Friday 7 October 2011

How do you think technology will change in the future?

What do you think the future will be like in 20 years? 50 years?
How do you think technology will change in the future?
It will always change for the better.
How do you think technology will change in the future?
it would change the way we live and look at things coz new discoveries and studies would appear
Video Phones and food replicators! Yeah!
i think that humans will have to do less work like there will be more robots to make our lifes better and you notice every year the come up with like 100 more new gadjets to help us
Every thing would be different. New and different styles of clothing, cars, and stuff. And hopefully our technology would be must better. I mean in like the 1930's or something like that, people believed that there would be flying cars in 2020. Well, its 2006. So maybe not much will change. But hopefully, it will.
It would change many things immensely. We see everyday how technology is advancing, how easier some things are becoming and how much more we're capable of dealing with certain things. Its evolving so rapidly that pretty soon much human support won't be needed, and this arises my concerns. Basically you'd only need manual labour for maintenance and supervision in terms of reading changing data. However, many claim technology is for the better. Time will tell. I have no problems with the changes that are taking place but I'd hate to be replaced by a machine.
rocket bag pack?

but the most drastic change will be at the automotive industries where people tried to find the alternative rather using car running on gas to more enviromental usage... on sema or any car exec show.
Thus the technology evolution is exponential, we cannot be accurate with what exactly will bring the technology in 20 or 50 years; but we can estimate some of the features it will bring for sure. Here's my list:

- Vertical Take-off commercial planes (Not so far, 5 to 10 years)

- Flying cars (maybe in 50 years or more the world could be ready for this)

- Pure voice manipulated computers (We won't need a mouse or a keyboard to manipulate them, 5 to 7 years)

- Paper-width Plasma or LCD TV (5 years)

- Auto-Pilot cars. (10 years)

- A high use of hollograms, for video conferences and other events. (5 years).

I thinks these are the features that will impact our lives in the next years.
