Wednesday 26 October 2011

LASIK Surgery Question: Is it Necessary to get the FREE lifetime consultation?

The Lasik doctor I know says that one year should be enough for a Free lifetime consultation because of the ever-changing technology. With Lifetime consultation after the surgery, the doctor will probably start charging the patient when the technology used with the patient is no longer available.
LASIK Surgery Question: Is it Necessary to get the FREE lifetime consultation?
the current treatment should be enough..
LASIK Surgery Question: Is it Necessary to get the FREE lifetime consultation?
depends ifyou will be in that location for the rest of your life. If you're planning on leaving the area, I wouldn't buy it. The cost of going back to that same doctor might be more than the cost of a consultation itself.
A big Yes Nobody knows the long term effects of this procedure. Phil FBDO
Since you plan to keep your eyes for your lifetime, a lifetime consultation program may be valuable.

There are many advantages and some very strong disadvantages to these %26quot;lifetime committment%26quot; programs. Nobody can guarantee a surgery outcome. They can only agree to give you back your money if things don't go right.

It is reassuring that a surgeon wants to provide this level of care, however whose lifetime are we talking about? Yours? The doctor's? The clinic for which the doctor works? The popularity of the procedure? What happens if your doctor gets hit by a bus, retires, sells his/her practice, or goes bankrupt? What if you or your doctor moves away from your location?鈥?/a>

What will sex change technology be like in the future any ideas?

There will be no need for sex changes in the future. 100 percent of the population will be bi-sexual. This is occurring as we speak.
What will sex change technology be like in the future any ideas?
DNA resequencing. Have yourself cloned %26amp; while they are at it, rearrange your DNA to be who you want. You may have no memory of this as you grow up, but growth drugs will fix that issue. Also, memory reimplantation of your former self will be done from the massive memory drives devleoped by enginners for a premium price of course. I'm so full of crap.
What will sex change technology be like in the future any ideas?
If you're thinking about sex change, I feel sorry for you, but here's my answer:

I think that in the future scientists will be able to make artificial testicles, ovaries, and uteri; also they'll probably be able to do brain surgery to switch its perspective on which gender the person is. Once this technology is achieved, sex change will be much more thorough, but probably very expensive. Scientists will have to do something like implant your DNA into donated sperm or egg cells and then inject the concoction into your artificial sex organs so that you can reproduce just as members of your adopted sex do.

I frankly find this concept disturbing, but there you go.
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  • Over the past 2 decades, How Did The American Family Life Changed?

    (80's-90's-21st century)


    -What technology changed family way of living?

    -What are the trends and changes in the American life?

    -How have the changes of family Life developed in the 2 decades??
    Over the past 2 decades, How Did The American Family Life Changed?
    The nuclear family is almost extinct. Now there are large numbers of single moms, single dads and homosexual families. And where there are two parents, more often than not, both work, so there isn't a lot fo time spent t home with the kids. There is much less interaction between family members - television has played a large part in that. People don't talk anymore. They sit in a room together and watch the boob tube, but seldom discuss what they are watching.

    Cell phones - those ubiquitous little demons - keep kids in touch with their peers, and many kids today are closer to their peers than to their siblings or their parents.

    Do you think we'll have the technology to permanently/temporarily change our eye color?

    This is just a random thought I had....

    I have brown eyes and I always wondered what it would be like to have blue eyes. I've thought about getting the contacts but I think they look too fake and flat-toned (i.e., they don't show depth).

    Do you think we will ever develop the technology to permanently change eye color? Maybe something like the laser eye surgery we already do?

    What are your thoughts?
    Do you think we'll have the technology to permanently/temporarily change our eye color?
    there already is technology like can oly turn dark rets to light rets but not the opposite
    Do you think we'll have the technology to permanently/temporarily change our eye color?
    I have really dark brown eyes there almost black.and my best friend got me blue contacts and they made my eyes look really cool1 you should get them
    No, I don't.
    There's a medication that changes blue to brown as a side effect, but nothing yet that goes the other way.

    Computer technology that is going to change the world?


    I am planning to take a seminar on computer technology that is going to change the world. Programmers in my company going to attend the confrence. Please sugest me latest advancement in computer technology that will change the programmers world.
    Computer technology that is going to change the world?
    Further to the other guys comment:

    Not just multi core cpu- but the reduction of the chip size in the current CPUs. Shrinking the chip size is allowing applications that weren't possible before.

    Compare the iPad to the apple newton. Wow, that's different. A fully functional portable computing unit. Smaller=lower heat=lower power usage. We're making computers viable for more applications. 30 years ago any school/business that wanted a computer lab had to build a special heating/cooling room to regulate the temp in the server room. my Alma mater had to import a diesel system from Germany and remove a wall in the basement to bring it in to control the temperature in their server room. Server room.. that's getting to be passe too. You don't need a full room anymore.

    Smaller size=less temperature=less lag=more programming power.
    Computer technology that is going to change the world?
    Multi-Core CPUs are doing it right now.
    We can't predict the future... things are moving towards 64-bit code and multi-core processors, but that's hardly %26quot;new%26quot; technology...

    Should we use technology 2 change the intellegence of people????

    Should we use tecnology to change the intellegence of people???

    im having a clasroom debate and this is the topic my group is against it but i would like some answers from both point of views.

    Additional Details

    17 hours ago

    the changing of the intellegence could be for mentally challenged people or just normal people...... the topic was chosen because we are reading the book %26quot;flowers for algernon%26quot;

    17 hours ago

    although there could be risks because it would be brain surgery ... theres BIG risks in that... and how would everything feel if the whole world was smart would it b 2 much 2 handle???

    please give some good reasons why that would b able 2 be used in our debate
    Should we use technology 2 change the intellegence of people????
    yes this would set off an entire new sphere of social debates... BUT!! the ability to use technology to adapt our world is the evolutionary advantage that humans have developed. And as such I see no problem with using our technology.. our only true edge on this planet.. to further our edge... so long as we don't lose our humanity in the process.
    Should we use technology 2 change the intellegence of people????
    once theyve perfected the surgery I don't see why not I think it would be a great idea to make people smarter

    What is a good topic for a science term paper that is about a piece of technology?

    It has to be a signifigant piece of technology that has changed the world
    What is a good topic for a science term paper that is about a piece of technology?
    One of these perhaps:

    Computer processors

    Memory storage devices

    Electrical batteries, their types %26amp; their charge duration
    What is a good topic for a science term paper that is about a piece of technology?
    can it be something like the telephone t.v. or computer?
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