Saturday 4 June 2011

Do you find that technology is changing so fast you feel like a fossil if your software is over 4 years old?

The same question pertains to electronic devices. It is not only the financial burden that can be overwhelming, but also learning how to operate them.|||Yes, but for no good reason. It is the result of advertising and the whole keeping up with the Joneses culture. I have only met one person that actually needed to upgrade- once. The vast vast majority of people never come near using the capacity of the devices they own so upgrading for them is stupid. Common, showing off, bragging, and stupid.

Worse, the companies frequently offer incrementally improved devices that intentionally make their preceding product obsolete. Some, like Microsoft, refuse to continue customer support for their products forcing you to upgrade or struggle for support through the Web.

But in reality almost nobody needs computers better than what was available even ten years ago, provided they can add memory. You do not really need it, you just have been convinced you need it and that is good enough to keep sales up.

THis is true for most household devices too. The only improvement in many devices is lower energy costs.

T.V., DVD and all their spin offs do offer some real differences and some improvements but again, for most people it is not worth the price. We pay the price because we are limited in options.

|||Thanks for the answer. It is a good one. I am sorry I let it slip by before it went to the vote.

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