology is making our world a bigger place but i think it is making it smaller. With all the new technology coming around it has made live so much easier for everyone. Elders who can%26#039;t walk far enough to a mail box to mail a letter to there son/daughter/niece etc. can easily send an e-mail. But even though there is a lot of new techonoly there has been trouble with people paying more attention to it then other things around them. There has been a number of people getting hit by a car or something because the person driving was more focused on talking on his/her cellphone instead of paying attention to the road. Technology has made the world better and worse at the same time.|||I agree that techology is changing for the good

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|||Yes|||Yes it is changing our lives for good. Weather its good for us or not does not matter because you can%26#039;t stop and if you think you can then where do you stop.

The man that invented the wheel life was changed for good because it made life easier. Could he stop there. Reality check. Where is it possible to stop?

How is technology changing for the worst in respect to the way people interact with one another?

What %26lt;3meeeee said. We just aren%26#039;t interacting personally face to face like we should. It%26#039;s creating a world of shut-ins and misfits.|||online dating is a HUGE example. also, texting, im-ing, emailing, facebook, and myspace all take away from the getting to know you aspects of a relationship. it ruins EVERYTHING!!

Is technology changing for the better or worse the way in which people interact with one another?

Why do you think this is a stupid subject and why?|||I think there are good and bad benefits

I think it allows people to communicate with people they normally wouldnt be able to, due to distance and such.

I also think it makes it more anonomous and people take less responsibity for their actions online, and we have lost our sense of commnunity, and closesness to one another.|||1) Technology has opened up new ways for people to interact. ie, with the internet I can instantly correspond with people on the other side of the world. Good times

2) Technology has made us lazy. Now, we%26#039;d rather IM someone who lives two streets away, than meet them in town for coffee. We%26#039;re addicted to our computers and dont leave the house. Bad times

3) It%26#039;s not stupid. Technology is making us reclusive and anti-social|||I think the Internet is a mixed blessing. It%26#039;s wonderful for doing research and keeping in touch with people via email. Same thing with cell phones. Cell phones can be a lifesaver (literally), and it makes it so much easier to keep in touch.

That being said, the Internet and text messaging has taken the human element out of things. Some people never leave their homes and never have to interact with another person because they%26#039;re online all day long.

When I first came out in 1990, there was no Internet. I had to go out to a bar to meet people. Now, as I said, people don%26#039;t even have to leave their homes. While I wouldn%26#039;t want to go back to the way it was before, I do think in some ways it was better.

But, as I said, I wouldn%26#039;t give up the Internet or my cell phone. I just think in some ways the human touch is gone.|||it has gotten better, i mean just look at Y! answers, we can ask a question and have it answered by anybody. in my opinion the internet is way more powerful then a average library. but there is a few issues, hate groups (like anonymous (former member here:])) can cause trouble, and then there is leetspeak which is probably responsible for some degree of illiteracy among young gamers.

How is technology changing communication in the workplace?

there are new ways to talk to people through computers you can talk and look at the person at the same time.|||It has made it more complicated. Now you need to speak personally,answer the phone, open the snail mail, check the emails, check the im%26#039;s, talk on the two-way........and customers think you should be able to respond immediately when in fact you spent half the day sorting through it all.(it is not helped by all the rubbish emails that circulate)|||We all speak/write in sound bytes now. Get your point across in 30 seconds, and then shut up!