Friday 7 October 2011

Discuss ways that meanings & experiences of love, marriage, & families are changing cross-culturally?

Include how science and technology may change beliefs, values, and understandings of who should reproduce and under what circumstances.
Discuss ways that meanings %26amp; experiences of love, marriage, %26amp; families are changing cross-culturally?
La la la!! I am not doing your homeowrk, La la la!!!
Discuss ways that meanings %26amp; experiences of love, marriage, %26amp; families are changing cross-culturally?
I don't know about the science part of it, but I do know about the different cultures part of it.

My boyfriend is West Indian (grew up in the Caribbean until 9 years old, then came to NY), I am Caucasian; we have a biracial daughter. We already agree she should know both sides of her culture. For example, on Thanksgiving we had a traditional, American meal. On Christmas, we are going to make a West Indian meal. Neither of us have family in the area, so once a year she will be flying to the West Indies to experience that culture, and once a year she will be going back to the farm in the midwest to see that side of life (we live in a major city).

Scientifically, I would say the biggest change is the number of multiples you see. Like that show John and Kate plus 8. It's amazing how they get through a day without a nanny!
Hey Jt...deadline looming on your term paper?
my butt.
It seems to be more acceptable in America to live with your partner rather then get married. Couples are having children without getting married. Its more %26amp; more acceptable. Love does not have a true definition, it is more of a feeling to people. With proposition 8 the definition of marriage is trying to be altered to fit someone else's belief of what it should mean. We seem to change for society %26amp; we are trying not to offend anyone. So rather then saying love is %26quot;a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person%26quot;, we say it is someone who makes me happy at this moment. We decide that if a child is an inconvenience, then we will have an abortion rather then be responsible for our actions. It is all about what makes us happy. I think people are very selfish these days. They are use to getting what they want when they want it. If someone is not making them happy, they get a divorce %26amp; move on to the next person. If they are too busy with school or work they can have an abortion %26amp; move on with their lives.