Friday 16 September 2011

How much will laptop and notebook technology change in a year?

I am graduating next year and will then presumably get a notebook. If i were to get one now wouldi put myself at a disadvantage? Would i be much better off waiting?
How much will laptop and notebook technology change in a year?
Here's the simple answer as I once read in an article that stuck with me: There's always going to be something new coming out and old things will always get cheaper. The problem is if you wait for either of those, next years items turn into this years dilema.

We are humans we want the best, but look at it this way. If you don't need it horribly right now. Wait. If you want it... Don't wait. If you wait hoping better technology comes out next year, then you'll forever be waiting.

There are tons of things in the computer industry that are out right now but are way too expensive for the general consumer to afford. So yes next year that 1 terabyte HD on a laptop will run the price a 250gb one does... But once that happens you'll see next years 2TB comp with that snazzy proccessor and go, %26quot;Maybe I should wait til that price drops.%26quot; And of course the trend will pick up.

If you can afford it now, and it will keep you in good condition, and you want it... Buy it! Trust me by next year that laptop will still be decent and keep up with all the latest programs. And remember, you live today. Not tomorrow. You could win the lottery and not need to worry about how much money it costs tomorrow! So don't worry! Spend! Live!
How much will laptop and notebook technology change in a year?
Much better off waiting if you already have a desktop or other notebook that works. Notebook technology changes exponentially in a year (sound cards, video cards, etc.). Depending on what kind of school you are attending, it wouldnt put you at a disadvantage per-say. But it would help to have a more recent notebook going into college. I would assume, how would i know, im an eight grader!
All the technology that is commercialy viable in a year, is already out. But too expensive, or not commercially viable.

Like laptop blu-ray burners, they cost a zillion. Or laptop blu ray readers. You can get one now, if you want, but it'll cost you as much as a laptop. In a year, maybe blu-ray readers be semi-standard.

In short, the %26quot;technology%26quot; isn't going to change. You can see it 4-6+ years ahead, %26quot;cost%26quot; and %26quot;commercially viable%26quot; are the hindrances. ie: would you pay $400 more for a blu-ray reader in a laptop now? No, probably not, as DVD is the most popular. You can look at desktop technology, as it goes there first, and cheaper, and more commercially viable. (cause it's bigger physically and bigger market)

In a year, you can get a better laptop for same price than if you bought now. Same for year after that, year after that and that. Nothing %26quot;special%26quot; will happen, especially now with amd on the backpeddel from Intel, future laptops probably see quad cores from intel before amd answers back.
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