Wednesday 26 October 2011

What will sex change technology be like in the future any ideas?

There will be no need for sex changes in the future. 100 percent of the population will be bi-sexual. This is occurring as we speak.
What will sex change technology be like in the future any ideas?
DNA resequencing. Have yourself cloned %26amp; while they are at it, rearrange your DNA to be who you want. You may have no memory of this as you grow up, but growth drugs will fix that issue. Also, memory reimplantation of your former self will be done from the massive memory drives devleoped by enginners for a premium price of course. I'm so full of crap.
What will sex change technology be like in the future any ideas?
If you're thinking about sex change, I feel sorry for you, but here's my answer:

I think that in the future scientists will be able to make artificial testicles, ovaries, and uteri; also they'll probably be able to do brain surgery to switch its perspective on which gender the person is. Once this technology is achieved, sex change will be much more thorough, but probably very expensive. Scientists will have to do something like implant your DNA into donated sperm or egg cells and then inject the concoction into your artificial sex organs so that you can reproduce just as members of your adopted sex do.

I frankly find this concept disturbing, but there you go.
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