Wednesday 21 September 2011

What do you think about adopting the most advanced technology to support poverty in India?

Technology can change world as its been changing in past and present and in future. My question is how can we take this technology to people who have less than 2 dollars a day. If you did think about it in past please let me know your ideas. i am serious about working on this
What do you think about adopting the most advanced technology to support poverty in India?
Well, practically speaking, you can't. Or rather it would require a total reordering of society.

The poverty in India and China is pretty crushing, and while the marketplaces might seem vast, in fact they are not.

This is not to suggest that the situation is hopeless but it IS to suggest that high technology has increasing disadvantages in dealing with problems which are addressed more effectively with other techniques.

For instance, severe poverty is usually compounded by at least three other problems.

1. Absence of education or denial of educational opportunities to the poor.

2. Suppression of human rights - usually women but often times sections of society are discriminated against - 20th century blacks in the US, Tutsi's in Rwandan society, the majority of Chinese peasantry vs. Han ethnic ideas, and of course India is not without it's own issues with caste discrimination.

3. Maslow identified basic needs of the individual, safety , food, shelter, etc. Oftentimes, regular access to adequate resources along these lines are lacking, so better infrastructures for sanitation, clean food and water, as well as housing are FAR more important to improving the situation in many parts of the world.

So it's possible that an army of advanced intelligent robots could be left in an unpopulated province to construct and assemble a new city with integrated agriculture, farming and manufacturing facilities, and simply %26quot;opened%26quot; for colonists to move into the new cities when completed, that's not probably a realistic option for another couple of hundred years.
What do you think about adopting the most advanced technology to support poverty in India?
If india wants to remove poverty from they have to adopt %26quot;JITANE HAATH UTNE KAAM%26quot; formula instead of using technology. Technology can help those country where population are lesser.
you're trying to take their two dollars so they can have iphones? I personally don't want to support poverty. I'd like to solve it
the government all that has to do develop the society with all sorts of technology and employ the people below the poverty line and provide facilities %26amp; rise their standard

these things can be done at a minimum cost if there is no bribery

bribery is the only thing that make the people below the poverty line