Wednesday 21 September 2011

How has the development of computer technology changed retail?

What was it like before, how did the shops function and how has it benefited?
How has the development of computer technology changed retail?
computer technology allows retail to keep up to date logs on loss and profits aswell as stock.

It also allows a more reliable method of keeping ahead of other stores as oppostion can be checked and this can effect the price of the things in another store.

Another way technology has helped is by allowing CCTV to follow shoppers and help reduce the rate of theft. If theirs anything else just ask
How has the development of computer technology changed retail?
IT has had a significant impact on the retail sector. Today there are sophisticaed software packages available that give retailers and manufacturers information on their finger tips.

Be it knowing their inventory, forecasting the demand based on market conditions, ways and means of promoting various products or optimizing logistics and tracking... All the information is available. These tools also provide various reports and graphs.

This makes life in the retail sector a lot easier. Needless to say the profits go up.

JDA. i2, intensia are a few players in this domain.