Saturday 24 September 2011

WWI - Why do wars occur? What are the consequences of wars? How has modern technology changed warfare?

How can we prevent wars?
WWI - Why do wars occur? What are the consequences of wars? How has modern technology changed warfare?
Historically wars have occurred to gain power or control of a region or to impose religious beliefs upon the inhabitants, or simply to prevent the loss of freedoms that is every humans inalienable right.

The consequences of war is freedom from oppression and tierny coupled with death and destruction...and in today's society it seems that extreme hatred of the freedom fighters is also a consequence.

Modern technology has made the need for hand to hand combat obsolete. It has also made fanatical leaders more subversive yet at the same time vocal about victorious annihilation of entire areas. Modern technology has also made it possible to destroy the entire planet's life forms within span of a few days, if not hours.

As long as people are unwilling to be tolerate of other, have need of power, recognition, land mass or the need to force their beliefs on others there will always be war somewhere in the world...basically as long as humans live on this planet.

In the entire span of human civilization there have only been roughly 289 days without war somewhere in the world.
WWI - Why do wars occur? What are the consequences of wars? How has modern technology changed warfare?
a war is very similar to a fight, one on one. Its either, to show power. To gain control of the other person. It could be because he attacked u first. Wars mostly occur because one is trying to gain control over the other.
b/c countries dont like each other

World War I is a good example. The great scholar Freeman Dyson described it as a war of %26quot;exceptional stupidity and brutality%26quot; that %26quot;destroyed permanently a great part of European civilization%26quot; for %26quot;reasons which in retrospect seem almost trivial.%26quot;

Wars arise for many reasons, fear, distrust, greed, to name a few. Some are even %26quot;just%26quot; in a moral sense because their consequences, beside death and destruction, can be slavery or extermination for the looser.

Modern technology has upped the ante of war because it has provided mankind with %26quot;weapons of mass destruction%26quot; which are capable of bringing about the end of civilization.

Plato tells us: Only the dead have seen the end of war.