Friday 7 October 2011

Has technology changed religion in anyway? is it easier to have questions answered, to practice, etc?

As a Muslim i believe technology and science has answered many things in Quran that previously we didn't have answer for.

Quran explains Humam Embryonic Development (23:12-14)

Origin of the Universe (41:11, 21:30)

Details about mountains (78:6-7, 16:15)

Quran on Cerebrum: (96:15-16)

Quran on Seas and Rivers (55:19-20, 25:53, 24:40)

And many more
Has technology changed religion in anyway? is it easier to have questions answered, to practice, etc?
I think it has. In the first world it's brought us televangelists, mega-churches, and Christian Internet sites. I think some Christians like all the changes, but others miss the good old days -- I know my mom misses the quaintness of religion. (That's why she doesn't go to church anymore.)

In the third world, it's probably made it a lot easier for %26quot;missionaries%26quot;...
Has technology changed religion in anyway? is it easier to have questions answered, to practice, etc?
It is mostly at odds with religion in that it has a pesky habit of finding out that things in the sacred texts aren't always accurate. That is why scientists are mostly atheists.
Yeah, I think people are much more %26quot;I want answers NOW!%26quot; than ever. But yes, it's also easier to watch televised services, or get the words to prayers/hymns you forgot, and stuff like that. They even have an online, realtime benediction (although I forget where it is) that is a live feed. I think it has more or less made us spiritually lazy... don't know the meaning of life? Go look it up on wikipedia!
Religion needs to adapt to the changes of the world. This would mean updating their teachings and scriptures cause if Jesus were to come back today, he won't be riding a donkey to go from place to place.
Technology has almost made hymn books obsolete. A few churches still use them.
No, for two reasons. One is because all theology/philosophy was performed either on pencil and paper, or recited from a man who %26quot;knew.%26quot; So technology didn't really change this. The second reason is, with the exponential growth of information science has given us about the universe, it would make sense that people are more in awe of a power or force that created/spawned/evolutionized it all, but then again, just the opposite happened, rather than people being in awe over the universe, it's led them to be more nihilisitc, anti-religious, anti-spiritual, and generally more depressed.

The only other thing that technology has done for religion is helped super-star preachers make millions of money by preaching the word of Jesus. I'm not sure if this is a good thing.
i think it has at least in my experience it makes it easier to get answers to questions and the it makes doing research alot easier
Absolutely. I download sermons from the web and there are many sermon channels on my satellite TV system. I also plan to start downloading audio and video sermon podcosts onto my portable MP3 player. In addition, there are many websites online to research the various topics and look for answers that may not be found in a regular church service.

Religion has changed technology. For example, when Muhammad came, their was a rise in scientific discoveries in the Arabic world. Since the declaration of the Bab and the ministry of Baha'u'llah (1844), the progress of technology has accelated.

Technology helps people find new perspectives on their religion and the religion of others. It can help isolated believers to get out of their isolation.