Wednesday 21 September 2011

How has technology improved the way a medic is trained?

How has the technology in todays world provided better equipment in order for which Medics/Corpsmen use to save lives and how the technology has changed with time and helped make a better medic/corpsman during their training? I am doing a project and need to know.
How has technology improved the way a medic is trained?
I am a paramedic from SA and qualified in 1994 (yes i am that old)

Even since I qualified there have been huge changes to equipment and techniques that we use today.

We can get to the patients much faster with more modern vehicles, gps's, radio and sell communication and even internet in the sense that we can relay info via Laptops to Control centers or ER's, get quick access to poison related chemicals and treatment recommended.

Then with equipment advancement we can take equipment to the patient that was not available years ago. (For example, 3, 5, 10 %26amp; 12 lead ECG machines for quick Cardio evaluation and possible treatment) eg. Pasing of patients.

We also have better and faster ways to administer fluids to shocked patients via IO (Intraosseous) ways besides the usual IV way, and better airway adjuncts to assist ventilation and Oxygen administration.

We have better medications and drugs to start treatment in the field and not wait for treatment to start at the hospital.

Not all equipment is just for medical personnel to use but AED (Automated External Defibrillators) can be used by anyone trained to do so increasing Heart Arrest patients survival.

Hope it helped a bit.

Good luck.
How has technology improved the way a medic is trained?
well there are lots of things that make it better. the biggest concern is speed, getting to the scen as quickly as possible. So a list of things that help today, radio, sirens, lights, smaller more compact medical Equipment, cell phones,