Wednesday 26 October 2011

Do you think aliens have visited our planet?

I mean how the hell did our technology change sooo much in the past 100 years? I think the government has come in contact with other beings and hid it so people wouldn't go insane. Does anyone agree? Please be serious my question actually makes sense.
Do you think aliens have visited our planet?
No. That's just silly.

Technology has progressed because of the rise of Capitalism, where a good inventor can become a millionaire, the shrinking of the globe (through better transportation and communication), and the simple fact that inquiry is a lot more free and open now that relligions don't have a stranglehold everywhere.
Do you think aliens have visited our planet?
So far we've seen no verifiable evidence of other sentient species. That said, I believe with some certainty that somewhere in our galaxy at some past, present, or future time, a sentient species did/does/will exist.

Why haven't we heard from them?

Perhaps they are not technologically advanced enough to be heard. They may be mastering stone knives right now, or experiencing their own Rennaisance.

Perhaps they are here right now. Any species sufficiently advanced to travel interstellar distances would be able to hide or masquerade with ease. That Boeing 737 that just flew by may be a surveillance craft.

Perhaps they are so far away they will never notice us and vice versa.

Perhaps they existed a million years ago and died out.

Perhaps they will exist a million years from now.

It is really impossible to know for sure.

The Drake Equation suggests that there is sentient life out there. The Fermi Paradox casts doubt. Play around with the calculation form at the second link and see what you think.
Idk, but im sure all of use would like to know the truth
yes, and some maybe living in area 51!鈥?/a>
I believe it's possible.
I doubt it. I just dont see how any type of life form could travel the distance. There are just too many problems.

1. The space craft would have to be large enough for generations after generations to cover the area needed to reach us.

2. The space craft would also have to refuel somehow or be able to regenerate fuel for thurst, enviorment temperature control, what ever gas the form breaths.

3. There would have to be a way to provide food for a trip that could take thousands of years.
I do believe there is life in other planets, but I doubt that they have set foot on this one. I could be wrong of course. If the government actually has come in contact with them then they have done a pretty good job on hiding it, and not just this government, but others as well. I don't think an alien would just choose to visit the United States.
No. It doesn't make sense.

Our technology follows a quite logical and predictable


The fact that the same thing is 'discovered' at almost the

same time in different places, (giving rise to disputes about

primacy and patent rights), is evidence that once the ideas

leading to a discovery are published, someone will surely make it.

Do you really think that 'aliens visits' could be kept secret when

our politicians can't even keep their mistresses secret?

People might be very interested, but they wouldn't %26quot;go insane%26quot;.

Would you?
NO. NO. NO. We are utterly, totally, completely irreversibly, eternally ALONE. Nothing is the Universe has ever, not never will contact us, because we are ALONE here. Separated, blocked out, ushered in to a dark corner of ignorance that no light can break through. There are NO aliens who have EVER visited earth...except one...Us.
I love people who think the whole universe was made just for humans. You are such a funny and immature species. You always give us a good laugh. Unfortunately, you are also a science illterate species who'd rather believe in make-believe myths than looking at the real universe.

When I say %26quot;you,%26quot; I didn't mean the writer of this question I meant some of your answerers. Keep asking questions. Of course there's life other than humans and life on Earth.
no ,there are no aliens .we are just smart. embrace your intellect and don't give it to non-existent spooks.human is the smartest thing to be. we have moved from stone tools to outer space in less than 10,000 yrs. any aliens out in the universe are as planet locked as we,and they are as unaware of us as we are they.
Completely seriously, we humans have to take the credit for the great advances in technology. There isn't anything really fantastic about it. It just seems that way. One of the keys to these great advances is that little by little, technology has made the work involved in just keeping alive to take less time and effort; thus freeing us to spend time and effort on more discoveries and inventions.

The other reason that it is not likely that aliens have been behind our technological advances is that due to the tremendous distances between solar systems and the incredible number of solar systems in existence, it is most likely that aliens have not had the luxury of exploring enough solar systems to find us. And that's assuming that they would even have the inclination to visit our savage little planet covered in angry, crazy hairless monkeys.

Returning to a serious note, even if we assume that aliens have faster-than-light travel, there is still the vast number of solar systems to investigate. If they were to base their level of interest on whether a planet generates electromagnetic radiation for the purpose of communication, if they were more than a hundred light-years away, they still wouldn't have detected that %26quot;sign of intelligent life%26quot; coming from Earth.

Finally, and this is my opinion, I rather seriously doubt that there is much other %26quot;intelligent%26quot; life out there; given that we define %26quot;intelligent%26quot; as having a conscious mind (exclusively the possession of humans on this planet [again, my opinion]). I consider humans to be an unfortunate aberration; everything that they do goes against the Order of Nature. In all discoveries of science, we have found no thing that is as stupidly destructive as humans. Eventually, Mother Nature will get rid of this blight and the Earth can then rest easy.
As for what the brain washed among us call %26quot;aliens%26quot;, They are actually called %26quot;watchers%26quot; or %26quot;sons of God%26quot;.

Ancient depictions before their imprisonment [2 Peter 2:4 / Jude 6]:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

After Phil Schnieder and the boys dug them up [Amos 9:2]:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

You can read more about them in Genesis 6 and the books of Enoch, Jasher, and Jubilees. They do plan on pretending to be %26quot;aliens%26quot; soon as told of in

2 Thessalonians 2:9-12

Just in time for 2012. Billions will buy it. Will you?
