Saturday 24 September 2011

How has technology improvements changed the way we obtain news ?

How has the change been beneficial or detrimental to audiences?

what are some good sub topics to this question for an essay?
How has technology improvements changed the way we obtain news ?
With the advent of the internet, News has taken an entirely new form online. Big news companies such as CNN, BBC, etc. can now stream videos, weather reports, etc. any time that consumers can watch any place. Furthermore, social bookmarking communities such as Digg, Reddit, Mixx, Propeller,, etc. have helped news spread from person to person. Also, the internet has helped boost what is known as %26quot;Citizen Journalism,%26quot; where bloggers and Journalism enthusiasts can write stories, submit them to online websites and have them published, then other users on that website can peer-review and comment on the article.