Saturday 4 June 2011

Is technology changing for the better or worse the way in which people interact with one another?

Why do you think this is a stupid subject and why?|||I think there are good and bad benefits

I think it allows people to communicate with people they normally wouldnt be able to, due to distance and such.

I also think it makes it more anonomous and people take less responsibity for their actions online, and we have lost our sense of commnunity, and closesness to one another.|||1) Technology has opened up new ways for people to interact. ie, with the internet I can instantly correspond with people on the other side of the world. Good times

2) Technology has made us lazy. Now, we%26#039;d rather IM someone who lives two streets away, than meet them in town for coffee. We%26#039;re addicted to our computers and dont leave the house. Bad times

3) It%26#039;s not stupid. Technology is making us reclusive and anti-social|||I think the Internet is a mixed blessing. It%26#039;s wonderful for doing research and keeping in touch with people via email. Same thing with cell phones. Cell phones can be a lifesaver (literally), and it makes it so much easier to keep in touch.

That being said, the Internet and text messaging has taken the human element out of things. Some people never leave their homes and never have to interact with another person because they%26#039;re online all day long.

When I first came out in 1990, there was no Internet. I had to go out to a bar to meet people. Now, as I said, people don%26#039;t even have to leave their homes. While I wouldn%26#039;t want to go back to the way it was before, I do think in some ways it was better.

But, as I said, I wouldn%26#039;t give up the Internet or my cell phone. I just think in some ways the human touch is gone.|||it has gotten better, i mean just look at Y! answers, we can ask a question and have it answered by anybody. in my opinion the internet is way more powerful then a average library. but there is a few issues, hate groups (like anonymous (former member here:])) can cause trouble, and then there is leetspeak which is probably responsible for some degree of illiteracy among young gamers.