Friday 7 October 2011

Night vision, the technology to see?

in caves, without a source of light, you are unable to see what is there. In a dark night without a light you also can not see what is out there, regardless of a cougar on the hunt or an enemy sneaking up to attack.

Night vision technology changed the night into day.

we live in a real world were we are unable to see into the spirit world. If a %26quot;night vision technology%26quot; existed where you could see into the spirit world, what do you think you would see.

a friend was asked about life on mars back in 1975. He said, I don't think there is life there. The person asking the question said, what if they find it. He replied, I will change my opinion, it does not affect my day to day life.

if you could see into the spirit world, how do you think it would effect your daily life, since some say there is no evidence of God, you now see the evidence
Night vision, the technology to see?
If you could see what's in the 4th and 5th dimensions you would freak out. We share the same space, but different dimensions with other entities. They are all around you all the time.
Night vision, the technology to see?
Whoa! I'd like to hear what he had to say. I've heard hints of such, but never publicly broadcast. Thanks, for the info, too.

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Hmmmm. Let's see. The night is real. The spirit world????
There is no spirit world. A spirit world is just nonsense.

I've seen bits and pieces of the spiritual world-- these things I used to call %26quot;Shadow Creatures%26quot; for lack of a better name. Some of them were cool, some of them freaked the s**t out of me. So in short, I would not want to see into the spiritual world at any given time or all the time. From my experience, not all of it is fun and games.

And they know when you're looking.
dont you know?

digital cameras need infra red filters in order to NOT SEE

most cheaper digital cameras see into the astral鈥?/a>

that is only one site on the web and has 62 pages of pictures

some of the pics on that site are mine

the mind can only perceive what it knows

just like when you get a new car - you start seeing them everywhere

Dr. Miceal Ledwith of鈥?/a>

was my inspiration

I got the camera to convince my mind

now I see those things and more with my nakked eyes
As saved by the grace of God even Lord Jesus, my perception to such thing to happen to me is a good help specifically on spiritual matters. Yet, i do not even desire to see the spirit world while i am in my corrupted flesh, for to me it is so inappropriate to see things that we hope for!

As God said; Rom 8:24 For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?

So, in the final analysis, it does not matter to me and it does not make my day to day life in terms of what i believe, that all matters to me now is all about God's grace, mercies and lovingkindness in showing me the things i did desire to see. Those things in His Holy Words, that i am able to hear Him and see the things He wanted me to see; Luk 10:23 And he turned him unto his disciples, and said privately, Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see:

Luk 10:24 For I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them. AMEN.
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