Saturday 4 June 2011

Are economic depressions caused by the different pace people adapt to changing technology?

Accepting the affirmative of my question, would it also be accepted that war is not a necessity to escape a depression, but that an education that teaches people to adapt to change is the requirement to prevent and escape depressions of any type.|||For my experience economic depression due by crazy war, loss of jobs. Loss of jobs means less purchases of large items. Economic depression in the usa as i see it is caused by exporting american jobs to other countries. Unfair. I also believe that ppl are becoming more selfish, just thinking about (((me))) YES, as moral value change, people adapt in different ways and pace to changing technology Many use technology for betterment of life; others misuse technology. Great intelligent question|||yes thats the point.|||sure|||this all depends- people who had hearts and conscience are missing.every one cares for himself only.No one is interested IN any other person even his own brother or neighbour.There won%26#039;t be any depression or wanting if the have %26#039;s distribute and share with the have nots.The whole world can be in peace and not in pieces.this is my opinion|||No. Economic depressions were more common in the 19th century (1800%26#039;s) when technology changed slower and there was less need to adapt. They were rarer is the late 20th century (1950-2000) when technology changed faster and there was more need to adapt.