Saturday 24 September 2011

What are some examples of how technology may change retirement?

need to know this by today
What are some examples of how technology may change retirement?
We will all be obese when we retire because we will have machines doing everything for us and we won't even have to get up to do anything

Also technology will replace humans in work. We will have fewer jobs because machines fill the spots and are more efficient then humans. So we may not even be able to retire because we may not have a job to retire from

What needs to change in the world relating to computers/technology?

I have to write a paper relating to my major, which is computer science, and it has to be about a call for change. Basically, I can't think of anything that needs to be changed about technology and a little help would be nice.
What needs to change in the world relating to computers/technology?
I for one would like to see the complete transition to 64 bit software.

What technology/policy changes do you think will most likely combat climate change?

In my environmental science class we have been talking about global warming and climate change, what causes it and some possible solutions.

What REALISTIC things do you think would help? Why?

For example, Carbon capture storage development, switch to nuclear, change in lifestyles, cellulosic (sp?) biomass..... and so on. I do not know all the options by far, but want to hear people's ideas and views.

Just curious? Please explain your resonings!!
What technology/policy changes do you think will most likely combat climate change?
Eliminate CAFE standards. We are more dependent on foreign oil now than before these standards were enacted.

With higher mileage cars, people live further from the cities they work due to the lower cost of living.

CAFE standards are responsible for people putting more miles in their cars each year.
What technology/policy changes do you think will most likely combat climate change?
Put a moderate tax on carbon emissions say 10 $ a ton on all products sold in the US and give no exceptions. This will drive the smart folks in business to build a better more cost effective mouse trap so to speak. By putting the tax on all products sold in the us it will not drive production and jobs off shore.

If you use power generated by non carbon emitting technology you would not pay the tax.
I don't think there's a whole lot we can do about climate change except adapt. Maybe pray that it will get warmer rather than colder.
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Ok, well, the first thing would be to change lifestyles a bit, you know, carpool, bike, take the bus when possible, stuff like that. But if you wanted to make drastic changes, first we'd have to find an alternate energy source that gives the same amount or around the same amount of power as fossil fuels. Nuclear power is an option, but you have to take into consideration the problems of waste storage and very high constuction costs.

So in short, I guess that the best ways to slow down/ stop climate change would be to use fossil fuels for burning as little as possble and to try and stop deforestation, and... I dont know, go and plant some trees or something.
Nothing you can do. It is a natural phenomena caused by sun spots or sun flaring. Read some books on meteorology and historical climatology.
I'd suggest a policy banning the teaching of unfounded theories to children. I guess an environmental science class today doesn't cover the effects of the sun on the environment...
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  • Do you think we will ever have the technology to change races?

    Well it has been clear that we can change genders, do you think we can change races? I mean like have this surgery, step in white, come out black or vice versa. I am not thinking about it it just popped into my head when I was hearing about someone getting a sex operation.
    Do you think we will ever have the technology to change races?
    I honestly would never want to change my race for anything. It makes me who I am.

    But to answer your question, in the future, probably. I mean, there making technology for the simplest day-to-day activities, right?

    Michael Jackson had a diseases that made him turn black...he didn't all of a sudden TURN WHITE. It's called alopecia.
    Do you think we will ever have the technology to change races?
    Ask Michael Jackson, he has it already!
    yes I do but I would never do that to myself. My race is important to me and i think that you would not be the real you if you did change
    Maybe someday, but I do not think it is entirely possible, due to the fact that each race has there own unique features.
    Micheal Jackson was one of the 1st dear, but you are going to get this answer alot.
    color of the skin isn't what the race is about...its the person that makes the race what it is........the skin color just promotes its attitude
    That's ridiculous. We can learn to get along with other races.
    What are you smokin?. Have you ever heard of Michael Jackson?. I f not, well he went in black and came out white.......If you want to be black

    just trade places with him.

    I need to change my hairstyle, do you know any websites where you can use hairstyling technology to change it?

    My name is Dillon Miles Casey, i'm almost 17 %26amp; my hair is inbetween light brown %26amp; medium brown %26amp; my hairstyle is (u better freak out for this) a freakin mullet.
    I need to change my hairstyle, do you know any websites where you can use hairstyling technology to change it?

    watch this video on Hairstyles. Its a good video on how to do hairstyles.

    You will get some good links and pictuers of different hairstyles also.

    Here is it,

    Best wishes

    How has technology changed or been adapted by society?

    sounds like homework; you should do it!
    How has technology changed or been adapted by society?
    You can't leave your house without seeing someone with an ipod or cell phone stuck in their ears
    How has technology changed or been adapted by society?
    from caves, to castles, to houses, to cars, to weapons

    and airplaines.
    Society has encouraged and discourged the greatest minds to go beyond what is thought of as normal. People change and are tried by diversity eventually breaking from the hearships and proving their worth.

    So basically Technology has been changed by society by the people that it has affected =]
    Technology has created enormous growth in many industries and communities -- and the large, most industrialized nations were for years among the most developed and richest nations in the world. As other nations begin to develop their own urban and industrial infrastructure, commodities used in technology are becoming more and more expensive. We have reached a threshold where the needs of such nations of India and China have grown to the point where their own populations need the production of their industries more than our own.

    Technology has also created social upheaval. Online dating, pornography, blogging, e-mail, MySpace, YouTube...a whole new dynamic of social structure and interaction has been created by new technologies.

    What kinds of technology to you see being available 20 years from now?

    Technology is always changing. Today, you have cellular phones which you can take pictures and check your e-mails. Just recently, Apple created the iPhone that contants the internet on the phone.

    My question is, what kind of technologies do you see existing 20 years from now in the year 2027 that are not available in the present day?
    What kinds of technology to you see being available 20 years from now?
    Future Technologies

    1. Schools and Universities will be based on VR to make it more cost efficient and more powerful as an educational experience.

    2. Quantum computing processor chips used along ordinary binary chips in personal computers.

    3. Robots that can do multiple domestic chores like cleaning the floor, watering plants, cleaning walls and bathrooms.

    4. Advanced voice recognition and tactile interfaces, to replace mouse and keyboard.

    5. Artificial Intelligence built into the operating system of personal computers, that would allow things like managing systems resources for maximum efficiency, managing other electronic equipment and searching the web for data.
    What kinds of technology to you see being available 20 years from now?
    hover cars, a flux capacitor (lol). maybe virtual husbands and wives.
    Truly I see no technology in 2027 that isn't available today. I see upgrades to our basic robotics, the one flying car somebody made I see being mass produced. Computers will continue to get smaller and more powerful. Video Games I see being virtual reality on another level, a level of total feeling and reacting. Warfare will most likely be left up to robots instead of sacrificing human life. As well as firefighting. The only thing that anybody should be worried about is the overuse of technology and not empowering the human. Along with all that I could imagine a total job crisis from overusing robotics and computers.
    the tv and the computer.

    What would you say is the better social change in our society?

    I have an essay question on my exam about a social change or challenge in society which would you talk about technology change or global warming change or would you talk about a challenge and what would it be?

    10 points for the most help thank you!!!
    What would you say is the better social change in our society?
    damn u know this society chenges and goes through many challenges every year.....some challenges we went through is the economy and everyone loosing jobs and loosing money and going homeless.....but technology has changed so much......we went to old computers to now computers that u can touch....also same with phones.....also with ppl to....we changed so much that we got our first african american in the whitehouse......and almost had a women in the whitehouse too!! and we now have more rights like marriage rights...and women have more rights too...

    hope that helped

    hope u get an A++!! lol
    What would you say is the better social change in our society?
    Technology hands down. Technology has changed society so much, because of many new inventions. Technology affects our health, education, work, everything. All inventions have contributed to a sociological change, so it will be easy to write about technology good luck
    The legalization of Marijuana. It sure as hell would bring this country out of debt as it is possible to harvest the plants for a trillion and one uses including

    ethanol fuel

    hemp plastics(stronger than steel, henry fords first model T was constructed of hemp plastic)




    not to mention it is havested in about 2 months. Trees take 100 years.

    the social aspect would be that OIL, the main problem with this country and it's leaders, would not be needed as hemp can be used for almost everything under the sun. They warn you of the dangets of marijuana to keep you from knowing these things. In the end, marijuana is not a cash crop, and anyone with a seed and water can grow it, which takes money out of Bernie Madoff protege's pockets.

    I would write your essay for you if you did it on that topic, and I would successfully be able to change your professors mind if he disagreed in the first place.
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  • Technology has changed communications by replacing or supplementing traditional modes?

    Technology has changed communications by replacing or supplementing traditional modes

    of communication that were primarily

    A. one-on-one. C. face-to-face.

    B. private. D. archaic.
    Technology has changed communications by replacing or supplementing traditional modes?
    ( B. private ) is technically the most significant in my eyes; every piece of information transmitted online / digitally / over a network is now recorded and documented in untold volumes; and accessible by the chroniclers of said information (gov, google, yahoo, etc.). see also %26quot;the Patriot Act%26quot;.

    [A. one-on-one] the most significant from the perspective of the human experience (social networking sites, chatrooms).

    Face-to-face is out because old modes of communication were not face to face and archaic is too vague...every technology becomes archaic at some point
    Technology has changed communications by replacing or supplementing traditional modes?
    Technologic advancement has always rendered traditional modes obsolete since as far back as man's mastery of how to create fire and sustain it. That is nothing new. Advancement always comes with a price to be paid. Gain something, lose something is still a valid concept.

    I too decry the loss of personal contact precipitated by the never reach out and physically touch someone price we pay for the invention of both the cell phone and the internet. I see it as just a small step forward towards transforming us into emotionless machines unable to control our destinies due to lack of use of our interpersonal skills which will render us impotent in content of character. But, so be it. You can only play the inventive cards dealt you. When I die, I would rather be holding a lover's hand than a stupid cell phone.

    As technology changes and progresses, are religious people becoming?

    more and more ashamed to admit to other people in the everyday world that they believe in god and in Jesus?

    I've noticed that to find out what faith a person like pulling a teeth out when back then (not too long ago) people confidently offered information about their faith.
    As technology changes and progresses, are religious people becoming?
    Religion evolved naturally with the human species, you can deny it all you like, Worship a God. Or worship stuff its the same thing.

    You are not good enough, your clothes are not in style. You will not fit in with the others on and on, You can redeem yourself and be reborn if you buy stuff at the Box store church. Judge those who put there money in baskets for the poor, they will burn in there ignorance you are better then them,

    ITS the same old crap just one less God.
    As technology changes and progresses, are religious people becoming?
    I am Christian.

    And so you know I am not hiding behind internet anonymity... my true name is Jennifer Perkins. I live in Florence, Kentucky.

    Perhaps people fear scorn or ridicule. I did once. No longer.

    ***LOL... I don't expect you to care who I am. The point is, I am not ashamed to be identified with my faith. Wasn't that what your question was about?
    Our technology has gotten beyond our wisdom.: -Ray bradbury.
    I am a Christian, and my name is Matt Merchant. I work in computer science, so I guess that makes me part of the technology problem. Sorry.
    Actually reading the gist of what you are trying to say, many sinner Christians will capitulate their fake faith when the Antichrist is revealed, for they will not believe in the true gospel that can blot all their sin out and make them righteous. This is what the Bible speaks about in Revelations, saying, those who are with sin will become more tainted with sin or more wicked, and those who are holy will become more holy.

    John 3:3-5 means, %26quot;If someone wants to be born again, they should be born of water and the Spirit. Here water means the baptism of Jesus, which does away with all the sins of the world once and for all. The Spirit means that Jesus who received baptism from John the Baptist is God Himself.”

    I am not ashamed of this true gospel for it has more power than any atomic bomb to shatter any sin in any heart, if only they will believe by faith.
    Today many people are reluctant to answer as they are afraid of an argument or a look of disbelief as if your insane for believing in God. The strongly convicted persons are not afraid to answer but they are few. This too was predicted by Christ.
    The reason I dont immediately tell people what my religion I am is because people have a preconcieved idea about certain religions. I want people to listen to me, before they think they know what i believe. People become misinformed and believe wrong things because someone told them that my religion teaches or believes a certain way. Most of the time they are wrong.

    Btw, I am a Jehovahs Witness.
    No, I think your finding that as technology progresses, you see less of a necessity for religion, and the traditional beliefs they represent. When new knowledge is available that supercedes old knowledge, its only logical to discard the old knowledge. Like upgrading your Operating System on Windows. That is why there is currently a rapid decline in religion, not just in america but all over the world.
    I think people are becoming smarter as technology changes, and no longer believe in God and Jesus. It's hard to keep your eyes closed when you've got so much information at your fingertips. Religions aren't as able to isolate their followers from information that is a.) true and b.) contradicts their beliefs.

    There is also speculation that some people are born with an inability to believe in a god. When I was very young, I naively believed that everyone knew there was no such thing as God, but everyone pretended to believe because it was a good story. I now know that not everyone is just playing along, but I'm willing to bet that far more people are Atheists than statistics show.

    Despite the fact that war tactics and technology have changed since the American Revolution, can any parallels?

    Despite the fact that war tactics and technology have changed since the American Revolution, can any parallels be made between the minutemen and those who serve in the military today?
    Despite the fact that war tactics and technology have changed since the American Revolution, can any parallels?
    The National Guard is the modern equivalent of the Minutemen. The Minutemen got their name from the fact that they were willing to drop whatever they were doing in the own lives (their regular jobs, families, responsibilities) and join together to fight for their rights.

    Today's National Guardsmen (and Women) due exactly the same thing to help add strength to our military. There are 10's of thousands of National Guardsmen serving right now in Iraq and Afghanistan
    Despite the fact that war tactics and technology have changed since the American Revolution, can any parallels?
    Well the Minutemen became the what is today called the National Guard. Or the reserve for the US Army. In fact the minuteman is the symbol of the guard.

    WWI - Why do wars occur? What are the consequences of wars? How has modern technology changed warfare?

    How can we prevent wars?
    WWI - Why do wars occur? What are the consequences of wars? How has modern technology changed warfare?
    Historically wars have occurred to gain power or control of a region or to impose religious beliefs upon the inhabitants, or simply to prevent the loss of freedoms that is every humans inalienable right.

    The consequences of war is freedom from oppression and tierny coupled with death and destruction...and in today's society it seems that extreme hatred of the freedom fighters is also a consequence.

    Modern technology has made the need for hand to hand combat obsolete. It has also made fanatical leaders more subversive yet at the same time vocal about victorious annihilation of entire areas. Modern technology has also made it possible to destroy the entire planet's life forms within span of a few days, if not hours.

    As long as people are unwilling to be tolerate of other, have need of power, recognition, land mass or the need to force their beliefs on others there will always be war somewhere in the world...basically as long as humans live on this planet.

    In the entire span of human civilization there have only been roughly 289 days without war somewhere in the world.
    WWI - Why do wars occur? What are the consequences of wars? How has modern technology changed warfare?
    a war is very similar to a fight, one on one. Its either, to show power. To gain control of the other person. It could be because he attacked u first. Wars mostly occur because one is trying to gain control over the other.
    b/c countries dont like each other

    World War I is a good example. The great scholar Freeman Dyson described it as a war of %26quot;exceptional stupidity and brutality%26quot; that %26quot;destroyed permanently a great part of European civilization%26quot; for %26quot;reasons which in retrospect seem almost trivial.%26quot;

    Wars arise for many reasons, fear, distrust, greed, to name a few. Some are even %26quot;just%26quot; in a moral sense because their consequences, beside death and destruction, can be slavery or extermination for the looser.

    Modern technology has upped the ante of war because it has provided mankind with %26quot;weapons of mass destruction%26quot; which are capable of bringing about the end of civilization.

    Plato tells us: Only the dead have seen the end of war.

    To what extent does modern technology does not affect a youngster's life?

    Like we know that modern technology has made life easier for youngsters in the sectors of:

    Education: Get a summary online instead of reading the book.

    Communication: Paper-based cards into facebook invitation.

    Entertainment: Online gaming rather than a stroll to the mark.

    What does technology not change in a youngster's life..

    Like it wont change the fact they have to be nurtured by their moms and need a family..etc

    Give more ideas.
    To what extent does modern technology does not affect a youngster's life?
    In this like education, communication and entertainment, technology only makes it easier and faster. But as for things like morality, family values, relationship to parents and overall things like that, they are not changed by technology. Technology is only a middle-man, in this case. A youngster gets affected by the world around him. Technology only gives him access to the world, but it doesn't force him to do anything. For example, if your youngster is getting his morality shaped by his friends and their opinions, he may be doing so through Facebook or MySpace, but that's only what he is doing it through - his friends are responsible. Technology only affects physical things by making access to different things easier. Point being, you can't blame technology for shaping your child's understandings or moralities, because:

    For the things that matter, the determinants and factors have all remained the same... For thousands of years.
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  • To what extent does modern technology does not affect a youngster's life?

    Like we know that modern technology has made life easier for youngsters in the sectors of:

    Education: Get a summary online instead of reading the book.

    Communication: Paper-based cards into facebook invitation.

    Entertainment: Online gaming rather than a stroll to the mark.

    What does technology not change in a youngster's life..

    Like it wont change the fact they have to be nurtured by their moms and need a family..etc

    Give more ideas.
    To what extent does modern technology does not affect a youngster's life?
    life is always changing my friends.. our old school belief system is going to be gone soon.. eh.. my little sister(5yrs old) is playing video game as good as me when i was 10..

    i think kids will jsut be more open minded when they learn of others belief and not just their parents.. iono its just my thoughts..

    What do you think technology will be like in the next 50 years?

    - How much do you think technology will change?

    - What do you think could possibly invented?

    - etc.
    What do you think technology will be like in the next 50 years?
    that's a big open ended question!! I think that in the near future wireless technology is going to become more advanced and very popular. Those pesky wires coming out of your mouse and keyboard..ect..ect are all going to be replaced with wireless connectivity. This goes for data transfer as well. further in the future I would expect advances in fuel cell technology and alternate sources of power for automobiles and homes. Remember that innovation is almost always spurred through necessity!
    What do you think technology will be like in the next 50 years?
    For one thing, I think we will no longer have this Yahoo Answers forum. It's just so unfair I don't think it can last.
    The 21st century feels like a letdown. We were promised flying cars, space colonies and 15-hour workweeks. Robots were supposed to do our chores, except when they were organizing rebellions; children were supposed to learn about disease from history books; portable fusion reactors were supposed to be on sale at the Home Depot. Even dystopian visions of the future predicted leaps of technology and social organization that leave our era in the dust.Looking beyond the blinking lights and whirring gizmos, though, the new century is shaping up as one of the most amazing periods in human history. Three great transitions set in motion by the Industrial Revolution are reaching their culmination. After several centuries of faster-than-exponential growth, the world's population is stabilizing. Judging from current trends, it will plateau at around nine billion people toward the middle of this century. Meanwhile extreme poverty is receding both as a percentage of population and in absolute numbers. If China and India continue to follow in the economic footsteps of Japan and South Korea, by 2050 the average Chinese will be as rich as the average Swiss is today; the average Indian, as rich as today's Israeli. As humanity grows in size and wealth, however, it increasingly presses against the limits of the planet. Already we pump out carbon dioxide three times as fast as the oceans and land can absorb it; midcentury is when climatologists think global warming will really begin to bite. At the rate things are going, the world's forests and fisheries will be exhausted even sooner. The trends are evident in everyday life. Many of us have had the experience of getting lost in our hometowns because they have grown so much. But growth is slowing as families shrink. Ever more children grow up not just without siblings but also without aunts, uncles or cousins. (Some people find that sad, but the only other way to have a stable population is for death rates to rise.) Chinese goods line Wal-Mart shelves, Indians handle customer-service calls, and, in turn, ever more Asians buy Western products. Spring flowers bloom a week earlier than they did 50 years ago because of global warming, and restaurants serve different types of fish than they used to because species that were once common have been fished out.Looking at the present era in historical context helps to put the world's myriad problems in perspective. Many of those problems stem, directly or indirectly, from growth. As growth tapers off, humanity will have a chance to close the books on them. A bottleneck may be tough to squeeze through, but once you do, the worst is behind you.

    The transitions we are undergoing define the scope of the challenges. Scientists can estimate, at least roughly, how many people will inhabit Earth, what they are going to need and want, what resources are available, and when it is all going to happen. By the latter half of this century, humanity could enter an equilibrium in which economic growth, currently driven by the combination of more productivity, more people and more resources, will flow entirely from productivity--which would take much of the edge off conflicts between the economy and the environment. Old challenges will give way to new ones. This process is already evident in countries at the leading edge of the transitions. The Social Security debate in the U.S., like worries about pensions in Europe and Japan, is the sound of a society planning for life after growth.
    Well based on what's happening now, all that happens is technology just gets combined (camera phones, phones with computer capabilities, etc.) Computers get slightly better, and phones only because of the computers, but that's about it. Cars may become more gas efficient, though I doubt it, because I believe that gas/car companies are working togeather as far as prices go. But who knows...Kind of impossible to forsee...
    It might be like that Spaceballs film.

    But It'll probably be realy advanced, I wonder what the pc's and mobiles 'll be like?

    I suppose health and hospitals will get some good stuff
    The mind boggles doesn't it.Look how much technology has moved in the past 20years and its accelerating all the time.Its beyond me what will come next.
    disasterous for all humanity.......................
    1. There will be no need for typing in any yahoo answers because voice recognition software will be well developed you talk and your computer types for you. Video conferencing will be advanced the whole of Europe will be able to have discussion groups whilst all seeing each other.

    2. There will be no car drivers you just tell your car where you want to go and the on board computer will drive you there whilst you chat away on your wireless laptop. Airoplanes will not have pilots they will fly on their on.

    3. The President of the USA will be a Robot and we may all be slaves of that Robot as it will be indestructable.

    4. All breakdown in gadgets will be detected before they occur and when they final breakdown spares will be ready to be installed by computers and Robots, there will be no Down time.

    5. GOOD NEWS for NHS patients you will not have to visit the NHS for anything you will just seat in front of your computer and you will receive medical treatment through it. Even when you need an operation you will just lie on you kitchen table and a computer which may be controlled remotely by human beings will operate on you.

    6. All organ transplants will be from genetical engineered organs even the blood flowing through human beings will be artificial. If you break you bones you could be able to visit a body spare parts shop and buy spares for your body you could even be buying them through the internet.

    7. Money the root of all evil will no longer be the medium of exchange. Virtual money will be used.

    8. All human beings will be the same there will be no fighting as everyone will be belonging to the United States.

    9. Travel between any 2 places on earth will take less than an hour.

    10. Human beings will be able to make their oxygen, will be able to make rain or snow.

    Most natural disaters will be easily manageble.
    Power-line connectivity baby! It'll move exobytes and will solve the problem of not being able to get high speed internet in some areas. It's currently being developed in some places in Europe, U.S., and Austrailia and will be a little while before it's viable for commercial use. The objective? You'll be able to plug your computing device into the wall and recieve internet as long as you have powerlines in your city. It's a whole nuther ballgame for those poor network security folks.

    Oh yeah, in reference to the global warming issue, there is a plan to set 8 satilites to orbit the planet mars which will communicate with the satilights in Spain, U.S., and Austrailia facing the southeern hemisphere so that when we make a leap to man our first 3 year mission to mars, the astronauts/space pioneers will be able to check their email.
    Trips to the moon
    Flying cars and meals in pill form. Lol, I think people were saying that crap fifty years ago. Umm, I think a car that runs on stupidity would be a good invention
    all tv's will be lcd.. and next to that will be a tiny box... with 4 card slots.. one for music, one for video, one for games, and one for pictures you put in a sd/mmc memory card for the thing you want to play/view/listen....
    The mind boggles........I think even things we can only dream of will be invented and much much more.

    We will change...via Now.

    If they harness 'solar sails' or similar things..

    Earth is an %26quot;old boot%26quot;...Corporations and 'Time'.

    Death will not change..Maybe some artificial Sun.

    Keep them sorted son.
    well it only depend on when God ready 2 come

    What technology do you think will have the biggest impact on working life in 50 years time?

    Over time new technologies have changed the way people make their living, from planes, trains and cars enabling us to travel further/faster... to mobile phones, the internet and now mobile internet transforming office life and enhancing communication.

    What do you think will be the next big technology to change our working lives??

    Thanks for your answers.
    What technology do you think will have the biggest impact on working life in 50 years time?
    My guess is the most impactful technology in 50 years has yet to be developed.
    What technology do you think will have the biggest impact on working life in 50 years time?
    The bicycle.

    Right now we drive everywhere. In 50 years, when gas is a distant memory, the bicycle will be the major mode of transport for commuters.
    The couch.

    What changes will be made in the next 10 yrs. with technology?

    I'm working on a research paper about technology and changes over the next ten years. I'm having writer's block at the moment and need some input to help me finish by midnight tonight. Thanks for your help.

    What changes will be made in the next 10 yrs. with technology?
    I dont know 3d tvs super thin tvs super speed computers


    awesome upgrade in Microsoft

    THATS ALL I Can think of
    What changes will be made in the next 10 yrs. with technology?
    Right now there is such a thing as a hydrogen car, but the problem is discovering a reasonable delivery system for the fuel (which right now has to be in a pressurized room to have the fuel delivered); so, we can most likely expect an advance in different types of fuel for cars and their respective delivery systems.

    Another aspect is the technology of security. I am a biometric engineer major and as of right now security systems include retinal scans, finger print recognition, voice recognition, etc. Some new systems that are being worked on right now are things such as advanced security through ear scans (because everyone has unique ears) and DNA scanning. Both of these are very far off but may have had a significant advance in the next ten years. Hope that helps a little.
    In the next ten years the biggest developments will be in the human brain / computer interface technology. People will literally be interacting with and controlling devices with just their thoughts alone. Computer games will will surely fall under that classification.

    See: Brain waves control video game鈥?/a>

    Nanotechnology in all phases of industry and medicine will take a larger part on the stage of marketing and industrial products.

    See: The Future of Nanotechnology鈥?/a>

    Quantum photonics will change the nature of communications especially in security and in business. It will take the form of high-resolution free floating 4 dimensional teleportated holograms.

    See: Researchers develop a 360-degree holographic display鈥?/a>

    Information based devices will get smaller, faster, with greater capacity, and become an integral component of our body and brain.


    How do you think technology will change public schools?

    How do you think schools will change in the future, going by current trends. Do you more hybrid or self paced learning will be developed by %26quot;local%26quot; teachers or be led by distance learning from community college and universities?
    How do you think technology will change public schools?
    Progress waits for no man.

    I am distressed about an article I read a few days ago, that %26quot;cursive%26quot; writing will eventually become as obsolete as %26quot;Latin%26quot;. Technology is simply making %26quot;hard%26quot; writing a thing for %26quot;bookworms%26quot; I guess. They even NOW have been experimenting with an %26quot;implant%26quot; that is a wireless %26quot;transceiver%26quot; to a computer ! Won't belong, you think a thought and it's typed out for you.
    How do you think technology will change public schools?
    technology is always a good thing for lowering cost of doing business. Today there are many courses offered online and %26quot;long distance%26quot;. The use of Intranet communities is used in almost every university (i e Blackboard). Students can find sources for research much easier on the internet. Many textbooks are available online. I think the real world is using technology more and more and schools with have to use them and teach them to produce functioning students.
    Schools will become more technology oriented, at the expense of %26quot;basic%26quot; education.

    It is already happening:

    Many students have very poor spelling and grammar,

    Many can NOT do simple ARITHMETIC, not advanced mathematics, without a calculator,

    Many do not receive education in history, other than local, if that,

    Many can not use a map, or even know how many states there are in the United States.


    Even the majority of current adults could NOT pass the same citizenship test required of those who immigrate and wish to become U.S. citizens!!
    which part of country are you from ?
  • software
  • consultancy works
  • Has technology changed love?

    i was wondering if technology has changed real love. Love was about spending all the time you had with each other, but now, everyone is on the computer, surfing internet, listening to Ipod. Partners are away on jobs most of the time ... where has the real meaning of love gone?
    Has technology changed love?
    Nope, chatting on the IM is fine...but getting in her pants is still the goal.

    As long as she lets you then it is the same old good stuff.

    Has technology changed love?
    Gone with the wind......sorry for that,every and each meaning of love is changed today...chatting on line replaced and kicked true love away.

    How has the use of technology has been an effective way of creating artworks this century and how the use of?

    ... digital technology has changed our perception of art and its meaning.

    You don't have to write an answer. A link to a site which has information on this to give me inspiration to answer this question would be enough.
    How has the use of technology has been an effective way of creating artworks this century and how the use of?
    It has made it so people can mass produce art but it has lose it appeal to enlighten and display a story.
    How has the use of technology has been an effective way of creating artworks this century and how the use of?

    How has technology improvements changed the way we obtain news ?

    How has the change been beneficial or detrimental to audiences?

    what are some good sub topics to this question for an essay?
    How has technology improvements changed the way we obtain news ?
    With the advent of the internet, News has taken an entirely new form online. Big news companies such as CNN, BBC, etc. can now stream videos, weather reports, etc. any time that consumers can watch any place. Furthermore, social bookmarking communities such as Digg, Reddit, Mixx, Propeller,, etc. have helped news spread from person to person. Also, the internet has helped boost what is known as %26quot;Citizen Journalism,%26quot; where bloggers and Journalism enthusiasts can write stories, submit them to online websites and have them published, then other users on that website can peer-review and comment on the article.

    Has your music taste changed in anyway due to an improvement of technology e.g. find a new band e.g. the view?

    Yes, Maybe, No

    has an improvement of technology changed your music taste in anyway??? and what ever your answer please give a short reply as to why is has or has not in your oppinion

    thanks :)
    Has your music taste changed in anyway due to an improvement of technology e.g. find a new band e.g. the view?
    Yes it has, as I now find that I download singles from a wide range of lesser-known bands. I like the fact that technology has allowed me to download just 1 or 2 songs without buying the whole album, as it is so rare to find an artist that releases a brilliant album cover-to-cover.
    Has your music taste changed in anyway due to an improvement of technology e.g. find a new band e.g. the view?
    A little, i got deeper into soca once downloading came along, because i could access the music easier.
    not really. if a band is bad, then no amount of tech is going to change my mind about liking them. if however they are good, you'll hear and understand the music for what it is.
    Yes, those convientent %26quot;listeners also bought%26quot; colums come in quite handy.
    no my taste in music has stayed the same,but it has infact made it easier to find songs that i totally forgot thats the best..
    My taste in music has changed, I think for the better....when I was younger I had terrible taste in music. It hasn't changed so much because of technology, its just that my taste in music has gotten better.

    I have listened to R%26amp;B %26amp; Hip Hop since my early teens %26amp; have never changed!
    No, it has not changed. If anything, I make a point to buy old school music, like from the 70's, because at least I am listening to what I consider REAL musicians, playing their own music. I am an old school music fanatic. This new age music, rap, hip hop, has it's place, but ANYONE can do it, and it does not take much talent, but playing instruments, writing music, etc. takes talent.
    yes technology has given me alove of techno.ddddddd!!!
    no. i like who i like

    What might be some future TECHNOLOGY changes in the information systems of the next ten years?

    Speech recognition technology will take big leaps.
  • should she tell someone
  • asp hosting
  • What is one sport that technology has changed/played a role in??

    I have to do a investigation on this for school so if you have any ideas??
    What is one sport that technology has changed/played a role in??
    NACAR racing.

    They have added cameras in the cars, open-public car-to-car radio traffic. I think most tracks have a virtual seating selection (you see where your reserved seat is and what you're going to see from that seat). The cars are faster and require restrictor plates to slow them down. The car builders are using all kinds of technically advanced tricks to improve performance, like inflating the tires with nitrogen.

    TV networks offer viewers a special track view that they can get to see on their home TV's or on a hand held device at the track.

    That's just a few things.
    What is one sport that technology has changed/played a role in??

    The challenges that they have now never existed. Now with the high technology these replays are deciding the most important games! (There aren't many other sports that have this feature)

    How do new IDEAS and TECHNOLOGIES change history...?

    The following is a question for a history exam and I need to write an essay to answer the question...

    How do new ideas and technologies change history? Who benefitts and who loses in these circumstances? Is that happening in the age of computer technology?

    Any tips, ideas, information, or insites helps!

    How do new IDEAS and TECHNOLOGIES change history...?
    For one, the way you are goin about gettin help for your homework assignment.. 20 years ago I dont think that many people were as computer literate. The objective is for everyone to benefit from new technology so means of living could be much easier. Um you see where im goin wit this?
    How do new IDEAS and TECHNOLOGIES change history...?
    Look up just about anything that has to do with (r)evolution, especially Industrial, Agricultural (LOOOONG TIME AGO), and medical revolutions.
    See this example ~ it changed history (well prehistory!) and it's only just been worked out!

    Does technology affect changes in society or is technology influenced and shaped by its users?

    Are changes in society driven by technological development or

    are technologies influenced and shaped by the society that produces them?
    Does technology affect changes in society or is technology influenced and shaped by its users?
    I think that in the beginning we were the ones controlling and shaping technology, but now it's starting to control our society. We all rely so heavily on things such as the internet, television, radios etc, that a world without them seems impossible. Technology is slowly altering the way we live and I think we've come too far to change back to how we used to be.
    Does technology affect changes in society or is technology influenced and shaped by its users?
    Technology is influenced by its users.

    Companies are forever trying to keep up with the latest demand, e.g. the iPhone. Companies need to make a profit at the end of the day, they cant make one by selling out-of-date gadgets that nobody wants. People are driven by consumerism, they will always want the newest things, the latest gadgets to make their life easier.
    Yes. The people who make them kinda opens the can of worms so to speak. But once it hits the markets and underground, the technology itself begins to affect society. Cellphones, computers, televisions, microwaves, etc. have become household items that somewhere along the line became a necessity. What if all computers suddenly didn't work and couldn't be made anymore? How would it affect the world's economy? How would affect the world? With the current attitude of today's governments, we'd probably end up with a massive brawl civilly and on foreign ground.

    Movies About Technology Change?

    I'm doing a reserach paper on how technology has changed society and I need a movie that relates to that topic. I need answers tonight, movie entries are due tomorrow ! Thanks.
    Movies About Technology Change?
    2001 A Space Odyssey

    Pirates of Silicon Valley


    The Net

    You've Got Mail
    Movies About Technology Change?
    Terminator 1,2,3,4 :)
    minority report, vanilla sky, paycheck

    How has technology influenced Canada?

    When throughout history has technology seriously changed Canada's identity? Because our identity seems ever changing? And it is because of technology that our country can not be identified with just one characteristc. But i can't find any evidence in history to help me prove this! Can anyone help?!! : )
    How has technology influenced Canada?
    Communications has been a technology for which canada has been at the forefront. For example we had the first transcontinental microwave transmission system. The US did not have one as big or advanced. With this and other advances in technology Canada was recognized as being a leader in telecommunications systems.

    Canada is a leader in stol aircraft with the old Beavers and now the Q series of turboprop aircraft being built in Toronto.

    Canada is perceived as an advanced country in technology and in other areas. Canada has a reputation of being able to take existing items and keeping then functioning and being able to perform even with outdated equipment. This is especially true of the armed forces and several other countries have taken note.

    Canada's armed forces have a decent reputation world wide for being some of the best trained and most competent even with outdated equipment. The also excel in many situations with being adaptable and inventive.
    How has technology influenced Canada?
    dont know
    It's changed significantly. Up until 1964, electricity was illegal in Canada. Since then, Canada has pretty much caught up to the rest of the world.
    It hasn't!

    We still walk around in snowshoes and live in igloos! It's aboot time we adopt some technology eh!

    Do you want maple syrup with this answer by the way?
    The technology of radio brought some very talented Canadians to the world stage; Helen Reddy, the members of Rush, Bryan Adams, etc. The technology of television brought such people as John Candy to television and movies, and there were some negative influences, Terrence and Phillip, fictional Canadian Comedians portrayed on South Park, were brought out, and their comedy, while asinine, is included in Canada's technological legacy, the technology of the train, plane, and automobile(a John Candy reference) has brought people to and from Canada.
  • software
  • handling exceptions
  • Whom and how wikipedia people can be reached to give them a new search technology for users' conveniences?

    It is patented wonderful Automatic Search Technology. Tried to get in touch with Wikimedia foundation at the e-mail addresses shown on the foundation but failed.

    Tried also Yahoo! and other portals but failed as well. We think this technology will change the internet world!
    Whom and how wikipedia people can be reached to give them a new search technology for users' conveniences?
    As stated, Wikipedia uses all free, open source products. It is run on MediaWiki, which is highly changeable and configurable. It's also basically open source.

    They likely will not buy any product at all, especially if it is not open source. As for contacting, Wikipedia is owned by the Wikimedia Foundation and so that is your best, and likely only, way to contact Wikipedia's owners.
    Whom and how wikipedia people can be reached to give them a new search technology for users' conveniences?
    I would suggest giving them a more formal email or contact one of their stewards.
    You just ruled out getting Wikipedia (Wikimedia Foundation) to take interest by saying %26quot;patented%26quot;. Wikipedia is free - absolutely free. They don't even use Google or Yahoo for searching because they don't want any restrictions from licensing agreements with outside search companies. If, instead, you had a search technology that was absolutely free for anyone and everyone to use without restrictions - then Wikimedia might have an interest.

    What is the effect new technology of agriculture and manufacturing?

    one of the most striking things about modern times is the extent to which new technologies have forced huge numbers of people into choices that any social planner, if he had the choice, would have done everything possible to avoid. Indeed, our modern history is in large part one of the unexpected ways in which new technologies have changed our interactions with each other.”
    What is the effect new technology of agriculture and manufacturing?
    From all the revolutions that have happened we can see that it has transformed our society into a mass consumer society.

    Has C++ technology changed a lot since 1998?

    I have a book called TEACH YOURSELF C++ third edition but it was Copyrighted in 1998, which is like 10 years ago. Could this be a waist of time since it's probably very out of date? should I just look for a newer edition or has C++ not changed much since 1998 and reading this book could be helpful?

    Thanks in advance
    Has C++ technology changed a lot since 1998?
    Yes it has changed, go to your local bookstore and get the new C++ guide, it is worth it, dont read that out of date book!

    What is technology change,political change,and economic change?

    how the engineer confront with it to enable them to assist for their organization.
    What is technology change,political change,and economic change?
    as you were using flim to get photo graphic imeage but now using digital camras
    What is technology change,political change,and economic change?
    The 3 run hand in hand. Just say there is a political will to get rid of nuclear weapons. You could have new technology to produce the best nuclear weapons in the world, but political change would render you technology useless. Just say you produced the best hand made wool suits in the world at 拢5000 pounds each. Then, there is a mass recession and nobody wants them anymore. Your best suits would be useless.

    If you run a business, you need to keep an eye on all 3 concurrently to produce continuing success for your product or service.
    with help of others...^^,

    Computer Technology help changing parts laptop HP Pavilion dv9500?

    Hi i would just a wondering is it posable to change your intel processor to a faster one because mine is 1.5 Ghz and what i need to do need 2.5 Ghz or 2.4 at least and Bell has ripped me off on the hp and internet special i ordered 2.6 Ghz and they wont take it back and i my parents had already paid for it but bell wont take it back for what we ordered and paided for that can i still get an upgrade or do i need to change the mother bored if that is also one problem i well be angry at my self and if its ok can you give a link to a website that well show intel processors to buy for laptop or well do a upgrading for that I have a hp pavilion dv9500 its 17 inch and the video card is intel not sure if its built in the mother bored or in the processor and tell me if the video card is in either witch please and thank you
    Computer Technology help changing parts laptop HP Pavilion dv9500?
  • excel
  • dc motor via rheostat
  • Has technology reduced the total number of jobs?

    People have always talked about how technology killed a lot of blue collar jobs, and the counter-argument to that is that technology simply changed the nature of the work. Be that as it may, are fewer people still needed IN TOTAL? Stated differently, will technology lead to a society with a tiny segment of the population that owns everything while the masses live in abject poverty, only surviving by finding crappy jobs every now and then and/or being given just enough to get by from the ones on top?

    I'd like to think that technology will make things better for people on the whole; human progress. Does anyone have an opinion on this one? Also, I'm wondering if anyone has unemployment stats from, let's say, 100 years ago.
    Has technology reduced the total number of jobs?
    Improved technology has redistributed jobs, but not necessarily reduced the number of jobs. Two centuries ago, our country was primarily agrarian. As technology improved, we shifted jobs toward manufacturing, and today we are becoming a service economy because of improvements in productivity and the shift in jobs to cheap labor in other countries.

    A utopia for everyone has not panned out. It seems like the distribution of wealth and power is being skewed to favor of an elite few. The United States has managed to put itself in a very favorable strategic position in the world economy and this does help the average standard of living.

    I'd like to see improvements in education, health care, and employment. We should try to assure that every citizen has the opportunity for education, work, and the pursuit of happiness.
    Has technology reduced the total number of jobs?
    The masses definitely lived in poverty centuries ago; technological advancement has created a major increase in real wages, mostly by decreasing prices. (note that real wages are nominal wages divided by prices; in other words - raises are only beneficial if they keep up with inflation.)

    This has created the middle class that everyone knows and loves..........and is also the reason why, in the United States, the average %26quot;poor%26quot; person lives in a trailer and bitches that they can only afford basic cable - rather than starving to death on the streets.
    well not really dun foret u gota maintain those tech and if they break down u gota hire people to fix it
    yes it is true all this is the reason of frictional unemployment.This type of unemployment coincides with an equal number of vacancies and cannot be solved using aggregate demand stimulation. The best way to lower this kind of unemployment is to provide more and better information to job-seekers and employers, perhaps through job-banks in centralized computers (as in some countries in Europe). In theory, an economy could also be shifted away from emphasizing jobs that have high turnover, perhaps by using tax incentives or worker-training programs.

    But some frictional unemployment is beneficial, since it allows workers to get the jobs that fit their wants and skills best and the employers to find employees who promote profit goals the most. It is a small percentage of the unemployment, however, since workers can often search for new jobs while employed 鈥?and employers can seek new employees before firing current ones.
    Labor stats from 100 years ago? Here's some common sense to save you some trouble. Back then, very few wives participated in the market economy. Today, most wives do. Someone 100 years ago would not have believed it, if you told them by today, the portion of the population that was working in a formal job would double.

    Far from technology eliminating total jobs, it has freed women from household drudgery and permitted the creation of about 100 million jobs over the last century, allowing the other half of the population to fully enter the workforce (as something other than prostitutes!)

    Your concerns are old. Read the play from the 1920s, %26quot;RUR%26quot;, in which the word 'robot' was coined for artificial men. The plot of the story involved Robots casting humans out of work, creating mass unemployment, naturally. Since the writing of that play, the US economy alone has created perhaps 70-80 million jobs -- even though we have robots today, and even though our needs have also created millions of jobs in places like China.

    Here's the scoop: technology enables humans to move upscale to doing more productive things. The need for humans is not eliminated -- there are always uses for humans. That's what's great about humans, they adapt, and can learn to do new things even if their old job is eliminated. Machines can't do that.

    An economy that's not dysfunctional will always have essentially full employment, no matter what happens with technology, because there will ALWAYS be some manager or entrepreneur saying, Gee, If I had some more help here I could make more money...
    It reduced hard labor and brought in white collar jobs.
    No, technology helps us to work more efficiently. The main key is to have high productivity and low inflation and technology provide us that.

    Has technology changed the way we are communicating at work?

    Oh, I would have to say most definitely. Instead of the old stereotypical memo, people instead are sending emails at blazing speed, having video and audio conferences all over the world, contacting each other through cell phones. Everything has advanced very quickly.
    Has technology changed the way we are communicating at work?
    Well, you ARE using the internet and email aren't you?

    nuff said!
    Has technology changed the way we are communicating at work?
    yes, definitely

    What technology helped change or advance music in the twentieth century?

    This is one of my questions in my music class %26amp; i cant seem to find the answer can somebody please help
    What technology helped change or advance music in the twentieth century?
    I would vote radio, as common usage of electricity and the phonograph were 19th century. True, the telephone was also 19th century and radio was being dabbled with, but the actual perfection and usage - both transmission and receiving - were 20th century developments.
    What technology helped change or advance music in the twentieth century?
    Electricity? all these new electrical instruments appeared b/c of it to help produce new sounds and also to play sounds.

    What are some changes technology has made in the past 50 years?

    do you think those changes are good or bad?


    what do you think the world has benefited because of technology?


    (i have a paper i have to write and it said i could ask anyone these questions. (: it'd be SO HELPFUL if you answered.)

    What are some changes technology has made in the past 50 years?
    Cell phones is really a HUGE change, as you are no longer tethered to a phone
    What are some changes technology has made in the past 50 years?
    The biggest and most influnetial technological change that has occured in the past fifty years has to be the internet and all the things the internet has allowed us to do (send email, videos, blog, get information and news right away, share information, watch tv, etc.).

    The internet has opened up numerous pathways to communication for people all around the world; anyone with access to the internet can share information and communicate with others w/out needing to meet face to face. We can also get access to news right away on the internet, which means we can stay up to date and informed.
    There have been incredible changes in medical technology in the past fifty years. Ultrasound, Advanced Radiology detects cancer in early stages. I believe it has improved our lives and benefited humanity. There are many more medical technological

    advances, liver transplant, heart transplant, hand transplant etc.

    I have two knee replacements which have improved my life in ways I can't even express. We are a blessed people in the United States.
    hd tv, cellphones, faster internet, tractors, ect...

    i think that they are good because they help us do our jobs faster

    things would be slowly done so tech helps you do it faster

    hope this helps =)

    Is crime changing as technology become advance?

    what do u guyz think!!
    Is crime changing as technology become advance?
    Crime is always changing. As soon as a new Technology comes out people will figure out a way to use it to commit crimes.
    Is crime changing as technology become advance?
    Crime always changes with technology just as technology changes with crime.

    some peoples thinking about if its good idea to reinvent the wheels again or not.

    technology chances for some people not for all

    just chancing thing is products and peoples opinions

    all are patented .

    not much.
  • some advice about a friend
  • structuretoptr
  • Why must technology change so fast?

    DISCLAIMER:This question should not in any way what-so-ever be misinterpreted as chatting.
    Why must technology change so fast?
    I can't keep up, nor can I afford all the tech stuff I would love to own

    next computer will be an apple, that is my goal at the moment

    no more crashes, lol ( :
    Why must technology change so fast?
    I wish I knew, it boggles my mind I tell ya.

    How has technology improve the way an Army Medic/Navy Corpsman is trained?

    How has the technology in todays world provided better equipment in order for which Medics/Corpsmen use to save lives and how the technology has changed with time and helped make a better medic/corpsman during their training? I am doing a project and need to know.
    How has technology improve the way an Army Medic/Navy Corpsman is trained?
    Since I first came in as a Corpsman in 1997 I have seen the following developments:

    Quick clotting powder to be poured over a large wound to act as a chemical %26quot;cauterize.%26quot;

    Medics can carry a palm pilot with patient information in it that can be transmitted from the medic's hand held unit to the receiving ERs computer. These hand held devices can also hold huge amounts of reference material that the medic can access at any time.

    IV solutions used to be only sterile water (with 0.9 sodium). Today we have bags of special high-density molecules that pull fluid from other parts of the body into the blood vessels that can be used on patients that are loosing blood.

    During medic and corpsman training the schools have full size dummies that can be programmed by an instructor for any number of problems. In the past a solid plastic dummy would be used and you had to imagine it being injured. Today's (very expensive) mannequins can vomit, have a heart beat, make sounds like it is having trouble breathing and show a heart rhythm on a monitor controlled by an instructor.

    Inside the military hospitals communications are a huge improvement. An ER doctor can communicate with a specialist and even show him digitial photos and x-rays online to get advice.
    How has technology improve the way an Army Medic/Navy Corpsman is trained?
    The medical field is growing in leaps and bounds. I am sorry to say, but whole new fields of medical technology will be gleaned from all the casualties in the recent wars. Many of these people should have died on the battlefield but were saved, horribly burned and missing limbs.

    Total reconstruction is not too far off.

    I think I saw a show on discovery channel that showed how your average medic in the field will have a robotic vehicle with him that will have an xray machine built in to it, along with all vital life support systems. This is only ten years off, they already have it today, but is in testing and way too expensive to field in numbers that would make a difference.

    Also, the technology is just around the corner where you can 'print out' organs for replacement at a field hospital.

    Your DNA is taken before you go in to combat.

    when you are wounded, say you lose a kidney. A mold is formed and place in a 'gruel' type concoction with your DNA in it. The gruel is injected kind of like how a printer would work, and you have YOUR OWN replacement organ, not someone else's that you will have to take anti-rejection drugs for, it will be YOUR kidney.

    all this stuff is just around the corner, your combat medic today has much more knowledge than a medic ten years ago.

    I was in Desert Storm when the 'IV enema' was developed.

    They say necessity is the mother of invention.

    After Desert Storm, the Kurds tried to start a revolution in Iraq, Saddam went in and started slaughtering them, and would cut off the villages and starve the people out. We went in on 'operation provide comfort', immediately after Desert Storm to set up a buffer zone between him and the Kurds.

    Some combat medic had a newborn child that was so dehydrated that they couldnt get a vein for an IV.

    The medic got desperate, and just shoved the IV up the kid's butt, and hydrated the child enough to get it to a field hospital.

    sometimes they make things up as they go.
    it makes our job quicker which makes saving lives more profficient. like take the combitube vs intubation: instead of having to carefuly guide it between their vocal cords and into their trachea, you can just throw it in, inflate it, see which tube you need to bag, and if they're still breathing on their own then you can leave it and forget about it. then we came out with the king lt that made thigns even easier. pop it in, both baloons are inflated from the same source, and no matter what they'll be breathing through the one tube so you dont need to make sure you're not pumping air into the stomach.

    then there is hextend which is equal to 4x its amount in saline solution for hypovolemic patients.

    the CAT, %26quot;ranger%26quot;, and %26quot;sf%26quot; tourniquets that can be applied in less than 8 seconds.

    FAST 1's for if you cant get an IV stick


    someone above brought up the palm pilots, those things are a waste of space. im not going to take time in a firefight to look up a patients medical history or add %26quot;bullet wound to the right upper leg%26quot; in his medical history, tahts just retarded.

    as for training they have pretty lifelike manicans that can resemble almost any injury.

    Are we literally enslaved to the ever-changing technologies of everyday life? Are we really happier?

    Let's face it. It's the twenty-first century and almost everywhere you will see something that we humans have created that supposedly %26quot;make our lives easier%26quot;: Computers, MP3 Players, Cellphones, Automobiles with GPS, Traffic Lights, etc.

    Development in countries rely on these technologies, as well as the destruction of %26quot;old fashion%26quot; values in others.

    Tell me your opinion about this.
    Are we literally enslaved to the ever-changing technologies of everyday life? Are we really happier?
    Enslaved, no. Technologies are tools of choice. They force nothing on us, though they may be tools used by people to force something on us. But can you imagine an Egyptian stone worker claiming to be a slave to those new-fangled copper carving tools?

    Are we happier? uh, Yeah. My teeth didn't fall out in a pool of puss like they did for my ancestors, my hair isn't eaten away by lice, my food isn't shared with rats, my son isn't crippled with polio, I can read, I've seen lands more than 25 miles away, I've flown, I'll live more than 44 years, the black plague hasn't robbed me of any family, I can listen to music without hiring an orchestra, and even rail a complete stranger via the Internet how the obvious increase in quality of life will make one happier.
    Are we literally enslaved to the ever-changing technologies of everyday life? Are we really happier?
    Only a person enslaved by said technologies would ask this question. I have a land line telephone, no cable, no internet at home, and I manage to stay well-informed.

    Keep your head on the facts - less than half of Americans have a computer at all, much less the internet. It's certainly addictive over time (I don't think my mother would stay sane without the internet), but not nearly as vital as you would think.

    All the people saying maps and newspapers will be obsolete in the next few years - they remind me of the hoards of idiots who totally bought into the Y2K hysteria.
    i think it makes our life harder because we expect more now. instead of writing an essay for english, i have to type it.

    I heard somewhere in europe that they got rid of the street signs and lights and there were less problems.
    Are YOU literally enslaved to the ever changing technologies of everyday life? Are YOU really happier. You will never be a WE let's face it?

    I have learnt how to handle everyday life, being older, and am quite happy with MY life. Thank you
    I hope I'm not, but interesting theory...
    First question: yes.

    Second question: superficially yes, but actually, no.
    I don't think we're enslaved to it - tho for all practical purposes, I don't see us having the moral fiber to pull back from our indulgence in it either. AND, I think we have shot ourselves in the foot in a very serious, possibly fatal way, and I'm not sure if we'll survive it or not. We are gradually eliminating the need for human contact with each other. First the telephone, then TV, now the internet and texting - you can email and get your groceries delivered to your door.

    The only thing is, for us to be happy, with all that implies, and it implies a lot (like the development of decency, morality, law, society), we need the contact with each other. We're gradually turning down the oxygen percentage and we're not aware of the debilitating effect it has on us. I mean the signs are there to see, such as school shootings, gangs, social dis-integration, but no one cares.

    Like I said, I%26quot;m not sure how it's going to come out.
    Technology is a tool by which mankind extends himself. It is not a method of enslavement. (But I guess that depends on your perspective.) Whether or not they have made life easier, they have certainly increased the pace at which we grow, learn and adapt.

    The internet alone has given the ability of any person to gain knowledge on any subject merely by the click of a few buttons. The about of information available is evolving our culture faster with each passing year.

    You can see it as a tool to restrain you, or you can see it as a tool to liberate you.
    Connected to Disconnect

    Cell phones, iPods, and Blackberries

    Connections of our own making.

    Creating a self-inflicted network

    to isolate ourselves and disconnect

    from one another.

    TiVo, DVD, and Video on Demand

    Surrounding ourselves with input

    to no real practical end

    other than to isolate and disconnect

    from one another

    Video Games, Internet, and Offline Computers

    Stealing our sleep

    while uselessly occupying the mind.

    No time to interact,

    keeping us disconnected

    from one another

    Input from anywhere and everywhere

    inundating with information

    no one understands

    and much more than is needed.

    Filling the hours,

    being disconnected

    from one another

    Disembodied voices

    and artificially created faces

    of no substance or feeling,


    one of complete isolation and disconnection

    from one another.

    We fly the lanes of the cyber sphere.

    Yet, going nowhere

    as we pseudo communicate

    through pseudonyms and avatars

    in an initiate鈥檚 shorthand

    that is meant only to isolate and disconnect

    from one another.

    We slavishly place this marketed technology

    between ourselves and others.

    For the god of expediency,

    we enwrap ourselves in isolation.

    Connecting to disconnect

    from one another.

    The devices intercede

    to hide the emotion

    we all need to share with each other.

    Anger and frustration easily communicated

    to pervert ourselves

    toward the other.

    Face-to-face contact is needed

    to codify and modify our treatment

    of each other.

    Connecting to connect

    with each other

    When we place technology between ourselves and others, we remove the human interface which is culture and courtesy. Allowing ourselves the ability to demean and deride our fellow man to the diminishment of our souls.
    This question is really the forefront of social analysis, it's cutting edge - what have we really achieved through civilisation if so many people are still unhappy?

    The pace of modern city life is undoubtedly faster than any society in history, and as a result people are all the more stressed. Though technology provides us with enormous material wealth, it comes at the cost of peace of mind and copious amounts of our time dedicated to work. We have abandoned the simple agricultural life for one where every person is entitled to luxury: abundance of rich food, transport, entertainment, a house, hot running water and minimal physical labour etc. but are we really that much better off for it? Are we happier?

    Mental health issues are on the rise, especially depression and anxiety disorders. Most tellingly, developed societies suffer a list lifestyle diseases that their third-world counterparts are free from, in what has been dubbed 'affluenza' - from heart disease to acne. From the beginning of industrialisaion, social commentators have questioned its benefits on quality of life. Contemporary psychologists are only beginning to hypothesise as to the cause of the absence of general well-being in what, at face value, are the most priviledged societies to have ever existed.
    Who is %26quot;we%26quot; Kemo Sabe?

    Liberally educated persons are enslaved by precisely nothing.

    They are free (liber).

    The druzzley droney herd are enslaved by almost everything, so don't blame technology.

    Dial back 1000 years and the druzzley droney herd were enslaved then, by everything.

    It's their nature.

    They are sawed off Munchkinized half-persons who live in boxes, tiny boxes, itty-bitty boxes, on the hillsides of their minds, made of ticky-tacky, and snicky-snacky (I hope I get some of those of Halloween, don't you, de... lish).
    Our society has become consumerist oriented by making each aspect of life through death - a business.. It is sickening. Even when you die, the 'death industry' - aka: 'funeral industry' is there with their hands outstretched, waiting to be paid.. a lot..!!

    Life is many things.. but it is NOT a business. Living the KISS way would be much, much better. Life is to enjoy. If one can't have the time to think and dream %26amp; just plain.. live.. then what is the point of working just to have more electronic junk.. and other clutter - that you are in debt for..??

    Take time, plenty of time, for livin' !
    It is to our curious nature that we are enslaved. The moment we become observant of any limit, we have opened up the status quo for possibilities to enter.
    No. No.

    Has technology really changed us?

    Locutus (System Administrator) posted 9/28/2006 | Comments (10)

    Over the last one hundred years we have seen extraordinary changes in technology. We have gone from foul smelling gas producing transportation on four legs to foul smelling gas consuming transportation on four wheels. We used to watch the birds and wish we were them and now we are visiting planets that have never seen a terrestrial animal. We used to dream of going around the world in eighty days and now we communicate across the globe in milliseconds.

    Technology has changed our lives in ways that are too numerous to count. Our work is easier and more productive. We have more leasure time than ever before. We enjoy food and drink that our ancestors could never conceive. You are reading this on a piece of equipment that, if someone from a hundred years earlier had been brought forward to today, would flatly declare magic and no amount of explaining would convince them otherwise.

    Yes technology, computers, gadgets, cleaning, manufacturing etc. etc. has improved wonderfully and I would love to see what it will be like in the next hundred years time. I am sitting here typing this on my computer and at the same time watching television in a little window. Talk about multitasking :) talk about technology, I love it!!

    If however you could bring someone here today and place them in a neutral setting and you talk to them about neutral things would you feel a hundred year difference? No! Although technology has changed people haven't. They still do the same things they did hundreds of years ago. They have the same basic likes and dislikes. They still fight over the same things. Sure the boys and their toys have changed but the principles haven't.

    The fear that I have is not for the technology but for the people. Technology changes fast but people fear change and resist it. Yet due to economic pressure technology keeps changing whether people need it or not. They are being steamrolled into using something they have no understanding of, don't want to understand and are more than a little afraid of. I am not talking about the geeks and the l33t but the average Joe and Jane Doe. Humanity will always lag behind technology and will be dragged into the future stumbling behind technology like some blind, deaf and lame halfwit on a leash.


    Assimilated Borgs

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    Comments (10)

    RSS for CommentsLonerVamp writes: 9/28/2006 # Yup, until the curent %26quot;MySpace Generation%26quot; gets all growed up, people who will be used to the technology around them. The way I look at it is a bit narrow. I look at my job and the companies I work for, and I literally cannot imagine what it would have been like working in an age before computers and networking. It is actually difficult to fathom how things got done, organized, proceeded, etc. It's kinda sad, in a way, but also a testament to the speed of change we've gone through. I'm amongst those people who mostly got their first computers mid-way through high school before picking a career and experiencing any real work the %26quot;old-fashioned%26quot; way. :)

    Locutus writes: 9/28/2006 # Wow! That was a quick response. I think that what I wrote will still be relevent for the current %26quot;My Space%26quot; generation. Probably even more so as the rate of change seems to be following some sort of Moores law :) In ten or twenty years time they will be just as befuddled by their neurologically teenagers as our parents are by us. I too wonder how business managed to work in the times of snail mail and wonder of wonders teletype. I remember looking at one of them when I went to my mums work one day.

    George P. Alexander Jr. writes: 9/29/2006 # Sometimes I am so very very happy that I'm living right here, right now. I can't imagine living in the 50s, not during the industrial revolution time either where everything was hard manuel labour. Living in the dark ages is a total turn off. Any time before that seems so impossible. I'm so happy I'm living in a time where there is rapid technological advances. %26quot;There's this electronic device called a computer%26quot;. That's what my computer teacher told long back when I entered 5th grade. I still remember that school definition I mugged up%26quot; Computer is an electronic device that accepts input and gives output%26quot;. I always wondered if that definition still holds true today with comptuers being a part of every other industry. Oops, I think I drifted. Okay, just looking it from another perspective. How about personality wise? I think thats what we're really talking about right? An analy
    Has technology really changed us?
    Oh yes ... waffle ... waffle ... waffle
    Has technology really changed us?
    of course technology has changed us.

    You wouldn't have been able to ask this question with internet and computer technology.

    9/10 things you do in your day probably involve some sort of technology.
    Yee it has. Becooz most people know how to use a computer. %26amp; itss a must do in a most peoples life. Furniture is a technology. Could yu live without that?
    Isn't 'Cut and Paste' a miracle of modern technology?
    You say `and now we are visiting planets that have never seen a terrestrial animal`.

    Really? Which planets are they then?

    The only celestial object man has visited is the Moon!

    How will technology advancements change the way we learn in the future?

    Is it for the better?
    How will technology advancements change the way we learn in the future?
    I call it C.T.S.




    As individual fields, which is why I put them in that sequence


    1..Technology + Science = Computers (Better ones)

    2. Technology + Computers = Science (Improved)

    3. Computers + Science = Technology (Improved)

    The first one is a rule that can't be broken now. The second two, are often true but not always.

    Not clear yet is it? see the detailed answer.


    Sixty years ago when computers were still in early development, technology was very limited, and science was still very imature. The early computers were designed and built with simply electrical switches and vacume tubes. If one had the knowledge, you could have built a working one in your garage from spare car and radio parts.

    Today, no computer can be designed without the more advanced sciences and technologies that have been developed. That is they the first part of C.T.S (outlined in short ansswer) is now more of a law. But what about the other two?

    Two hundred years ago, technology was finding a better way to build a wagon wheel. It took almost no science other than general knowledge of materials and tools.

    At the same time, Science was the foundrymen and blacksmiths studying the techniques so they could make better materials and tools. It's not quite that simple, but the point is, it was much more simple in that time period.

    Today, it is increasingly unlikely that technology will be improved without the use of more advanced science, and the use of computers. It still happens. Someone invents a new skateboard in their garage without using computers or anything but off the shelf technology, but it is less and less common.

    Science has the same trend. There are new scientific discoveries all the time, but most of the simple ones have been discovered and so the use of technologies and of computers (materials and tools) are required to make significant advances.

    Following this trend, in the next 30 to 50 years, all three of the short answer will be law. You will not be able to advance Science without the other two, and you will not be able to advance technology without the other two.

    How does this affect learning? To use these, each person will have to be educated substantially in all three areas. Those that are not educated in those areas are destined to be poor, and those with the knowledge are likelye to be wealthy. This follows the general belief that the middle class will cease to exist. because of this, C.T.S. will be used in a more advanced way for those that can afford it.

    In the near future knowledge will be Downloaded from school networks to individual PDAs without having to be organized by the students. This will be a great time saver. The computers and technology will allow easier ways of training, and learning, and be able to sort and show trends on the methods. It will be quick enough that specialization training can begin at an earlier age.

    In the far future, say 100 years, the advancement of augmentation (chips plugged directly in the brain). people will be able to download knowledge directly into their brain just like NEO in %26quot;The Matrix%26quot;. I imagine the knowledge will not always be kept, but downloaded as its required.

    I hope this helped.
    How will technology advancements change the way we learn in the future?
    You can argue both sides, we could possibly just have chips in our brains to store information in the future

    We already see more fast and interactive, space saving things though, take the amazon kindle for example, its small and compact and is like an ipod for books
  • curly braiding hair
  • healthy hair
  • Is there a connection between rise in divorce rates and technology?

    Although it may be vague....

    Technology did change people in many ways.

    Could this have had a connection?
    Is there a connection between rise in divorce rates and technology?
    I think the computer age radically changed people's communication skills. People are much less interesting because of it, in my opinion.

    Technology generally? Do you mean like people leaving the farms and moving to the cities to work in factories? Major social change. But none of us were alive, so it's hardly relevant.
    Is there a connection between rise in divorce rates and technology?
    Yes, I agree.
    i do not know

    What is your view on technology as a whole?

    Do you think that technology has changed for the better or worse? Also, how do you think this impacts society?
    What is your view on technology as a whole?
    Technology (or our ability to create) is the only thing which makes us truly different from other animals. Definitely better as a whole.

    The fact that some use it to brutally murder and enslave people is another story...

    Wednesday 21 September 2011

    I am trying to find 3 technology changes in the field of computer science?

    my son doing a paper on 3 changes in technolgy in the field of computer sciences. there are so many changes can anyone help me find a site that would have many of these so i may read teh site then do a research paper i have went to many sites all over teh web and he has worked on it all day but computer science is such a broad area we cant find anything to we can use by narrowing it down to 3 changes
    I am trying to find 3 technology changes in the field of computer science?
    1) Do a Search for development of artifical

    intelligence. Carnagie Mellon Unv. etc,,

    2) Matt screen Technology.

    3) Distributed processing, multiple

    processors overcoming the limitations

    of clock speeds and heat dissipation

    factors of single CPU based technology.

    Good luck, if you focus and think

    creatively you'll,,ah, err,,he'll get an A++

    LuvUall, Ba-bye
    I am trying to find 3 technology changes in the field of computer science?
    Thank You for chosing my answer.


    Report Abuse

    Let me get this straight. You're researching and writing your son's paper for him?

    I need to write a paper on how technology change communications in the next 20 years.?

    howshould i start my paper. Any ideas on what topic is should use
    I need to write a paper on how technology change communications in the next 20 years.?
    this will give you a hint鈥?/a>

    How has Technology changed business from 1980's to 2007.?

    info and facts are helpful. please send ASAP. please and thank you!
    How has Technology changed business from 1980's to 2007.?
    In 1980, the Commodore 64 was the most common personal computer (Wow, 64K of memory!). The internet, in large part, did not exist. Portable telephones weighed about 15 pounds, and most of that was battery.

    That should give you a start...
  • celebrities myspace
  • server
  • How has technology improved the way a medic is trained?

    How has the technology in todays world provided better equipment in order for which Medics/Corpsmen use to save lives and how the technology has changed with time and helped make a better medic/corpsman during their training? I am doing a project and need to know.
    How has technology improved the way a medic is trained?
    I am a paramedic from SA and qualified in 1994 (yes i am that old)

    Even since I qualified there have been huge changes to equipment and techniques that we use today.

    We can get to the patients much faster with more modern vehicles, gps's, radio and sell communication and even internet in the sense that we can relay info via Laptops to Control centers or ER's, get quick access to poison related chemicals and treatment recommended.

    Then with equipment advancement we can take equipment to the patient that was not available years ago. (For example, 3, 5, 10 %26amp; 12 lead ECG machines for quick Cardio evaluation and possible treatment) eg. Pasing of patients.

    We also have better and faster ways to administer fluids to shocked patients via IO (Intraosseous) ways besides the usual IV way, and better airway adjuncts to assist ventilation and Oxygen administration.

    We have better medications and drugs to start treatment in the field and not wait for treatment to start at the hospital.

    Not all equipment is just for medical personnel to use but AED (Automated External Defibrillators) can be used by anyone trained to do so increasing Heart Arrest patients survival.

    Hope it helped a bit.

    Good luck.
    How has technology improved the way a medic is trained?
    well there are lots of things that make it better. the biggest concern is speed, getting to the scen as quickly as possible. So a list of things that help today, radio, sirens, lights, smaller more compact medical Equipment, cell phones,

    Effects of transport technology changes in Agriculture?

    What are the effects of transport technology changes and developments in the agriculture world.

    Both direct and indirect please

    Effects of transport technology changes in Agriculture?
    Do you have a specific time or means in mind?

    Transport tech includes horse and wagon, hand cart, train, trucks, air, ship, etc.

    So think about it, how far away from your market can you be with your farm or ranch, and be able to sell your goods at a profit after you consider the costs of raising, and transport?

    In modern times, it has created additional demand for products as we are used to having items once considered seasonal, year round if we want them.

    It has also induced artificial economics for others beyond the farmers and growers. Oranges are raised in Florida, but marketing has told them for FRESH oranges, they should eat California oranges, and vice-versa. As a result the cost of oranges for eating, or juicing have skyrocketed to the end consumer as the storage, trucks/trains and all those extra people have to get paid.

    Consumers are starting to react to this happening by the use of farmers markets for their shopping, and buying items produced locally. People are actually looking at the labels to see where things are grown or produced

    Another aspect that I see in my area, is that lower transportation costs allow the urban dwellers to afford the commute from more sub-urban areas and rural locations. This results in prime agriculture land being turned into houses and apartments, meaning the farms get pushed further away form the shipping centers, and the costs to transport go even higher. This of course means the cost of your food goes up even more..