Wednesday 26 October 2011

Was the Holy Bible written during the beginning of time and the beginning of earth?

How was it written?

How did we become to understand it?

How did it outline everything God did?

How far back in BC can the Holy Bible go back to.

What was going on during those times?

Where was God during those times?

How did Technology change so quickly?
Was the Holy Bible written during the beginning of time and the beginning of earth?
No to the headline question.

It was written over the course of around 900 to 700 years more or less.

It does not outline anything but the beliefs of the Jewish people over time.

The very earliest time that it could have been written is around 1300 BCE as that is when Jewish culture appeared in the archeological record.

You would have to look in to ancient history as to what was happening. As a quick statement, India, Greece, Egypt and China had formed civilizations. The Celts had been trading with China for several hundred years. People had been in the Americas for over 9000 years.

God does not exist.

Technology thrives when knowledge is passed on effectively and efficiently.
Was the Holy Bible written during the beginning of time and the beginning of earth?
Short answer to why %26quot;In the beginning%26quot; read %26quot;Once upon a time%26quot;

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1. No.

7 more questions - I'll wait for you to invest the 35 points.

Well for starters the story of the Garden of Eden originally was a story created by the Sumerian culture. The scholars that I have read state that the story was symbolic of the decline of the Sumerian culture. (written language started with the Sumerians)
The Torah, or the first five books of the bible have been accredited to Moses actually, this cannot be proven though. Some think Abraham may have written some, so as far as a time line your looking at 1800-500 B.C.E. This was after the Exodus of Egypt on the account of Moses, for Abraham it would have been when he moved from nomadic lands to the western shore board to the promised land. As far as technology is concerned, it always seems to advance rapidly after the enlightenment because science was accepted as a way of learning.
It was written to control the uneducated masses.

The beginning of time may have happened some 13+ billion years ago.
The bible was written during the Jewish Babylonian captivity, about 800 b.c. or so. It brought together various beliefs from all parts of the world that was known at that time. The stories of the first couple and their family,and the flood, were all stories from other than Jewish sources. There were plenty of prophets and seers during those times. Of course none of what they foretold ever happened. That is why the stories were edited to show connections to a local god.
1- Sadly, Moses and Abraham didn't write any books in the bible. The stories in the pentateteuch (first 5 books of the bible or the Torah), for example has 4main sources (the northern and southern kingdom of Israel before babylonian exile, The exilic Priestly sources, and priestly sources from before exile) that were added to it at different times. (but not before it was past down orally for a thousand years.

2- I don't think the bible does or is supposed to outline everything God did.

3- The bible tells the story of the begining of humankind but there are disagreements as to how far back that is. The first texts of the bible were written in 950 BCE

4- The bible sources span about a thousand year period so a lot happened. Isreal was formed, then exiled to Egypt, Liberated and settled back in Isreal, then exiled to Babylon, about half returned, established its own monarchy, then the romans came in... etc.

I don't think I can answer 5 or 6 but I tried my best with the others
No it was not, but the words inside of it are from The God. Holy bible is from history, right now people call it the Holy bible, since it has God words. Yes, it is Holy Bible. May God Bless You All !!
The bible was written by man, long after the earth started and is simply a book of stories, some of which reflect slightly on actual events.
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