Wednesday 26 October 2011

How has technology changed for you?

For me it has changed quite a bit. I was born in 1978 and we had CDS coming out, cassettes and records got old and no longer used, computers,laserdiscs, then video cassettes, then cell phones then DVDs then mp3s.

When my parents were young in the 60's, there were projectors before videos, in the 50's films came out on television re-released and tv shows were in black and white. Colour tv came out in the mid-60's like 1964.

There's PS3 XBox, Wii, Gamecube, we had none of those when I was young.

We did however have like a small console which you plugged in your tv but it was nothing like xbox.

Technology has come a long way. How has it changed for you?
How has technology changed for you?
I dunno...I still play Atari
How has technology changed for you?
computers got smaller and better
instead of mailing off a letter i can do it it seconds, cassette tapes and vhs i dont have to rewind, its easir to install a tv, i dont have to go to the mall and put a million quarters in a machine i can just sit home and play, and of course everything is clearer especially sound and visually also, instead of going to the library i can pull the info off of google but if you look at it from another perspective they already had these things it just got upgraded
Technology has me feeling old. As a teenager, I never would have thought we'd see the days when computers would be in homes, giving birth to the Internet.

TV: Back then, there was NO cable or satellite--you relied on good weather bringing in good TV reception via airwaves. If you missed a show--you were SOL. I've seen cable explode into society. I've seen satellite dishes go from giant imploded mushrooms---to no bigger than a dinner plate. How cool today it is that we can record, pause and playback network shows and Hollywood movies!!

I was exposed to vinyl, 8-track and cassette taped music. It sounded so science fiction that we'd have machines, using only a laser beam of LIGHT, to produce with awesome clarity, music.

Yes....I remember the uber-cool video game of the mid-70's being %26quot;Pong%26quot;, then came %26quot;Intellvision%26quot;, after that---Nintendo....God, it evolves from there on to today.

When I first started in Radio Broadcasting--the on air jock did EVERYTHING, which went a long way to organizational developmental skills. Today, it's sweet to have MP3 music and whiz-bang computer tech make the job soooo much easier.

In short: The Earth was vast in the early days of technology. Today, the world is held in our hands--as we carry phones in our pockets--and can see the world through them.
Yes, it has changed a lot for me. It's kind of hard to adjust, and I don't think I'll ever really do it! I don't really like so much technology. I'd like to move to the country or something.