Wednesday 21 September 2011

What is the good and bad way technology is changing our live?

please tell me some good and bad way technology is changing our live?
What is the good and bad way technology is changing our live?
Technology has taken playing outside away from an entire generation, its made alot of people fatter, and its made alot of us unsocial in normal situations, hence the multiple online dating sites that match you up for you, cause with all this technology, we lost the ability to tell who's good for us without it.

But on the same note, its made all kinds of information available to almost everyone, if I wanted to start learning how to do plastic surgery out of my 2nd bedroom, the internet would show me how.

And for alot of guys technology easily replaces sex in a relationship, why go through the stress of even finding a girlfriend when you can find naked girls online, or even buy a prostitute on craigslist, or go buy an electric toy and handle it yourself (for both boys and girls).

So its kind of like with the car, what did it do, well, we can now drive cross country, but it made everyone think that walking 2 blocks to the store is %26quot;Really really far%26quot;

But technology has also given us the many great fallout games, and breast implants, and toothpaste so that our breath smells fresh while we're texting our friends.

Hope that helps :)
What is the good and bad way technology is changing our live?
Research shows that there are numerous effective usages for modern day technologies. This technology affects our everyday lives in various ways, ways that we may not even see. For instance, the development of computers and robots has made manufacturing a whole lot more efficient, in time and cost of production. Computers help process information much faster than ever before and even make time management much easier in personal lives.

Admit it. Go ahead. Don't be ashamed. Names like Kazaa, Morpheus, Napster and Gnutella perhaps mean little, if anything, to you. But to Internet-savvy college students and frustrated university officials, such names are at the center of an ongoing conflict involving both the economics and the ethics of illegal downloading (or pirating) of music and videos from the Internet.