Saturday 4 June 2011

Should we be concerned that technology is changing our ability to communicate?

Why SHOULD we be concerned that technology is holding some of us back from talking to people face to face in reality?

Any real life examples? or anything.

Thanks. :)|||we should be..first,many of us is now using this modern technology to swine other people.second,we now agree into something just by clicking on the computer key pads without even seeing the person`s face or knowing if his or her public profile is real or in the first stage is just like magic for us,it can do things which we couldn`t do in our presence.the question now is that,does this modern technology really helping us or putting us in a dangerous world?|||Good points , thanks

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|||Technology will turn around and kick our @sses one day....|||Change always seems bad at first, but it is how we advance things. Perhaps the changing way in which we communicate is busy building a better social construct.|||Of course technology is changing... that is what happens when times change. things become more efficient and life styles are different. that doesn%26#039;t necessarily mean it is negative.

I am sure people acted this way after the telephone was invented...