Wednesday 21 September 2011

How has technology changed your mind?

We also are expected to pay attention to many complicated things at once.

How has technology changed the way we think if at all?

Do you think that future generations will have improved their ability to multi task or will we have simply adpated technology to work with our natural single mindedness?

How has technology changed your mind?
**Takes a deep breath**

Technology is obviously a wonderful thing. To remain innovative and constantly find ways to improve our quality of life is of course a plus. However, there is a definite change in our children just over the course of the past 10 years. We've seen an increase in Attention Deficit Disorder and why are we surprised. We now live in a society where we ask our children to basically %26quot;plug in%26quot; and %26quot;Plug out%26quot; all day long. I grew up playing outside. When we wanted to play, we used our creativity and created scenerios and played them out. Now, our kids plug into playstation or x-box and at the push of a button a click of a lever....they are off and running. Get bored. pfffffft.....plug in another game. Or better yet, get on the computer and log onto the internet. Don't like that site? Never on this one.....or this about this one as well. Better yet!!! Have all four windows open at once!!! Or lets go watch T.V. WE have 271 channels to choose from. You can click back and forth all day long and NEVER get bored!! And if you get hungry, the microwave is just downstairs!

I guess my point is, I'm not sure we've improved their abilities to multi task as much as we've removed their ability to think and problem solve and adapt. Many kids come to school now expecting to be %26quot;entertained.%26quot; Why? This is what they get from technology. And if they aren't entertained in the classroom, they don't have the remote to change the channel. So they shut down, or become distracted, or cause a distraction themselves. Usually because they have no idea how to see for any length of time in order to learn.

Of course this is a generalization.....I realize that. But as a teacher that has been %26quot;in the biz%26quot; for quite a long while, I see the changes in our kids. I find I'm having to do %26quot;stand up%26quot; comedy each and every day just to keep my kids attention. I can't help but think that technology has contributed to this in a great way.

So what is your opinion? Curious as well.......
How has technology changed your mind?
Advanced and very tiny computers will be installed into our brains so that we are capable of much higher forms of thinking.