Saturday 4 June 2011

Is today's technology changing the way we read?

If so, how? For the better or for the worse?|||there is nothing better than reading a good old fashioned book. i like to read the paper backs vs the hardbound because they are smaller and i can break the spine to make reading better. but i%26#039;m not against hardbound, one look at all the bookshelves in my home proves that.

to answer your question: no, i don%26#039;t think it will change it either way.|||Yes because more things are becoming updated. Look at the newer computers. They don%26#039;t have the huge butt in the back and there more flat screened. Look at phones. Before they used to be on a cord and now you can walk anywhere in your house with it. Technology is for the better because it makes life so much easier.|||Yes. Now you can read ebooks, or books on the computer. Also many sites have places where you can read books for school.

I think it takes away from the purpose, but it is helpful if u forget ur book at school.|||Well, it%26#039;s certainly changing the way we write!

Can anybody out there spell? does anyone else go back and correct their typos?

Yup. I read off the computer sometimes, and I haven%26#039;t picked up a newspaper in ages! I get it off the computer.|||Maybe and I doubt for the better,but then,I%26#039;m one of those Luddites who like the look,feel and heft of a book in my hand,the crackle of the pages as i turn them and so forth.I nderstand that there%26#039;s an electronic book(I don%26#039;t recall the name)that%26#039;s just out,but I won%26#039;t be lineing up to buy one.!