Saturday 24 September 2011

How has technology influenced Canada?

When throughout history has technology seriously changed Canada's identity? Because our identity seems ever changing? And it is because of technology that our country can not be identified with just one characteristc. But i can't find any evidence in history to help me prove this! Can anyone help?!! : )
How has technology influenced Canada?
Communications has been a technology for which canada has been at the forefront. For example we had the first transcontinental microwave transmission system. The US did not have one as big or advanced. With this and other advances in technology Canada was recognized as being a leader in telecommunications systems.

Canada is a leader in stol aircraft with the old Beavers and now the Q series of turboprop aircraft being built in Toronto.

Canada is perceived as an advanced country in technology and in other areas. Canada has a reputation of being able to take existing items and keeping then functioning and being able to perform even with outdated equipment. This is especially true of the armed forces and several other countries have taken note.

Canada's armed forces have a decent reputation world wide for being some of the best trained and most competent even with outdated equipment. The also excel in many situations with being adaptable and inventive.
How has technology influenced Canada?
dont know
It's changed significantly. Up until 1964, electricity was illegal in Canada. Since then, Canada has pretty much caught up to the rest of the world.
It hasn't!

We still walk around in snowshoes and live in igloos! It's aboot time we adopt some technology eh!

Do you want maple syrup with this answer by the way?
The technology of radio brought some very talented Canadians to the world stage; Helen Reddy, the members of Rush, Bryan Adams, etc. The technology of television brought such people as John Candy to television and movies, and there were some negative influences, Terrence and Phillip, fictional Canadian Comedians portrayed on South Park, were brought out, and their comedy, while asinine, is included in Canada's technological legacy, the technology of the train, plane, and automobile(a John Candy reference) has brought people to and from Canada.
  • software
  • handling exceptions