Friday 16 September 2011

How can Physics and Technology change peoples way of living and thinking?

And what are some of the career opportunities that await a physicist?
How can Physics and Technology change peoples way of living and thinking?
Most people will apply it to odd jobs in and around the home. That's when its most useful. Lots of household furniture are designed with good physical knowledge involved. Physics and technology allows people to live faster. It no longer takes hours to cook and its easier to communicate.

Physics can be applied many ways. First, you should take courses in physics to determine what area you really like. A set of careers for physicist can be researching mechanical designs and materials, structures, developing alternative energy sources, discovering the universe, etc. There are alot of professional research careers out there. Research and development is a good one for people interested in physics. Others will go into programming and analysis.
How can Physics and Technology change peoples way of living and thinking?
Physics is visible anywhere you witness a structure standing. Technology is EVERYWHERE. Look how far we have come in the last ten years with computers %26amp; cellphones.