Wednesday 26 October 2011

LASIK Surgery Question: Is it Necessary to get the FREE lifetime consultation?

The Lasik doctor I know says that one year should be enough for a Free lifetime consultation because of the ever-changing technology. With Lifetime consultation after the surgery, the doctor will probably start charging the patient when the technology used with the patient is no longer available.
LASIK Surgery Question: Is it Necessary to get the FREE lifetime consultation?
the current treatment should be enough..
LASIK Surgery Question: Is it Necessary to get the FREE lifetime consultation?
depends ifyou will be in that location for the rest of your life. If you're planning on leaving the area, I wouldn't buy it. The cost of going back to that same doctor might be more than the cost of a consultation itself.
A big Yes Nobody knows the long term effects of this procedure. Phil FBDO
Since you plan to keep your eyes for your lifetime, a lifetime consultation program may be valuable.

There are many advantages and some very strong disadvantages to these %26quot;lifetime committment%26quot; programs. Nobody can guarantee a surgery outcome. They can only agree to give you back your money if things don't go right.

It is reassuring that a surgeon wants to provide this level of care, however whose lifetime are we talking about? Yours? The doctor's? The clinic for which the doctor works? The popularity of the procedure? What happens if your doctor gets hit by a bus, retires, sells his/her practice, or goes bankrupt? What if you or your doctor moves away from your location?鈥?/a>

What will sex change technology be like in the future any ideas?

There will be no need for sex changes in the future. 100 percent of the population will be bi-sexual. This is occurring as we speak.
What will sex change technology be like in the future any ideas?
DNA resequencing. Have yourself cloned %26amp; while they are at it, rearrange your DNA to be who you want. You may have no memory of this as you grow up, but growth drugs will fix that issue. Also, memory reimplantation of your former self will be done from the massive memory drives devleoped by enginners for a premium price of course. I'm so full of crap.
What will sex change technology be like in the future any ideas?
If you're thinking about sex change, I feel sorry for you, but here's my answer:

I think that in the future scientists will be able to make artificial testicles, ovaries, and uteri; also they'll probably be able to do brain surgery to switch its perspective on which gender the person is. Once this technology is achieved, sex change will be much more thorough, but probably very expensive. Scientists will have to do something like implant your DNA into donated sperm or egg cells and then inject the concoction into your artificial sex organs so that you can reproduce just as members of your adopted sex do.

I frankly find this concept disturbing, but there you go.
  • server
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  • Over the past 2 decades, How Did The American Family Life Changed?

    (80's-90's-21st century)


    -What technology changed family way of living?

    -What are the trends and changes in the American life?

    -How have the changes of family Life developed in the 2 decades??
    Over the past 2 decades, How Did The American Family Life Changed?
    The nuclear family is almost extinct. Now there are large numbers of single moms, single dads and homosexual families. And where there are two parents, more often than not, both work, so there isn't a lot fo time spent t home with the kids. There is much less interaction between family members - television has played a large part in that. People don't talk anymore. They sit in a room together and watch the boob tube, but seldom discuss what they are watching.

    Cell phones - those ubiquitous little demons - keep kids in touch with their peers, and many kids today are closer to their peers than to their siblings or their parents.

    Do you think we'll have the technology to permanently/temporarily change our eye color?

    This is just a random thought I had....

    I have brown eyes and I always wondered what it would be like to have blue eyes. I've thought about getting the contacts but I think they look too fake and flat-toned (i.e., they don't show depth).

    Do you think we will ever develop the technology to permanently change eye color? Maybe something like the laser eye surgery we already do?

    What are your thoughts?
    Do you think we'll have the technology to permanently/temporarily change our eye color?
    there already is technology like can oly turn dark rets to light rets but not the opposite
    Do you think we'll have the technology to permanently/temporarily change our eye color?
    I have really dark brown eyes there almost black.and my best friend got me blue contacts and they made my eyes look really cool1 you should get them
    No, I don't.
    There's a medication that changes blue to brown as a side effect, but nothing yet that goes the other way.

    Computer technology that is going to change the world?


    I am planning to take a seminar on computer technology that is going to change the world. Programmers in my company going to attend the confrence. Please sugest me latest advancement in computer technology that will change the programmers world.
    Computer technology that is going to change the world?
    Further to the other guys comment:

    Not just multi core cpu- but the reduction of the chip size in the current CPUs. Shrinking the chip size is allowing applications that weren't possible before.

    Compare the iPad to the apple newton. Wow, that's different. A fully functional portable computing unit. Smaller=lower heat=lower power usage. We're making computers viable for more applications. 30 years ago any school/business that wanted a computer lab had to build a special heating/cooling room to regulate the temp in the server room. my Alma mater had to import a diesel system from Germany and remove a wall in the basement to bring it in to control the temperature in their server room. Server room.. that's getting to be passe too. You don't need a full room anymore.

    Smaller size=less temperature=less lag=more programming power.
    Computer technology that is going to change the world?
    Multi-Core CPUs are doing it right now.
    We can't predict the future... things are moving towards 64-bit code and multi-core processors, but that's hardly %26quot;new%26quot; technology...

    Should we use technology 2 change the intellegence of people????

    Should we use tecnology to change the intellegence of people???

    im having a clasroom debate and this is the topic my group is against it but i would like some answers from both point of views.

    Additional Details

    17 hours ago

    the changing of the intellegence could be for mentally challenged people or just normal people...... the topic was chosen because we are reading the book %26quot;flowers for algernon%26quot;

    17 hours ago

    although there could be risks because it would be brain surgery ... theres BIG risks in that... and how would everything feel if the whole world was smart would it b 2 much 2 handle???

    please give some good reasons why that would b able 2 be used in our debate
    Should we use technology 2 change the intellegence of people????
    yes this would set off an entire new sphere of social debates... BUT!! the ability to use technology to adapt our world is the evolutionary advantage that humans have developed. And as such I see no problem with using our technology.. our only true edge on this planet.. to further our edge... so long as we don't lose our humanity in the process.
    Should we use technology 2 change the intellegence of people????
    once theyve perfected the surgery I don't see why not I think it would be a great idea to make people smarter

    What is a good topic for a science term paper that is about a piece of technology?

    It has to be a signifigant piece of technology that has changed the world
    What is a good topic for a science term paper that is about a piece of technology?
    One of these perhaps:

    Computer processors

    Memory storage devices

    Electrical batteries, their types %26amp; their charge duration
    What is a good topic for a science term paper that is about a piece of technology?
    can it be something like the telephone t.v. or computer?
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  • Technology advancement..?

    hey guys! how has technology change you highschool life compared to your parents? are u surprised with the advancements of technology?
    Technology advancement..?
    I'll give you a parent's perspective. The biggest change to high school is probably the death of handwriting. When I was in high school all homework was handwritten. This not only meant that good handwriting was stressed but that spelling and grammar were emphasized more (since there were no automated spell checkers or grammar checkers). Also the process of going from an idea to a finished paper was stressed because the editing process was much more difficult since the only way to cut and paste would be to physically cut and paste paper.

    The other change that has come about due to computers is the Internet. Research was much more difficult due to the lack of online materials or even searchable databases. Beyond that, just keeping in touch was more difficult. Email did not exist so there was no way to interact other than the telephone. Cell phones also didn't exist so phones required both people to be at home at the same time. Physically getting together was the main way to socialize.

    Help! What is the newest computer technology that will change or greatly affect the industry in the future?

    Need ideas of new computer technologies that have yet to go mainstream. The quieter, the better. Will choose one to research and write on for an assignment.

    So far I have cloud computing...
    Help! What is the newest computer technology that will change or greatly affect the industry in the future?
    Nano technology would be my favorite.
    Help! What is the newest computer technology that will change or greatly affect the industry in the future?
    look into the ITV, specifically the Apple TV. although thats pretty mainstream, much will be done with it soon, and it will be huge.

    Are the air horns on locomotives getting louder?

    I live in a small central KS town and am accustomed to the virtually non-stop UP trains going through town at 50 to 60 mph. In the last month or so I have noticed a marked difference in the horns. They have a different sound like flatter sounding but much louder waking me up throughout the night. Has the technology changed or has the UP upgraded the horns?
    Are the air horns on locomotives getting louder?
    More and more Union Pacific locomotives are using the Nathan M3R1 horn, which is very similar to that used on Canadian Pacific and Canadian National locomotives for years and this horn is characterized by a car horn like tone, though of higher pitch than the Leslie S3R1 that they are replacing on more and more new locomotives delivered to the railroad. The loudness may depend on atmospheric conditions at the time the horn is sounded for a grade crossing. It is also dependent on how the horn is tuned prior to installation on the locomotive. As locomotives come due for shopping for overhaul, it is safe to assume that the horn will be one of the items changed out as the locomotive is out shopped after overhaul.
    Are the air horns on locomotives getting louder?
    actually that is not true at all Nathan has not gotten a large order of M3 horns since back in the late 1960's they have a mellow tone and play the cord C#,E,A they sound great but because of the fact they need to be tuned about every six months that they are in service they fell out of favor.

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    from the 1960's through the late 1980's the two primary horns on the UP were Leslie's RS-3L and Prime's 920 which both play the deeper cord B,D#,A. Starting n the 1990's UP started to favor Nathan's K3LA which is their dominant horn today it plays the higher cord D#,F#,B

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    recently UP has been getting Nathan K5HL horns on it's new locomotives this goes against UP's long tradition of using 3 chime horns the new five chime horns play the cord C,D#,F#,A#,C the result of the 2 extra bells is a louder horn. I am a locomotive horn collector and own both an RS-3L and K3LA

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    If you want to know more about locomotive horns you might want to check these sites:

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    I've wondered that myself. I live in southern New Mexico and regularly have trains pass through here. The horns are loud, especially at night. You don't have to be right next to the track to hear them. You can be several miles away and hear them just fine.
    Sound travels differently through colder (more dense) air. You may be noticing the sound more because of that fact.
    There are hundreds of different types of horns. There are no new %26quot;louder%26quot; horns although certain horns are louder or sound louder due to pitch. Theres many different configurations, single note, 2 chime, 3 chime, 5 chime horns etc. I know in canada they also need to have a specific note to one of the trumpets.
    I don't think they are getting louder. These horns can average up to 200 db, Its loud enough to require the crew of a locomotive to wear ear protection. I liked one of the responses posted earlier that goes into details that describes how railroad are phasing in newer air horns .

    Given the trend for some urban neighborhoods to lobby municip;alities for No Blow crossings, I doulbt if railroads will employ horns significantly louder than ones currently in use.

    What will sex change technology be like in the future, has any one ever had 1?

    wasnt there a John Varley short story %26quot;Picnic on Nearside%26quot;?

    they had sorta Plug N Play sex changes...
    What will sex change technology be like in the future, has any one ever had 1?
    What will sex change technology be like in the future, has any one ever had 1?
    well this is just a thought, what if science could determine before you were born you are genetically predispositioned to be either male or female.what if they could then alter the sex of the individual at the point in our development when we are both male and female. then there would be a non-surgical procedure that would be preformed based on the hormonal attitude of the individual. just think how many people would be spared the frustration of knowing they are someone else. wonderful thought huh or is it messing with nature and our religious belief system. would anyone care to entertain this thought?

    What happens to older Americans who are searching for jobs?

    Is it difficult for older Americans to keep up with rapidly changing technology in the work place?

    Aren't there more americans over the age of 40 who are job-searching these days?
    What happens to older Americans who are searching for jobs?
    I would definitely think so, especially since there doesn't seem to be as much job stability these day. Years ago, when someone worked somewhere they generally held that job for years and years...often until the retired. My grandfather held one job (working continually) all his life (except for military time) that he retired from. My dad held three jobs during his lifetime, all in the same field from which also retired. He had to change his jobs because his first two employers eventually went out of business. I think that changing technologies could be part of the issue for job instability. Machines came along that could do my father's job quicker and more effeciently. However, I think that the economy (not just changing technology) had/has a lot to do with unemployment and job growth. Today's aging American's definitely need to keep up on technology if it's related to their field of work. Even a waitress these days needs to know how to run a comuter like cash register and a secretary has all kinds of technolgy challenges today compared to 20-30 years ago. I do think that it's hard for some older people to keep up with today's technology. I'm only 41 and have some secondary education yet I find it challenging. Unless a company is willing to train a person, how are they going to get that job without an education of some kind? Years ago not everyone went on to college, today it's almost a necessity if you want to make a decent living by today's standards.

    Not sure if I even came close to answering your question but it got me to thinking...anyone who reads this who has not completed their education should do so. An education, whether it's through college, apprenticeship, job corps, tech school or some other means, is essential in today's job market. Always try to continually advance your education!

    Take care.
    What happens to older Americans who are searching for jobs?
    mostly they don't get hired for good jobs
    although research shows this is the age group that is more dependable it is extremely hard to get a job after 40. companies want %26quot;new blood%26quot;. young people with new ideas, etc. although people in their 40's are up on the newest technologies and even creating new technologies they are mostly left out of the job equation.
    it is very hard even for those with educations in michigan even more so because so many people are looking for work.i think many older people are out of work not by choice.i speak only for myself but i was wrongfully fired from my job over lies and heresay.thats when i realized most people dont care about doing the right thing or the truth if it does not effect them they dont care especially if lying wins points with management,but thats okay GOD will judge .
    It's definately going to be tuff for them to get some new jobs. Most communities now provide free technology and trade classes so these adults can get back in the workforce, however it's a uphill battle.
    I agree with that answer.. A lot of companies look out for %26quot;new blood%26quot; to replace the elder generation for some newby thats willing to do more work for less pay.. Its unfair in a lot of aspects, but the best thing to do would be to look into a small business that would have great potential for source of income.. at least you have your own time, your own business to run and most important, you dont get bossed around
    Most of the older Americans looking for a job are close to retirement and take a part-time job doing something they are proficient in. For example, a mechanic or construction worker may get a job at Lowe's or Home Depot.

    The middle-aged Americans may have a more difficult time. They have the experience, yet a lot of employers will balk at hiring them, because the salary and benefits will be lower most of the time. Sometimes you can be overqualified. Learning new technology is difficult too. I know a lot of people who have lost factory jobs go back to school to learn new skills. This can be very trying for a breadwinner raising a family.

    I agree learning the new technology is difficult. Some adapt well while others don't. The ones who don't will likely find themselves doing manual labor or in the retail service field.

    Everyone is different. The key is to be smart with your money during the high-paying years.
  • enabling encryption
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  • Is a four year Business degree really much different than a 2 year?

    I will have finished my Business Administration, associates degree in March and debating on whether a bachelors is really that much more useful?

    With ever changing technology, theories, and company specific accounting and software practices, is there a huge difference in today's business world?

    Will the 4 year degree open more doors than a 2 year degree or are people looking at other factors such as personality and software training?
    Is a four year Business degree really much different than a 2 year?
    Yes bachelors %26gt; associates
    Is a four year Business degree really much different than a 2 year?
    I agree for sure. a bachelor's degree is way more valuable than an associates.

    Technology .... when will it all end ?


    When I was a kid in the seventies, arcade games where primitive, and the humble Leyland Maxi was highly sought after,

    Thirty odd years on, and how far has the technology changed

    Hydrogen cars and wireless arcade games

    When will it all come to an end ?

    just how small can they make a microchip ?
    Technology .... when will it all end ?
    it will end when my anarchist rebellion spreads to the ends of the earth, toppling society as we know it...

    Then once again, my pastimes will be actual careers...


    I still play 8-bit games...

    And listen to tapes
    Technology .... when will it all end ?
    ibm halve the size of a micro chip every 3 years apparently
    I think the next major leap is nanotechnology. In order for Moore's Law to keep up, we're going to have to create nanobots that are able to construct additional nanobots.

    This is an entirely plausible scenario, as nanobots are already being used in medical applications.

    For entertainment, search Wikipedia for The Singularity. Very fascinating futuristic possibility.
    Technology is like a history it will never come to an end even if some tries to stop it it will never work and microchip will be even smaller than eraser on end of the pencil put together.
    it wont....thats the problem
    They've managed to machine parts at nearly the atomic level. Imagine molecular machines building computer pathways out of individual atoms lined up in various patterns.
    it will never stop imagine in 5 million years time if where still here, that just to unimaginable it will just get better and better
    we use technology every day of are lives so why would you what it to end ? do you know that some technology safes peoples lives every day with out people died.

    but using some of the technology is bad for the environment

    we do not need the hydrogen cars are the wireless arcade games. so i fell that you are thinking of the changes of your life time . i am thing of all the great discoveries that the technology as find to make life easy.

    oh by the way i have no clue how small microchips will get !

    if you find out let my know
    my friend without this technology you are asking about, I would not be able to answer, so tchnlgy has its own advantage and its inconvenient, anyway What I think, unfortunately bcs of human being's eagerness it won't and b4 we do!

    Which contact lenses are the latest and greatest?

    Technology changes at a rapid pace. I have been wearing the same brand of lenses for that last 10 years. Which lenses are the most advanced and newest to the market?
    Which contact lenses are the latest and greatest?
    I used to make contact lenses. It depends if you wear soft lenses or GP.

    Soft look at - %26quot;IQ Eye%26quot; they are particularly resilient against protein deposition and come with a UV blocker.

    Hard GP - Take a look at the %26quot;Contamac Optimum%26quot; range.

    What are some pro/cons for Business Accounting major vs Computer Science majors?

    I'm stuck deciding what I want to go for and I don't want to waste time going to college and not knowing what i'm going for. i'm just trying to see the benifits of either one... i know for computer science you're gonna have to pretty much continue to take class all through your career most likely to stay updated since technology changes so much... you thoughts?
    What are some pro/cons for Business Accounting major vs Computer Science majors?
    If you like technology, computers, programming, and money the decision is a real no brainer. If you enjoy pouring over mundane financial statements and basic math then that accounting degree might look mighty fine. With either degree your job prospects upon graduation will be strong (dependant on you doing well, of course). I had a CS roommate and an accounting roommate a few years ago; the CS guy is making $70k+ at Intel playing with supercomputers and they are paying for his PhD when he wants it, my friend who did accounting got on at a Big 4 firm and is making $45k~ish. Both are relatively happy, but CS just seems more fun to me, but if you like accounting it is certainly a good path to go down.

    Should I get a newer model at a more expensive price or an older model at a lower price?

    I want to get a Canon slr camera and would like an opinion on what would be the best option because technology changes all the time, so would it be better to go with the newest and let it get old, or the older version and maybe get a newer one later?
    Should I get a newer model at a more expensive price or an older model at a lower price?
    If you are beginner I would suggest get cheaper one for learning. Invest your money for good lens which more important than camera body. When you are ready to upgrade then get a higher level camera and use it with your stock lens.

    But if you don't plan to upgrade, get newest model would be better.鈥?/a>
    Should I get a newer model at a more expensive price or an older model at a lower price?
    Depends on the used canon model. The t1i, 30D, 40D, eos 1 mIII, and 5d are great outdated models used....

    anything else is crap. Ive used canon long enough to know what works and what doesn't. Nikon's tend to last longer over time so you will find more used in great condition than canon. Still a camera like the 40D is both solid and a fantastic model to use as well as a pleasure to shoot with...
    I would suggest to get a cheaper dslr and make a good collection of lenses than later on if you feel that you are good enough than you might upgrade鈥?/a>
  • How do you clean a feather comforter
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  • Was changing my major from accounting to business technology a smart move?

    I really like accounting but i like computers better. I just started college and had originally started as an accounting major but one of my professors convinced me that business technology would be a smarter move. Is she right?What are the pros and cons?
    Was changing my major from accounting to business technology a smart move?
    Minor in accounting, or spend an extra semester or two getting a double major. Then you can do either, and could likely be more valueable to future employers. You also have more options. If you can't find a job in one field, you likely can in the other.

    BTW, don't let your professors or advisor make decisions for you. It will be the rest of your life, not theirs.
    Was changing my major from accounting to business technology a smart move?
    Accounting is all computerized now anyway for the most part. I'd stay with that. The money is good if you get your CPA.

    Can you recommend a digital camera?

    This question has been asked many times, but not recently (technology changes fast!). After having used an analog camera all these years, I will soon purchase my first digital camera. I don't want or need top of the range, but I don't want something made out of plastic either. The most important feature I'd be looking for is user-friendliness. Which brands and/or model(s) with, which you have personally had experience, can you recommend?
    Can you recommend a digital camera?
    Even though I personally own this ultra compact camera, I would still like to highly recommend the purchase of a Nikon Coolpix L10 for the following reasons:

    1. Besides taking well-exposed hi-quality 5 megapixel pictures, it uses a standard set of rechargeable double AA batteries which last a very long time;

    2. Has a 3x optical zoom;

    3. Takes %26quot;continuous%26quot; 2 frames per second %26quot;action/sports%26quot; images;

    4. Has macro feature for close-ups of small objects focused under 6 inches;

    5. The flash setting for %26quot;red-eye%26quot; correction is on the navigator wheel and not within a submenu;

    6. It's very small and light;

    7. Uses inexpensive SD memory cards;

    8. The digital video feature takes wonderful %26quot;sound%26quot; videos which are noise free. It records the piano very well with it's built-in microphone;

    9. It comes with a USB 2.0 transfer cable which you connect to your USB computer port;

    10. Has tripod mount on bottom of camera;

    11. And the price is a mere $119 [sold at Samy's Camera -, and]

    Review(s) can be found at [Query: %26quot;Nikon Coolpix L10%26quot; along with pictures provided by satisfied purchasers.]

    Good luck!
    Can you recommend a digital camera?
    Your coming to the world of digicams pretty late in the game. That's not a criticism, but most of the products on the market these days are quite good. However, even the 'top' brands make low priced cameras for sale in wal-mart, so just because it says 'Canon' on the outside, doesn't mean it's the best.

    Kodak's have traditionally been excellent on the 'user friendliness' front, but I like products from Fuji, Pansonic, Sony and Canon. Some of the Sony's, like the new H7. H9 are terrible for 'user friendliness'. Others are fine.

    Casio, Pentax, Olympus, Nikon and a couple others also make quality products.

    you need to do some shopping, check out the different types of cameras available, and see what you want. A sub-compact (very convenient), standard (often with good interfaces and manual features, like the Canon A-series), Ultra-zoom (terrific for kids sporting events, Panasonic FZ8, for instance). There are really too many.
    I have a Canon S3 IS that I really like. It has many different modes, including Auto. I'm able to play around with all the settings. But my wife, who has no interest in photography, can set it on Auto and use it as a point-n-click. The S3 can now be found for under $300.

    Since this is your first digital camera, don't let a salesman confuse you with the Megapixel Myth. Just because the camera has more megapixels doesn't mean a better picture. For the average user, anything over 3 MP will produce good pictures. Take a look at the 2nd sources link for more details on this.

    Finally, take a look at the following 2 sites. They do reviews on digital cameras. Look through what they have reviewed and decide what best first your style and budget. Lots of great cameras out there. Steve's Digicams even has a link to what they consider the best cameras.
    I would suggest for an all around good quality camera the Canon PowerShot A630. 4X optical zoom, 8 megapixels. Will give you an excellent 8X10 print. Fast shutter speed at 1/2500 a second. Very good on AA rechargeables and in addition to auto has manual controls.

    According to Website Beach Camera has it for $185-

    What is the newest computer technology that will change or greatly affect the industry in the future?

    Need ideas of new computer technologies that have yet to go mainstream. The quieter, the better. Will choose one to research and write on for an assignment.
    What is the newest computer technology that will change or greatly affect the industry in the future?
    3D monitors.
    What is the newest computer technology that will change or greatly affect the industry in the future?
    Cloud Computing

    (I personally don't like cloud computing.... some do like the idea)

    Where I can find information of any industry for my history project?

    Select any industry and write its history. How has technology changed. Where do workers come from? How are the products advertised and marketed, interviews of the employers about industry.

    Please help. I am not getting any idea.

    Thank you : )
    Where I can find information of any industry for my history project?
    Select something of interest to you personally; a food product; something you wear (shoes, socks, jewelry, etc.); a piece of furniture or kitchen object; make up or nail polish; soap or cleaning product or implement; sports equipment, bicycles, or skate boards; product packaging; anything.

    The secret is to pick something that you really would like to know more about and that should make your research much more enjoyable and a better end result in your project. Good luck and have fun with the assignment.
    Where I can find information of any industry for my history project?
    You can get help from online through or

    Was the Holy Bible written during the beginning of time and the beginning of earth?

    How was it written?

    How did we become to understand it?

    How did it outline everything God did?

    How far back in BC can the Holy Bible go back to.

    What was going on during those times?

    Where was God during those times?

    How did Technology change so quickly?
    Was the Holy Bible written during the beginning of time and the beginning of earth?
    No to the headline question.

    It was written over the course of around 900 to 700 years more or less.

    It does not outline anything but the beliefs of the Jewish people over time.

    The very earliest time that it could have been written is around 1300 BCE as that is when Jewish culture appeared in the archeological record.

    You would have to look in to ancient history as to what was happening. As a quick statement, India, Greece, Egypt and China had formed civilizations. The Celts had been trading with China for several hundred years. People had been in the Americas for over 9000 years.

    God does not exist.

    Technology thrives when knowledge is passed on effectively and efficiently.
    Was the Holy Bible written during the beginning of time and the beginning of earth?
    Short answer to why %26quot;In the beginning%26quot; read %26quot;Once upon a time%26quot;

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    1. No.

    7 more questions - I'll wait for you to invest the 35 points.

    Well for starters the story of the Garden of Eden originally was a story created by the Sumerian culture. The scholars that I have read state that the story was symbolic of the decline of the Sumerian culture. (written language started with the Sumerians)
    The Torah, or the first five books of the bible have been accredited to Moses actually, this cannot be proven though. Some think Abraham may have written some, so as far as a time line your looking at 1800-500 B.C.E. This was after the Exodus of Egypt on the account of Moses, for Abraham it would have been when he moved from nomadic lands to the western shore board to the promised land. As far as technology is concerned, it always seems to advance rapidly after the enlightenment because science was accepted as a way of learning.
    It was written to control the uneducated masses.

    The beginning of time may have happened some 13+ billion years ago.
    The bible was written during the Jewish Babylonian captivity, about 800 b.c. or so. It brought together various beliefs from all parts of the world that was known at that time. The stories of the first couple and their family,and the flood, were all stories from other than Jewish sources. There were plenty of prophets and seers during those times. Of course none of what they foretold ever happened. That is why the stories were edited to show connections to a local god.
    1- Sadly, Moses and Abraham didn't write any books in the bible. The stories in the pentateteuch (first 5 books of the bible or the Torah), for example has 4main sources (the northern and southern kingdom of Israel before babylonian exile, The exilic Priestly sources, and priestly sources from before exile) that were added to it at different times. (but not before it was past down orally for a thousand years.

    2- I don't think the bible does or is supposed to outline everything God did.

    3- The bible tells the story of the begining of humankind but there are disagreements as to how far back that is. The first texts of the bible were written in 950 BCE

    4- The bible sources span about a thousand year period so a lot happened. Isreal was formed, then exiled to Egypt, Liberated and settled back in Isreal, then exiled to Babylon, about half returned, established its own monarchy, then the romans came in... etc.

    I don't think I can answer 5 or 6 but I tried my best with the others
    No it was not, but the words inside of it are from The God. Holy bible is from history, right now people call it the Holy bible, since it has God words. Yes, it is Holy Bible. May God Bless You All !!
    The bible was written by man, long after the earth started and is simply a book of stories, some of which reflect slightly on actual events.
  • comparison between
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  • What's up with the influx of 3D movies?

    I've seen so many previews for 3D movies and television shows over the past few months. Is it just me or is there more than usual? For example, My Bloody Valentine, Coraline, and the Chuck episode in 3D. Has the technology changed or something or is it just a coincidence?
    What's up with the influx of 3D movies?
    As far as the format it hasn't changed that much, almost all of the movies from the 3d boom of the early fifties where polarized too, with the tinted sunglasses, and have been since. I saw jaws 3d in 1983 and it was polarized. However, it does look better, clearer than before. I think a lot of it has to do with the filming process. Now with digital cameras they can replay as they shoot the scenes instead of having to develope the film, . So adjustments in 3d effects can be made and reshot on the spot and the cartoons are easier to convert than before.

    Also when polar express come out in 3d in select theaters in 2004 it did very well and that is what caught the movie studios eyes. Plus they have done well since. With my blood valentine for every one person that saw it in 2d, six saw it in 3d, and remember most cities only have the 2d showing and most theaters that have the 3d showing also have it in 2d as well.

    Also I read somewhere that 3d movies have done pretty well in the past, even the last two of the 1950's boom did well, but for some reason the movie studios abandoned them anyway. I guess filming and processing was more trouble than they wanted to spend on it, now with digital that changed that.
    What's up with the influx of 3D movies?
    Yes it has changed. The 3-D glasses used to be the ones with the red and blue lens and now they got the normal sun glass looking ones now. I think its just away of getting more people to see the movie. Because it works. I personally think My Bloody Valentine looks like a stupid movie but I want to see it cuz its in 3-D
    The technology has really improved so that the 3D is really 3D.

    Too bad the same weaknesses are manifest as they were 60 years ago (terrible scripts that do not take real advantage of being 3D)

    How has changes in technology increased our understanding of the origin of life and evolution of living things?

    I'm stuck on a research question,

    Discuss, using 2 examples, how changes in technology have assisted in the development of an increased understanding of the origin of life and evolution of living things

    So any advice would be helpful thanks
    How has changes in technology increased our understanding of the origin of life and evolution of living things?
    We can now sequence DNA quickly and with great accuracy; this wasn't possible even 10 years ago. As we've grown to understand more and more about our genome we've been able to track chromosomes common in species closely related to us - these similarities were predicted by the theory long before we knew about DNA.

    When Darwin published his book information was available only to a select few - primarily the rich. Information technology has changed the world many times over to the extent that anyone curious about the theory of evolution (or anything else) has the best and most current information available at his fingertips. This democratization of data has brought more people into the sciences, exposed the scientific method to enormously gifted individuals who, in an earlier time, would never have had the opportunity to study, grow, and contribute to the field of evolutionary biology.

    How has technology changed for you?

    For me it has changed quite a bit. I was born in 1978 and we had CDS coming out, cassettes and records got old and no longer used, computers,laserdiscs, then video cassettes, then cell phones then DVDs then mp3s.

    When my parents were young in the 60's, there were projectors before videos, in the 50's films came out on television re-released and tv shows were in black and white. Colour tv came out in the mid-60's like 1964.

    There's PS3 XBox, Wii, Gamecube, we had none of those when I was young.

    We did however have like a small console which you plugged in your tv but it was nothing like xbox.

    Technology has come a long way. How has it changed for you?
    How has technology changed for you?
    I dunno...I still play Atari
    How has technology changed for you?
    computers got smaller and better
    instead of mailing off a letter i can do it it seconds, cassette tapes and vhs i dont have to rewind, its easir to install a tv, i dont have to go to the mall and put a million quarters in a machine i can just sit home and play, and of course everything is clearer especially sound and visually also, instead of going to the library i can pull the info off of google but if you look at it from another perspective they already had these things it just got upgraded
    Technology has me feeling old. As a teenager, I never would have thought we'd see the days when computers would be in homes, giving birth to the Internet.

    TV: Back then, there was NO cable or satellite--you relied on good weather bringing in good TV reception via airwaves. If you missed a show--you were SOL. I've seen cable explode into society. I've seen satellite dishes go from giant imploded mushrooms---to no bigger than a dinner plate. How cool today it is that we can record, pause and playback network shows and Hollywood movies!!

    I was exposed to vinyl, 8-track and cassette taped music. It sounded so science fiction that we'd have machines, using only a laser beam of LIGHT, to produce with awesome clarity, music.

    Yes....I remember the uber-cool video game of the mid-70's being %26quot;Pong%26quot;, then came %26quot;Intellvision%26quot;, after that---Nintendo....God, it evolves from there on to today.

    When I first started in Radio Broadcasting--the on air jock did EVERYTHING, which went a long way to organizational developmental skills. Today, it's sweet to have MP3 music and whiz-bang computer tech make the job soooo much easier.

    In short: The Earth was vast in the early days of technology. Today, the world is held in our hands--as we carry phones in our pockets--and can see the world through them.
    Yes, it has changed a lot for me. It's kind of hard to adjust, and I don't think I'll ever really do it! I don't really like so much technology. I'd like to move to the country or something.

    How has technology changed for you?

    For me it has changed quite a bit. I was born in 1978 and we had CDS coming out, cassettes and records got old and no longer used, computers,laserdiscs, then video cassettes, then cell phones then DVDs then mp3s.

    When my parents were young in the 60's, there were projectors before videos, in the 50's films came out on television re-released and tv shows were in black and white. Colour tv came out in the mid-60's like 1964.

    There's PS3 XBox, Wii, Gamecube, we had none of those when I was young.

    We did however have like a small console which you plugged in your tv but it was nothing like xbox.

    Technology has come a long way. How has it changed for you?
    How has technology changed for you?
    I was born in 1952. We used to use a dial to dial telephone calls and then touchtone came along. Not to mention the arrival of phones in colors other than black. Then came innovations like the cordless phone (and the Mickey Mouse phone!) and cell phones, which then proceeded to shrink from some box that took up a chunk of your car's trunk, to briefcase size to brick size to something sized like Captain Kirk's communicatior. Soon we'll be talking into a pen, saying %26quot;Open Channel D%26quot; like the Man from Uncle. And the Area Code was introduced so you no longer needed to talk to an operator to make a long distance phone call.

    At the airport, planes for commercial flights went from having propellers to having jet engines. Not exactly technology, but we used to watch Dad walk across the tarmac and climb stairs to get into the plane. Now the passengers board through a %26quot;jetway%26quot; and the kids without tickets aren't allowed past the metal detector. Higher tech - There was the development and demise of the supersonic commercial plane.

    I remember the 1964 World's Fair in Queens, NY. One pavilion sold plates of food that you could then heat up in an instant in a thing called a microwave oven. Strangely, the food got hot, but the plate stayed cool.

    And the phone company was demonstrating telephones that had cameras so you could see the person at the other end of the call (if they were at a similar phone, which put them in a booth at the other end side of the fair grounds.

    Speaking of phone booths, the phone booth evolved from a mostly wooden structure with enough privacy for Clark Kent to change to his Superman costume, to a metal-framed glass booth to a small aluminum pole with a broken pay phone on top. And even if I could find a working pay phone, fat lot of good an %26quot;emergency dime%26quot; in my shoe would do.

    Cameras have gone through the same incredible shrink as cell phones. Doc Brown had plenty to say about the video camera in Back to the Future.

    Banking changed a lot over the same years. ATM's were introduced. Credit cards and Debit cards became commonplace.

    Easy to make fun of lack of innovation from car makers, but when I was a kid cars didn't have air conditioning and now I don't know how I'd live without it. The car used to have an AM radio that was incredibly unreliable and now it has AM/FM/CD with surround sound. True, 8-track tapes came and went, but not all the satellite radio companies are out of business yet. Does the Interstate highway system count as tech advancement? EZ Pass toll collection replacing throwing quarters into the toll booth dragon?

    I do wonder how I got through college with a manual typewriter and no Google. Thank goodness for Corrasable Paper or I'd still be in high school typing up my term paper.

    The post office introduced Zip codes while FedEx with their high tech package sorting made Parcel Post into something of a quaint old term.

    UPC codes and bar-code-readers appeared in the Supermarket. Lasers! (Would Dr. Evil be impressed?).

    Medicine has made progress. I remember lining up in the school gym for sugar cubes with a drop of polio vaccine on them. I remember when the doctor had to sterilize these big ugly glass syringes with thick scary needles on the end. Now everything is single-use sterile plastic and I truly believe the needles are a lot finer.

    And on the military front we had development of the ICBM, stealth bombers, multiple warheads that could be launched together and independently targeted, and, of course, fall-out proof school desks (%26quot;Duck and cover%26quot;) bringing us peace in our time.
    How has technology changed for you?
    I was born in 1981, so most of what you mentioned is exactly the same for me! I still haven't jumped on the BluRay train, but I am looking forward to it. I still have my New Kids on the Block and Michael Jackson tapes. I also still have the original Nintendo. And it STILL works! (of course, I still have to blow on the games every now and then!)
    I was born in 1942. Some people had phones in their homes, but most didn't. (Most stores only had a pay phone - for use by the business or customers.) Make a call outside? There were pay phones all over. Take a call outside? You had to pre-arrange it and stay by the pay phone you were using, waiting for the call. (Part of cellphone technology had already been thought of, but not for cellphones.)

    We had airplanes that could cross the Atlantic, and did so every day before the war (and continued to after the war), but the heavily-burdened military air convoys couldn't do it in one hop yet. Jets? That was a top secret project.

    Radios were big things - the only 'portables' were what we'd call boom boxes today. TV was still in Sarnoff's lab.

    Men wore hats, lifted them to show respect to ladies and removed them on entering buildings. (And you could get a hat cleaned and blocked anywhere.) Women wore dresses, unless they were working in a factory (and changed when they got home). Donna Reed would have been considered radical (and her skirts MUCH too short). No woman would be seen in public without putting her face (makeup) on - and that included more than most actresses wear today.

    We had rationing, so you needed ration points to buy butter, meat, tires and I don't remember what else (I was a little kid when the war ended). And we in the US had it easy. England had rationing not to keep stuff for the troops, but because there was very little to be had. Germans and French had the war on their doorsteps (those whose doorsteps hadn't been bombed or shelled out of existence). We have a two-front war today, and you'd think that factories were running out of space to store the stuff they make. Everyone, not just the discounters, is selling at a discount, all year, to get rid of product that's designed to last 2 days longer than the warranty. (In 1942, you expected a refrigerator to last long enough for one of your kids to grow old using it. And the *average* car lasted 20 years - or more. Advertising that your 16 year old learned to drive on the car you brought her home from the hospital in would elicit a %26quot;so?%26quot;)

    I walk around with two stents in my heart and two hearing aids that no one notices unless they know to look. So technology kept me alive, and keeps me functioning. It also gives me TV and the internet for entertainment, computers for communications, mental exercise (try programming a round bottom on the square top - but that's what some program specs are like) and a decent income. I can fly from NY to Dallas in a few hours, I can drive - safely - at 70mph on an interstate, I can get a half-decent weather report 15 days out (and it's more accurate than the next morning's report was in 1942).

    There are thousands of other little things. My mother studied under a gas light (hence the %26quot;gas light era%26quot;). I have a %26quot;green%26quot; house (fluorescent lighting) and an LED flashlight that probably gives off more light than the gas lights she studied under. I can nuke my food. My clothes don't come out of the wash wrinkled. (%26quot;Out of the wash%26quot;? My mother used a scrubbing board in the bathtub to do the wash - a technology that's as old as cleaning clothes. It's just a high-tech rock.)
    I was born in 1960 and saw all those changes you mentioned. Also in the 60's we had transistor radios which were a breakthrough because they were %26quot;small%26quot; and portable. Then there was the boom-box/ghetto blaster phase where radios were the size of suitcases! Now we're back to small with MP3 players.

    Probably the more important technology changes have been in medicine. As a kid I had a test called a pneumoencephalogram where a bubble was injected into my spine and sent to my skull to search for tumors. It was a HORRIBLE test and I was sick and semi-conscious for 3 days after, and spent the rest of that summer with terrible headaches until the bubble dissipated. Now a person would just have an MRI or CAT scan and be in and out in a hour! How great is that! I'm sure there are other great medical advances, that's just the one I relate to.

    What are some weapons we might have 50 years from now?

    As time goes by technology changes and gets more powerful... Think any new weapons are guna pop up in my lifetime that will retire some of our current weapons and weapons programs?
    What are some weapons we might have 50 years from now?
    no doubt there will be greater use of Lasers,

    Then there are the Magnetic Cannons, capable of firing a block of aluminum or steel through armor

    Greater use of Robotics on the front lines.
    What are some weapons we might have 50 years from now?

    Lazer Guns/Canons

    Molecule Mixers

    Gender Benders
    Sharks with lasers attached to their heads.
    I'm hoping we have laser guns hooked on to our Millenium Falcon's by that time.
    think about this through most of world war 2 nations fought with propeller powered planes. One of the most common issued weapons was a semi automatic rifle and tanks were the ground breaking technology along with chemical warfare used to the extent it was. We haven't had much in changing the weapons needed and seeing as a nation against nation war is still the greatest threat(not most likely) we prepare for that. So most technology has evolved from current technology. You will most definitely see weapon be retired in your lifetime.
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  • cable tv to computer monitor
  • For those of you who use mobile banking, when has this service unexpected come in handy?

    Where were you when used mobile banking? What transaction did you make? How did it come help you. Thanks. I'm a grad student researching how technology changes are having an effect on everyday life on a granular level.
    For those of you who use mobile banking, when has this service unexpected come in handy?
    I travel frequently on business. I can transfer money between accounts, pay bills, etc. all through the Internet. In other words, I use it at least 2-3 times per week.

    What"Web Technology role in “Distance Learning” is the final and ultimate approach to meet the learning requir?

    Web technology has significantly changed the exchange of information, allowing anyone with access to a personal computer with on-line capability the opportunity to gather substantial materials from diverse and wide-ranging sources. Computer literacy and Internet facility are still not universal skills, though more and more individuals are becoming skilled at using computers and at accessing the Internet. By creating a digital framework in which a community of peers can evaluate and organize these efforts, we can begin to build not only an increasingly robust and complex array of learning opportunities for adult students of diverse and often entrenched learning styles, but the knowledge base by which their teachers can establish best practices, pedagogical strategies, and an in understanding of their endeavor. The Internet has had a profound impact on the ways in which many different tasks are accomplished.
    What%26quot;Web Technology role in “Distance Learning” is the final and ultimate approach to meet the learning requir?
    i try to write the answers your problem in my blog you can see any problem in my blog.

    Should I get the Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium or the Adobde CS3 Master Collection?

    I am beginning a masters in Graphic design and have a business background. The software is at a great price and I dont know if I should invest in it for future use. Technology changes so quickly and I'm not sure if I need to invest in something like this just yet.
    Should I get the Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium or the Adobde CS3 Master Collection?
    If you are going for a Masters in Graphic design, are you going to include a lot of Web and Multimedia design in that? If so, get the Master Collection, because it includes everything. If your emphasis is Graphic Design with some Web/multimedia, get the Design Premium, which I what I have. It includes Flash, Dreamweaver, and Acrobat Pro, plus the version of Photoshop called Extended. And of course it has InDesign and Illustrator. But it doesn't have any of the video/multimedia products.

    Since CS3 was just released last spring, I don't think you need to worry about trying to wait for a later release, and you WILL be using a lot of this stuff one way or another.

    I am currently working on a BFA in Graphic Design, and am about 2/3 of the way there.
    Should I get the Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium or the Adobde CS3 Master Collection?
    There are various kinds of graphic design. Are you designing for the web? print? multimedia? It's hard to say.

    Being that you are going for your masters, you can probably make use of as much as you can get.

    What is a power that the President gained through the development of technology?

    I'm writing about how technology has informally changed the Constitution. I've said that electronic communication and the development of atomic weapons has given the president's role as commander in chief more significant and his role in the constitutional system more defined. Now I need an example of a power that the president has gained because of the increase in technology.
    What is a power that the President gained through the development of technology?
    He now has the power to bug our phones.

    I am a freshman ,n still doing my general requirment classes what is the consequences of changing major?

    i am a freshmen in college and doing my 2nd semester my major is Information technology.If i change my major now can i complete my graduation in time.Im still doing the general requirements classes.
    I am a freshman ,n still doing my general requirment classes what is the consequences of changing major?
    You can complete on time if the general requirements are the same for your new major or if necessary you may be able to take a few additional courses. In any event do not waste your time on a stale major./
    I am a freshman ,n still doing my general requirment classes what is the consequences of changing major?
    It depends on what your new major will be. If you're planning on switching to any science, math, or engineering you might not be able to graduate on time. On the other hand, you might still be able to if you do summer school. If you're switching to a humanity, it shouldn't be a problem as most of the courses in those majors don't have too many prereqs and you don't start major requirements until your junior year anyhow. It really depends a lot on what your new major will be and how many of those courses you've already (by chance) completed. You should switch, though, regardless because you don't want to study something you hate for 3 more years!
  • bird
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  • Do you think aliens have visited our planet?

    I mean how the hell did our technology change sooo much in the past 100 years? I think the government has come in contact with other beings and hid it so people wouldn't go insane. Does anyone agree? Please be serious my question actually makes sense.
    Do you think aliens have visited our planet?
    No. That's just silly.

    Technology has progressed because of the rise of Capitalism, where a good inventor can become a millionaire, the shrinking of the globe (through better transportation and communication), and the simple fact that inquiry is a lot more free and open now that relligions don't have a stranglehold everywhere.
    Do you think aliens have visited our planet?
    So far we've seen no verifiable evidence of other sentient species. That said, I believe with some certainty that somewhere in our galaxy at some past, present, or future time, a sentient species did/does/will exist.

    Why haven't we heard from them?

    Perhaps they are not technologically advanced enough to be heard. They may be mastering stone knives right now, or experiencing their own Rennaisance.

    Perhaps they are here right now. Any species sufficiently advanced to travel interstellar distances would be able to hide or masquerade with ease. That Boeing 737 that just flew by may be a surveillance craft.

    Perhaps they are so far away they will never notice us and vice versa.

    Perhaps they existed a million years ago and died out.

    Perhaps they will exist a million years from now.

    It is really impossible to know for sure.

    The Drake Equation suggests that there is sentient life out there. The Fermi Paradox casts doubt. Play around with the calculation form at the second link and see what you think.
    Idk, but im sure all of use would like to know the truth
    yes, and some maybe living in area 51!鈥?/a>
    I believe it's possible.
    I doubt it. I just dont see how any type of life form could travel the distance. There are just too many problems.

    1. The space craft would have to be large enough for generations after generations to cover the area needed to reach us.

    2. The space craft would also have to refuel somehow or be able to regenerate fuel for thurst, enviorment temperature control, what ever gas the form breaths.

    3. There would have to be a way to provide food for a trip that could take thousands of years.
    I do believe there is life in other planets, but I doubt that they have set foot on this one. I could be wrong of course. If the government actually has come in contact with them then they have done a pretty good job on hiding it, and not just this government, but others as well. I don't think an alien would just choose to visit the United States.
    No. It doesn't make sense.

    Our technology follows a quite logical and predictable


    The fact that the same thing is 'discovered' at almost the

    same time in different places, (giving rise to disputes about

    primacy and patent rights), is evidence that once the ideas

    leading to a discovery are published, someone will surely make it.

    Do you really think that 'aliens visits' could be kept secret when

    our politicians can't even keep their mistresses secret?

    People might be very interested, but they wouldn't %26quot;go insane%26quot;.

    Would you?
    NO. NO. NO. We are utterly, totally, completely irreversibly, eternally ALONE. Nothing is the Universe has ever, not never will contact us, because we are ALONE here. Separated, blocked out, ushered in to a dark corner of ignorance that no light can break through. There are NO aliens who have EVER visited earth...except one...Us.
    I love people who think the whole universe was made just for humans. You are such a funny and immature species. You always give us a good laugh. Unfortunately, you are also a science illterate species who'd rather believe in make-believe myths than looking at the real universe.

    When I say %26quot;you,%26quot; I didn't mean the writer of this question I meant some of your answerers. Keep asking questions. Of course there's life other than humans and life on Earth.
    no ,there are no aliens .we are just smart. embrace your intellect and don't give it to non-existent spooks.human is the smartest thing to be. we have moved from stone tools to outer space in less than 10,000 yrs. any aliens out in the universe are as planet locked as we,and they are as unaware of us as we are they.
    Completely seriously, we humans have to take the credit for the great advances in technology. There isn't anything really fantastic about it. It just seems that way. One of the keys to these great advances is that little by little, technology has made the work involved in just keeping alive to take less time and effort; thus freeing us to spend time and effort on more discoveries and inventions.

    The other reason that it is not likely that aliens have been behind our technological advances is that due to the tremendous distances between solar systems and the incredible number of solar systems in existence, it is most likely that aliens have not had the luxury of exploring enough solar systems to find us. And that's assuming that they would even have the inclination to visit our savage little planet covered in angry, crazy hairless monkeys.

    Returning to a serious note, even if we assume that aliens have faster-than-light travel, there is still the vast number of solar systems to investigate. If they were to base their level of interest on whether a planet generates electromagnetic radiation for the purpose of communication, if they were more than a hundred light-years away, they still wouldn't have detected that %26quot;sign of intelligent life%26quot; coming from Earth.

    Finally, and this is my opinion, I rather seriously doubt that there is much other %26quot;intelligent%26quot; life out there; given that we define %26quot;intelligent%26quot; as having a conscious mind (exclusively the possession of humans on this planet [again, my opinion]). I consider humans to be an unfortunate aberration; everything that they do goes against the Order of Nature. In all discoveries of science, we have found no thing that is as stupidly destructive as humans. Eventually, Mother Nature will get rid of this blight and the Earth can then rest easy.
    As for what the brain washed among us call %26quot;aliens%26quot;, They are actually called %26quot;watchers%26quot; or %26quot;sons of God%26quot;.

    Ancient depictions before their imprisonment [2 Peter 2:4 / Jude 6]:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    After Phil Schnieder and the boys dug them up [Amos 9:2]:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    You can read more about them in Genesis 6 and the books of Enoch, Jasher, and Jubilees. They do plan on pretending to be %26quot;aliens%26quot; soon as told of in

    2 Thessalonians 2:9-12

    Just in time for 2012. Billions will buy it. Will you?


    How has technology changed/changed us over the past 20- 30 years?


    1. How did you do you banking?

    2. What were concerts like?

    3. How did you know what was on at the movies?

    4. How did you get news and communicate?

    5. What was it like to live with that level of technology?

    6. Was your news and information up to date?

    7. How did you find information?

    8. What was your entertainment like?

    9. What was your entertainment?

    10. How was the education system compared to today?

    11. Do you rely on technology and how (more then you use to)?

    12. How much has technology changed your life?

    13. What are your conclusions about effects multimedia has had on the way we, as individuals compared to the way we lived 20 years ago?

    14. What are some personal advantages and disadvantages to life today as a result of the impact of multimedia technology?

    15. Did you daily activities change ?

    ( or just any other coments about this subjects)
    How has technology changed/changed us over the past 20- 30 years?


    How has technology changed/changed us over the past 20- 30 years?
    1)net or atm


    3)tata sky , newspaper

    4) tv , e-mail , mobile



    7) internet

    8) music

    9) brain teasers

    10)digital technologies to dusty chalks


    12)in many ways , each work of my life has something new

    13)we knew about nook and corner of this country

    14)vulgar scenes and crime scenes have bad impact on growing minds of children

    15)usual as per schedule
    After going thoroughly I here by declare that technology as well as all of us changed over the past 20 to 30 years.

    How do technicians keep up with rapid changes in technology?

    is there any stabilized techniques for them to follow?
    How do technicians keep up with rapid changes in technology?
    Read trade magazines, keep up with scholarly journals (for the more theoretical stuff), etc. Some fields and employers require employees to take so many continuing ed. seminars/classes/etc per year.

    How much do you reply on your mobile phone?

    With technologies changing and mobile phones which are now mp3 players, camera's, diaries, mini pc's even, how much do you use yours?

    Are you one of these %26quot;its a phone, i call people from it%26quot; type of person, or are you the sort of person who uses it most of the day?
    How much do you reply on your mobile phone?
    I use my phone a lot because it has a camera, mp3 player, video call and WiFi...all there are becoming everyday essentials. I can't even imagine how I used to live without them.
    How much do you reply on your mobile phone?
    i use my phone all the time as it has a camera and video recorder so i can catch those special moments where ever i am and look back and smile remembering the happy times. its good to text you can say things in a text that your abit embarrassed to say face to face so it has alot of good uses dont know what id do without it.
    I'm a phone junkie. Here's what I do with my phone. It's a Motorola V6 Maxx.

    1. read the news/ check email on the move

    2. use it as a dictionary (

    3. read books

    4. chatting (GTalk and MSN Messenger)

    5. World time converter

    6. Calculator (RPN, financial calculator, unit conversion)

    7. Bible

    8. Store confidential information

    9. Listen to BBC radio programs I downloaded from the web

    10. Calendar function

    11. Voice notes (reminders, records)

    12. Jajah

    13. SMS

    14. Take pictures

    15. Flash light

    16. Voice calls

    17. Data storage (using memory card with USB cable)
    yes, the mobile demands me the whole day,but i escappppp,bu switching it off.
    On my phone, I don't call anyone, I just play the games. I have no minutes, but I just mess around, I don't have time to get the minutes. BUT I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!
    i'm not depend on a phone only but i know these portable devices are very important nowadays..sometimes i replied more than 15msgs a day..since i found the free software to send free sms via internet,phone n internet are equal same
    I couldn't survived without it! It is my only form of communication!

    Historically, Holland fought the effects of Global Warming there with sea walls, etc. What are they doing now?

    My friend was in Holland (The Netherlands) about ten years ago, and said they were already actively working against the effects of Global Climate Change/Global Warming back then. They were building their sea walls and dikes up much higher, and also finding area for water flow in rivers and flood plains to exist safely.

    But now it is ten years later, and we know things have gotten worse, faster, and I am wondering what they are doing about it now.

    What are they working on? Technology? Changing housing patterns? Are there people who are emigrating away from that country? What is the latest?
    Historically, Holland fought the effects of Global Warming there with sea walls, etc. What are they doing now?
    Here's a recent article with some information. Holland is the 4th country.鈥?/a>

    A little more here:鈥?/a>


    Does this count?鈥?/a>
    Historically, Holland fought the effects of Global Warming there with sea walls, etc. What are they doing now?
    Nothing I want to know about. ( Been there. )
    I am Dutch and asked this very same question a few weeks ago ,but i did not get any good answers;鈥?/a>
    The only thing walls and dikes help with are longshore current errosion, which is not an effect of global warming, but what happens to ocean shores. They are probably currently/ regularly rebuilding and fixing these walls because they are being erroded by waves and water movement! The Netherlands is probably cleaner than some countries because more people ride their bikes there (so I've heard).
    There are areas of holland that were always below sea level, global warming wasn't the reason for dykes
    the netherlands r expected 2 go underwater w/in 50 years
    Well the EU is concidered a world leader in dealing with Greenhouse Gas emissions so I think they are doing quite a bit in terms of sea level rise by using environmental policies like Greenhouse Gas caps, emissions trading etc.. They are currently working on the most important issue Transportation.. Cars are the most prevalent source of human GHG emissions..
    What kind of revisionist liberal stuff have you been reading?

    Holland built the sea walls because they DRAINED a sea bed to make more usable land. They were building the dikes and using windmills to pump out the water for hundreds of years before anyone came up with the term %26quot;Global Warming.%26quot;

    Your question is based on a premise that has no foundation in reality.
  • how to move on with your life
  • networking
  • Can I use the same real D 3d glasses over and over in theatres?

    What I am trying to say is . . . a year ago I saw journey to the center of the earth in 3D and I had to buy the 3D glasses seperately with the ticket. The movie was in Real D 3D.

    I want to go see Avatar in 3D and it's also in real D 3D.

    I really don't want to buy 3D glasses again but I still have the ones from a year ago.

    Can I just use the same ones or has the technology changed that much in one year?
    Can I use the same real D 3d glasses over and over in theatres?
    I believe they all use the same glasses. They should come with the ticket though.

    I received RealD glasses from watching Cloud with a Chance of Meatballs, which wasn't that long ago.

    %26quot;The Marcus Corp is also raking it in by forcing patrons to buy new 3D glasses each time they go to the theater. Despite the fact that folks can reuse the same glasses over and again, the ticket sellers are required by management to sell them a new pair each time. %26quot;Oh, but you can recycle them as you leave the theater%26quot; they offer.%26quot;鈥?/a>
    Can I use the same real D 3d glasses over and over in theatres?
    YES, YES, YES, yes, yes, :)
    The extra cost is not for the glasses, it is for making the movie in 3d. The theater has to buy the glasses themselves. That extra cost goes to the movie studio. Most theater don't like people taking the glasses because they have to buy new ones with their own money. Any theater I have gone to will not let you take the glasses, but sometimes they forget to seed someone to stand at the doorway to make sure everyone returns them.

    Anyone know about a Panasonic camcorder model # wv-d5000 or wv-d5100hs?

    I need to know if they are Still good camcorders, with TECHNOLOGY changing so quickly and all.

    Any idea what a used one would be worth, including the charger and all?

    Any information would be help full. They are supposedly Professional grade units, whats your informed opinion?

    Thank You
    Anyone know about a Panasonic camcorder model # wv-d5000 or wv-d5100hs?
    These are not camcorders, they are just cameras (as in webcam). They were widely used by Cable TV companies for their local origination programs and a few wedding event videographers. They produce an analog (SD) ntsc composite video output which requires a separtate recorder. I used a portable SVHS recorder with mine. They came in many different configurations and options, be sure that you get a power supply, not a charger, as they don't work on batteries. The 8x lens is auto focus, the 12x lens is not. They might be useful if you intend to have a studio where the camera is connected to a video mixer. Otherwise the whole analog video regimen of 25 years ago is mostly obsolete. A price of $100 for a complete operating setup seems fair to me.

    What are some of the changes in technology?

    People didn't alwayas travel by car or plane, i like to know what important changes in technology have taken place during

    your own lifetime?
    What are some of the changes in technology?
    When I was a teenager there where no microwaves,CD players,mp3,cable,everyone dressed close to the same either hippy type or prep,that's in the late 70's..think of the 70's show and that's my teenage years so much alike even the basement thing....
    What are some of the changes in technology?
    nuttin really

    Which affordable laptop would you get to word process and watch movies?

    I'm looking to buy a core2duo laptop that is about 14%26quot; and will run windows vista well and is around $1000 after tax.I'm just using it for documents and downloading/burning/watching movies/music.I'd like a harddrive of at least 80GB and at least 3.5hr battery life.Also, should I be worried about my laptop getting outdated quickly?Should I spend more and get more RAM and processing speed and hard drive just in case? Should I get the best networking card?The question is how much money would you put in to ensure that your computer will be able to cope with technology changes 2-3years down the line?
    Which affordable laptop would you get to word process and watch movies?
    Try the link below, if your wanting a computer to last the long haul, the first thing you want to do is throw out any cheap pc's from your list, like acer, or dell.....who do make a good pc, but its whole purpose is to target low end pc's with parts made by companies you never heard of which makes a simple driver update a nightmare.... but thats how they keep prices so low....try a brand that offers quality hardware, like alienware for instance, they are also cited as having the worlds best support...鈥?/a>

    Also keep in mind, with the hardware your wanting its not going to obsolete after 2 or 3 years, but there is new technology coming out each year that will make your pc slower in comparison.....
    Which affordable laptop would you get to word process and watch movies?
    Acer makes a very good laptop, and a great value for the money. You can get one for $600+, all the bells and whistles.
    Don't worry about your laptop getting outdated... just live with the fact it *will* get outdated. It's inevitable. Buy to suit your needs now... and remember that upgrade parts will probably just get cheaper.

    Get one with SATA disk if you can... that's upcoming technology and you're likely to see PATA disks not being made in newer big sizes.

    Any network card you get will be faster than broadband... 100Mb is standard, 1Gb is now quite common and the internet is probably under 10Mb.

    Other than that, go for one you like that has a good reputation.

    I like HP... but that's my personal bias
    Dell Inspiron series. You will get everything you need for under $1000.

    New technology changed mining by?

    a) making for safer conditions

    b) reducing the need for large numbers of communities

    c) enabling individual prospectors to compete with large companies

    d) creating deep-rock mining shafts where working conditions were dangerous and unpleasant
    New technology changed mining by?
    New technology changed mining by?
    The correct answer is D, just took the test.

    Report Abuse

  • fish
  • for not staying married
  • Technology changed?

    Hey, i was wondering what are the main things in technology that has changed in the last 10 years. Like CRT screens to LCD etc.

    Technology changed?
    Technology now it wont progresses any more every thing is done and there is nothing else that scientist can do, The only thing is to wait to get Elaine technology,
    Technology changed?
    Windows 98 to Windows Vista

    Want to keep a diary, should i do it on my laptop or in a journal?

    i type a lot faster than i write, so i usually prefer doing everything on computers. but i want my diary to be something that i can have to look back on later, and i feel like with technology changing like all the time, when i'm older i won't be able to access it. so probably journal right, in terms of lasting longer?
    Want to keep a diary, should i do it on my laptop or in a journal?
    I write on paper, I like being able to read my thoughts when I want to. I like being able to put in a doodle now and then when I want, or using different size letters when writing or colors of ink. I can also hide my thoughts from other people who I don't want reading them. I guess that I am paranoid, because I always wonder how safe is anything that I put on a computer is. I don't write in them every day but just when something I want to remember happens, or something I want to think about. I find it amusing going back and reading things, how my feelings or thoughts changed on different things, or stayed the same.
    Want to keep a diary, should i do it on my laptop or in a journal?
    i type a lot faster than i write also, but i keep a moleskin because i tend to over-edit what i type... and i want my journal to be more organic.
    its better in a medium sized notebook..
    Yeah a journal is the best wat to go because it will last a lifetime, not just that but also because hand written word carries more emotion.
    journal cause why do you want the world to know all about you

    Friday 7 October 2011

    If there were safe, cheap planetwide travel less than 1hr, how would that change the concept of nationality?

    Say there were ports easily accessible to everyone that allowed anyone to be less than one hour from any point on the planet, would you live where you do? Would you work somewhere else? Would you travel to foreign countries more? Would this kind of technology change our views of nationality, governments and immigration?
    If there were safe, cheap planetwide travel less than 1hr, how would that change the concept of nationality?
    I think it would enable terrorists to be deadlier

    As a law student ,i fell that Indian judiciary system must be changed and speedy justice must be delivered?

    Infomation technology changes all area except judiciary.

    100-60 years old laws still remain without reformation..

    And people spend their precious life in court rooms.

    Indian jails are overcrowded and unhigenic.

    Nearly 3 lakh people are in indian jails.

    75% of them are under trials.

    They are died in jails without getting proper madical aids.

    Human rights commissions can do anything?

    As a law student ,i fell that Indian judiciary system must be changed and speedy justice must be delivered?
    You are right from all angles. A Massive, Effective, Time bound, Judicial Reform for the nation is a need of the moment. But, for that, a willful, sincere and faithful Political vision is also necessary to carry out the changes. Who will initiate ?
    As a law student ,i fell that Indian judiciary system must be changed and speedy justice must be delivered?
    I agree with you. Justice delayed is justice denied.
    The backlog of cases in the various courts right down from the SC to the magistrate's court will take years to clear.With new cases being filed faster than they can be decided,there is no chance of the judiciary

    getting out of the quagmire.Everyone uniformly agrees that judicial

    reforms are the need of the hour but none has suggested anything concrete for the system to get out of the rut.Has anyone tried to analyse the reasons for the backlog?Let us face it.Both the attorneys

    and some sleazy clients are to blame for seeking too many adjournments,sometimes for the flimsiest of reasons when in reality

    it is to put the other side in difficulties by causing the delay.If it is made a strict rule or the judges themselves are strict about enforcing it

    then no adjournments beyond three times should be allowed come hell

    or high water.Any further adjournment sought ,even for a genuine reason should be penalised by imposing costs on the client and the lawyer to compensate the other side as well as wasting the court's time.If some legal luminaries are entrusted with the work of making

    suggestions to expedite delivering justice,there would be some hope for litigants.Otherwise the status quo will not only obtain but the situation will deteriorate beyond repair.
    yes, you are right, but its India, Politician, Beaurocrats and Industrilist change and make the laws for their own benifits, who cares for the normal citizen. Who cam drill in their ***? they snub the judicery , they take the law for ride , what are you talking about, wait for few years for india to disintigrat. Raj Thakrey and Arjun singh has sown the seeds, let it grow.

    I wud be happy to serve for an foreign nation, who would care for me and my family rather then corroupt Indians who suck, **** and kill their own people.
    The present congress govt. will not change the legal system at any cost because of vote bank politics, Because the lawyers, police, jail officials, court officials, baboos, dalals etc. do not want the change. if the change is brought they will not vote for congress govt.
    m absolutely agree wth u , our judicial system realli needs revolutionary reforms , it needs to be more transperent n more rapid.

    wht facts says?

    rght now there are about 4 crores cases r pendin in indian courts.

    IPC is 150 years old , made by britishers to control indians anyhow at anycost?

    its so obivious how could be a system which is more thn a century old work efficently wth a population of more thn 105 crores ,limited amount of jails , in such conditions the judicial system is just forgetin its main aim , which says try to convert criminal in to normal citizens , our jails in become the nersery of criminals n now a dys class room of terrorism too .

    courts r totaly under the hands of corruption , v hav such a big scandal in news . but the million rupee question is wht v can do ?

    v means the peoples hu makes a systm coz as far as i knw nothin positive goona happen by makin colums or writin articles , beleive me nothin goona acheive , wht v need is just a single man wth will power , the day whn any such men come in power m sure things will change , i knw ths is depressin optimism but it is truth dear , u too knw tht
    Yes. I certainly agree that the number of cases pending justise need to be cleared. But I'm not sure if it requires to change the judicial system.

    There are lots of true criminals hanging freely outside than the true criminals sitting inside the jail. If the true criminals were to be brought to trial then the number of cases take a big jump and will take longer to clear. A lot of them sitting inside are also lazy fellows who are sitting inside comfortably for they get their every meal and some of them are substitutes for the true criminal. I'm sure lot of these cases involve the politicians, police and the lawyers.

    I would suggest we need to bring down the number of new cases drastically and work towards putting a stop to new cases. The law and order need to be revised to do this. So inorder to effectively execute this, the politicians, the police and some of lawyers who work with these politicians and police to manupulate these cases need to be kicked out of power.

    Only we (the educated and concerned young blood) could change. Not our parents or the previous generation could change this b'cos they're the ones who screwed up the whole system. They refrained from voting or voted based on the race/caste.

    So we as a educated and young generation who have high aspirations as an individual and for the country need to pull together our family and friends to vote for a single party (BJP) to come to power across all the states. It doesn't stop here, we need to give absolute majority to a single party (BJP) and we need to put our demands very clearly with timeline. I'm sure we can change the INDIA that we all dream off.

    With technology change our lives rapidly, are you afraid losing your job?

    What is your job?

    If yes, why?

    If no, why?

    10 pts. for good or detailed answer
    With technology change our lives rapidly, are you afraid losing your job?
    no. I'm an executive assistant. No machine can do everything i do.
    With technology change our lives rapidly, are you afraid losing your job?
    No I'm not. I don't think technology can wipe out freelance writers.
    Technically, I don't think a slave can be fired.
  • good fantasy name
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  • Technology how is it changing how we have relationships?

    The use of instant messaging, online social networks, email and other forms of electronic communication has become increasingly common among people of all ages. How do these new technologies affect the way we socialize and build relationships? your position with reasons and examples from your own experience, and observations
    Technology how is it changing how we have relationships?
    i recently heard about something about how people are so into their phones and their technology that when going on job interviews, they avoided eye contact and they were sort of nervous. i think this was an example of how people are too into their technology and it's pretty scary. I personally hope that i don't stoop to that level so im avoiding being so reliable on tech.

    How do you keep up to date in programming?

    What's the best way or normal way software developers, programmers, and IT staff keeps up to date with all the technology changes. My company pays me for books, but is reluctant to send me to classes, i.e. New Horizons as they are too expensive. I also know there are video training out there, as far as keeping up to date with all of the changes from Microsoft, i.e. Windows Server 2003, VB.Net 2005, etc. how do you do it?
    How do you keep up to date in programming?
    I join forums and look at online tutorials. There are a lot of good programming forums out there, and most of the people are happy to help you.
    How do you keep up to date in programming?
    Never stop studying, sign up to their news releases, read their release information, its hard but it can be worth it...sometimes.

    And by their, I mean the languages' main developers.

    How have emerging technologies changed your relationship with other people, and nature?

    This is a essay that i need help on. I need suggestions! Please help and be specific please! thank you
    How have emerging technologies changed your relationship with other people, and nature?
    The first time I chatted with someone from Iceland on the web, I could actually feel the earth shrinking. It was free and places like Brazil and Denmark were suddenly open to me. I could tour the earth from my computer.

    What are some uses of technology in movies, and how has technology changed over time.?

    need information on movies and how they have changed over time due to technology.
    What are some uses of technology in movies, and how has technology changed over time.?
    Film Style and Technology: History and Analysis

    by Barry Salt, ISBN: 095090662X

    I think I saw this book in our local library, and it discusses exactly what you are talking about

    From the website:

    %26quot;Book Description

    The first and only history of motion picture style. The relation of film style to film technology.%26quot;

    from a reviewer: %26quot;[Barry Salt links] film style with technical improvements in technology. Fundamentally, this 'physicalist' angle functions as an important tool for understanding how certain film styles came to be. The book benefits from the fact that Salt has seen practically every Western film made since cinema began%26quot;


    Updating because I also just found an article on this subject online. Milestones in Film History:

    Greatest Visual and Special Effects at The link is below