Wednesday 21 September 2011

Technology is changing our lives.To what extent do you think it is true???

Imagine a world without technology. What would that world be like? How would our lives be different? Would completing jobs be easier or more difficult?

Almost every part of our daily lives is affected by technology. The homes we live in, the vehicles that take us from place to place, and the devices we use everyday are just a few examples of the products of technology.

Technology is a difficult concept to define. Many misconceptions exist about what technology is and what the word really means. Most individuals believe technology is computers or the latest electronic devices. These devices are the products of technology, but these devices only make up a small part of the concept of technology.

Technology is like air. It can not be seen or touched, but it is all around us everyday. We know technology exist because we can see the products or results of technology. These products are our homes, buildings, highways, vehicles, electronics, clothing, communication method, and all the many other human made devices or systems we use everyday.

Technology is the use of knowledge, tools, materials, and processes to alter the natural world in order to satisfy human needs and wants. Humans use technology to design, problem solve, invent, and innovate solutions to everyday problems. Conquering and controlling nature continues to be a central purpose of technology.

Humans will never run as fast as a cheetah, swim like a fish, or fly like a eagle. With technology humans can extend their abilities. This allows them to travel great distances quickly, lift heavy objects, communicate with people across the globe, and become more productive workers.

Science and Technology are different content areas that work together to improve the way we live. Science is the study of the natural world. This includes plants, animals, and everything else that was not created by humans. Technology is the study of the human made world. This includes buildings, cars, and all the many other objects invented by or produced by humans.

The job of a scientist and the job of a technologists are similar, but the jobs are also unique. Scientist deal primary with the why and how things occur in nature. Scientist ask questions like, why do volcano erupt? Technologists deal primary with designing and problem solving. Technologists ask questions like, how can we design and develop safe housing near a volcano?

How does science and technology work together? Scientific discoveries lead to technological inventions and innovations. Technological inventions and innovations lead to scientific discoveries. One content area can not survive without the other content area.
Technology is changing our lives.To what extent do you think it is true???
It is true to a large extend.
Technology is changing our lives.To what extent do you think it is true???
i think a more simple question would be how isn't it.. be a much much shorter list
This is true to a large extent as there is practically a new way to do everything through the use of machines and computers. You can use the internet to chat with friends and family. New technology has also created more jobs in the ICT area but has lost jobs as technoloy is so much more faster then labour. Technology has moved on so much that is come to the extent that it is controlling our lives. Think how long you wold last without a computer or a phone
absolutely nothing is not technology, the horse and buggy was technology, the first stone tools were, also, you're asking this question thanks to internet and computer technology, going camping is made possible by technology, along with everything you wear. the only way to not be influenced by technology is to walk on unpaved roads in the middle of an undeveloped country (no soil has been moved by people), wearing nothing, and living by eating berries and chasing down rabbits and squirrels. no fires, no traps, (unless made out of webbing which you created yourself, like a spider.) eating everything raw.
It depends on how technologies are used. Good people put technologies to good use. I do it every day. Dozen of patents.