Friday 16 September 2011

How have the advances in technology changed the overall experience of being a student?

I know the computers have changed the world alot by giving us all a better way to do reports, look up information at our fingertips and all that but how would I answer this question in a college setting.
How have the advances in technology changed the overall experience of being a student?
I think we have a lot more time available for the business of learning. Can you imagine handwriting papers, or leafing through mountains of information without search engines or subject-specific databases? Inconceivable!
How have the advances in technology changed the overall experience of being a student?
Learning has become more asier and knowledge has enhanced to a new horrizon .
Penmanship and grammar are less important due to easy access to spelling and grammar check and laptop computers. I am sure that it is much easier to plagiarize with all our options of websites, including this one. Research is much less time-consuming, papers are much easier to write, but the quality of work has not necessarily risen. Generally, we don't have to work as hard, and we are lazier than ever.
I would say, all in all that computers and technology have been a blessing and a curse to students. becuase if you think about it, we have everything at our finger tips, it takes only a few secons tolook something up, and information is easily known and travels a lot faster, to more people, viva internet. But at the same time, its been a curse, because even though everything is there, it may not always be true, and that means that it needs to be checked, info can be changed from source to source, so who really knows whats true and whats a lie, on top of that, it has made reference books useless, because why look at a book that was wrote awhile ago when you can jump on the computer and find out the new info. libraries have become a less needed space, because the internet has everything and no one needs to read anymore, which there of course leads to more problems... which are known.

I hope I helped....
At my University there are online databases where you can search for academic articles, newspapers, magazines and actually read them online rather then having to go find them or order them from a publisher. And WAYY better then flipping through the microfisch. You can also search for topics and it brings up a list of books available not only in our library but college libraries all over the state and have them sent to you. Professors and students are part of a Univeristy wide online site called blackboard where students and professors can interact- check class documents, grades, announcements. You can register for classes online too.
Long-distance learning. People don't even go to lectures, they watch lectures on line and do course work on-line. some teachers require emails for coursework.

Also, with long-distance learning, people aren't on campus- so that whole experience is out- reduces networking, socialization- but allows more people to continue to work full-time, raise families etc- while carrying a full-course load

With the new technology, teachers can give extra help online- instead of office hours.--The last 2 courses I took had no paper- no books to buy, no assignments to write out(all sent in email as attachments) all lecture were online. I never met any classmates, or the prof in person- (same prof for both). He was available in aim for 2 hour 3xday M-Sa for extra help.

Was weird, but I got used to it and got As. They were history requirements, and I would do it again.