Saturday 4 June 2011

How is technology changing politics?

Like capitalism, do you think current technology is aggregating the sum of what%26#039;s available and what%26#039;s wanted?|||The internet makes campaigning FASTER! The funny thing is, the more information available, the less it tells you anything meaningful about the candidates.|||Absolutely. Not only is information instant, the sources are greatly multiplied (not funneled through the few mass media outlets) and conversations take place across the country, even the world. Expectations have changed. There are many more information sources to track and monitor.

There is also an incredible amount of noise and disinformation, through which one must get his message heard.|||made clinton a winner by cheating|||It%26#039;s finally making the last part of Lincoln%26#039;s statement a fact.

You CAN%26#039;T fool all the people all the time.|||they are able to steal the elections by rigging the machines , before a single vote was ever cast