Saturday 4 June 2011

What are some examples of technology changing over the past 30 years?

i%26#039;m writing a paper and i would like this to be answered by people 50 and older. how has technology changed your life? (i.e. microwave)|||Sure has. 30 years ago there were no cell phones, minicomputers, digital cameras, CDs, VCRs, ATMs and debit cards, LASIK surgery, or car airbags. We did have microwave ovens, though they weren%26#039;t as popular as they are now. We didn%26#039;t have GPS or OnStar in our cars. But I think the biggest change has to be the personal computer, which is now almost ubiquitous.

In the past, we used maps we bought at the gas station. Now we go online for maps and driving directions. Want to plan a trip? Just go online, not to the travel agent down the street. The PC has made almost every part of our lives different -- sometimes for the better, sometimes not.|||Well - for starters - I used to use an ink pen %26amp; paper to write letters!|||There%26#039;s no shortage of new technologies as pointed out by the previous poster. I suspect you%26#039;re looking for examples of technologies that existed 30 years ago and are now very different. Examples abound, of course.

Cameras, phones, and television are prominent examples. The military is also an area that changes rapidly.|||30 years ago my televison wasnt in color, the apparate was a giant monster occupying half my livingroom.

I used to chew tabac nowadays my local dealer doesnt sell this anymore

They way coffee is mad is different, it was with a kettle of water, now this is automated.|||Although I%26#039;m not %26quot;50%26quot;, ( I just want to answer the question) I can give you some examples.

Microwaves/Self-Cleaning Ovens/Toaster Ovens

Touchtone Telephone (instead of Rotary Dialing)

Caller ID/Voice Mail/Call Waiting/*69

Camera Phones/Cell Phone/Cordless Phones

Personal (Home) Computers

Home Computer Games (ex.) Atari,Nintendo,Playstation %26amp; XBox

Cable Television/Sattelite Dish/VCR/DVD

CD%26#039;s/CD Players/iPod/mp3

Portable Car Vaccum Cleaners/Air Bags/Shoulder-Lap Seatbelt

ATM Machines/Debit Cards

Warehouse Shopping (ex.) Sam%26#039;s,Aldi,Ultra Foods

Oh my! There are so many things you can think of! I can say one thing, they have made life easier for the %26quot;Younger Generation!%26quot;. (Smile and good luck on your assignment).