Friday 16 September 2011

Can you remember how fast technology changed in the ten years from 1970 to 1980?

It is almost the end of another decade..

You could have slept through the 00,s Decade and you would not have missed anything.
Can you remember how fast technology changed in the ten years from 1970 to 1980?
Funny, I was talking to my mother yesterday and we discussed this. In the early 70's we had a vacuum cleaner that was a huge monster that was back breaking to drag around. We had a black and white TV and two channels to watch, a LP player that scratched records and a cassette player in that car that used to chew the tapes mercilessly. And we all thought it all was 眉ber cool.

In the early 80's we had a colour TV, and listen to this... we had a remote control so that we didn't have to get up to switch between the two channels! wow. Even more edgy, we had a betamax and we could tape one channel while watching the other. Super! Most kids had a Walkman that didn't chew tapes but ate batteries empty in no time. And the coolest kids had TV games, not we though, my parents thought it was bad for kids. The vacuum cleaner was manageable and later in the 80's the old LP player got a CD player added to it. We even got one computer to our school and we got three lessons per student and year about how to use it. Another new thing was those huge and heavy bags that you carried a cellphone and its batteries in. Amazing really, you could call people that was nowhere near a regular phone, but it cost a fortune. I think we paid as much as $2.5 a minute at first when the cellphones were new.

Our parents never really knew where we were because we never cared to find a phone booth to call home and let them know. Parents today can even track their kids cellphones through GPS to see where they are. (Not legal in all countries from what I know though.)

I've tried to explain the difference between the 70's and the 80's (sometimes I even add the 60's) to my children and they simply don't understand how huge the changes really was. Today the change is a newer cellphone with even more functions and internet connection but they can't understand how it was to take the step from being tied to land line phone to being able to make a phone call from anywhere at any time. Or how about the amazing step from mono to stereo and then to scratch free listening?


I almost for got the Game %26amp; Watch games. I still have my old Donkey Kong in a box and I pet it lovingly every time I see it. The cool kids had double screen games and I had to do a lot of begging to get mine.
Can you remember how fast technology changed in the ten years from 1970 to 1980?
HOW much faster and smaller is impressive, but i personally think the 2010's are going to be a bit more impressive if some of the technology proposed comes out as planned
yes...i remember rooms full of secretaries typing on typewriters....Typing Pools they were called....and then the Word Processor came along and one machine took over their jobs and they were all redundant!!
I wasn't born.......

I'm a '85 baby.