Wednesday 26 October 2011

What are some pro/cons for Business Accounting major vs Computer Science majors?

I'm stuck deciding what I want to go for and I don't want to waste time going to college and not knowing what i'm going for. i'm just trying to see the benifits of either one... i know for computer science you're gonna have to pretty much continue to take class all through your career most likely to stay updated since technology changes so much... you thoughts?
What are some pro/cons for Business Accounting major vs Computer Science majors?
If you like technology, computers, programming, and money the decision is a real no brainer. If you enjoy pouring over mundane financial statements and basic math then that accounting degree might look mighty fine. With either degree your job prospects upon graduation will be strong (dependant on you doing well, of course). I had a CS roommate and an accounting roommate a few years ago; the CS guy is making $70k+ at Intel playing with supercomputers and they are paying for his PhD when he wants it, my friend who did accounting got on at a Big 4 firm and is making $45k~ish. Both are relatively happy, but CS just seems more fun to me, but if you like accounting it is certainly a good path to go down.