Saturday 24 September 2011

To what extent does modern technology does not affect a youngster's life?

Like we know that modern technology has made life easier for youngsters in the sectors of:

Education: Get a summary online instead of reading the book.

Communication: Paper-based cards into facebook invitation.

Entertainment: Online gaming rather than a stroll to the mark.

What does technology not change in a youngster's life..

Like it wont change the fact they have to be nurtured by their moms and need a family..etc

Give more ideas.
To what extent does modern technology does not affect a youngster's life?
In this like education, communication and entertainment, technology only makes it easier and faster. But as for things like morality, family values, relationship to parents and overall things like that, they are not changed by technology. Technology is only a middle-man, in this case. A youngster gets affected by the world around him. Technology only gives him access to the world, but it doesn't force him to do anything. For example, if your youngster is getting his morality shaped by his friends and their opinions, he may be doing so through Facebook or MySpace, but that's only what he is doing it through - his friends are responsible. Technology only affects physical things by making access to different things easier. Point being, you can't blame technology for shaping your child's understandings or moralities, because:

For the things that matter, the determinants and factors have all remained the same... For thousands of years.
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