Friday 7 October 2011

As a law student ,i fell that Indian judiciary system must be changed and speedy justice must be delivered?

Infomation technology changes all area except judiciary.

100-60 years old laws still remain without reformation..

And people spend their precious life in court rooms.

Indian jails are overcrowded and unhigenic.

Nearly 3 lakh people are in indian jails.

75% of them are under trials.

They are died in jails without getting proper madical aids.

Human rights commissions can do anything?

As a law student ,i fell that Indian judiciary system must be changed and speedy justice must be delivered?
You are right from all angles. A Massive, Effective, Time bound, Judicial Reform for the nation is a need of the moment. But, for that, a willful, sincere and faithful Political vision is also necessary to carry out the changes. Who will initiate ?
As a law student ,i fell that Indian judiciary system must be changed and speedy justice must be delivered?
I agree with you. Justice delayed is justice denied.
The backlog of cases in the various courts right down from the SC to the magistrate's court will take years to clear.With new cases being filed faster than they can be decided,there is no chance of the judiciary

getting out of the quagmire.Everyone uniformly agrees that judicial

reforms are the need of the hour but none has suggested anything concrete for the system to get out of the rut.Has anyone tried to analyse the reasons for the backlog?Let us face it.Both the attorneys

and some sleazy clients are to blame for seeking too many adjournments,sometimes for the flimsiest of reasons when in reality

it is to put the other side in difficulties by causing the delay.If it is made a strict rule or the judges themselves are strict about enforcing it

then no adjournments beyond three times should be allowed come hell

or high water.Any further adjournment sought ,even for a genuine reason should be penalised by imposing costs on the client and the lawyer to compensate the other side as well as wasting the court's time.If some legal luminaries are entrusted with the work of making

suggestions to expedite delivering justice,there would be some hope for litigants.Otherwise the status quo will not only obtain but the situation will deteriorate beyond repair.
yes, you are right, but its India, Politician, Beaurocrats and Industrilist change and make the laws for their own benifits, who cares for the normal citizen. Who cam drill in their ***? they snub the judicery , they take the law for ride , what are you talking about, wait for few years for india to disintigrat. Raj Thakrey and Arjun singh has sown the seeds, let it grow.

I wud be happy to serve for an foreign nation, who would care for me and my family rather then corroupt Indians who suck, **** and kill their own people.
The present congress govt. will not change the legal system at any cost because of vote bank politics, Because the lawyers, police, jail officials, court officials, baboos, dalals etc. do not want the change. if the change is brought they will not vote for congress govt.
m absolutely agree wth u , our judicial system realli needs revolutionary reforms , it needs to be more transperent n more rapid.

wht facts says?

rght now there are about 4 crores cases r pendin in indian courts.

IPC is 150 years old , made by britishers to control indians anyhow at anycost?

its so obivious how could be a system which is more thn a century old work efficently wth a population of more thn 105 crores ,limited amount of jails , in such conditions the judicial system is just forgetin its main aim , which says try to convert criminal in to normal citizens , our jails in become the nersery of criminals n now a dys class room of terrorism too .

courts r totaly under the hands of corruption , v hav such a big scandal in news . but the million rupee question is wht v can do ?

v means the peoples hu makes a systm coz as far as i knw nothin positive goona happen by makin colums or writin articles , beleive me nothin goona acheive , wht v need is just a single man wth will power , the day whn any such men come in power m sure things will change , i knw ths is depressin optimism but it is truth dear , u too knw tht
Yes. I certainly agree that the number of cases pending justise need to be cleared. But I'm not sure if it requires to change the judicial system.

There are lots of true criminals hanging freely outside than the true criminals sitting inside the jail. If the true criminals were to be brought to trial then the number of cases take a big jump and will take longer to clear. A lot of them sitting inside are also lazy fellows who are sitting inside comfortably for they get their every meal and some of them are substitutes for the true criminal. I'm sure lot of these cases involve the politicians, police and the lawyers.

I would suggest we need to bring down the number of new cases drastically and work towards putting a stop to new cases. The law and order need to be revised to do this. So inorder to effectively execute this, the politicians, the police and some of lawyers who work with these politicians and police to manupulate these cases need to be kicked out of power.

Only we (the educated and concerned young blood) could change. Not our parents or the previous generation could change this b'cos they're the ones who screwed up the whole system. They refrained from voting or voted based on the race/caste.

So we as a educated and young generation who have high aspirations as an individual and for the country need to pull together our family and friends to vote for a single party (BJP) to come to power across all the states. It doesn't stop here, we need to give absolute majority to a single party (BJP) and we need to put our demands very clearly with timeline. I'm sure we can change the INDIA that we all dream off.