Friday 16 September 2011

How has modern technology changed the way politicians campaign?

In the past elections we've seen the internet's role grow and grow. Which candidates have fully realized the potential thereof, and how did they do so?

At the same time, have there been candidates who have attempted and failed to forgo using the internet in their campaigns?
How has modern technology changed the way politicians campaign?
From the 2004 Presidential %26quot;battle to the death%26quot; - - Kerrey of Massachusetts was weak in utilizing the Internet fundraising arm (Howard Dean had done a superb job leading up to the initial Iowa Caucus event in January that year) - - Bush was able to get a focused group of supporters who raised record amounts for any kind of Party Incumbent, so Karl Rove %26amp; Company had utilized Internet for %26quot;base%26quot;-building. . .Some websites are more effective obviously and the Winner thus far is. . .

Barack Obama and his supportive team ! ! !
How has modern technology changed the way politicians campaign?
Youtube and the internet. Ron Paul and all the Dem's.
it actually has been internet supporters of candidates that have swung things the candidate who used the internet the most to my recollection would be howard dean and his campaign didnt go far then of course there was al gore who invented the internet and that didnt work out for him either but it was internet bloggers that saved george bush s campaign in 04 so it certainly has changed things
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